December 2022

20th December 2022

Walk and Talk with the Bunnies Group...

Walk and Talk with the Squirrels Group...

Walk and Talk with the Foxes Group. We will need to remember to take more photos next time!


Well done to all the children for taking part in our nativity. They all did an amazing job learning all the songs, practising their lines and then performing two shows on the day. Here are a few photos of some of the sheep, shepherds and camels getting ready.

1st December 2022


Parents and nursery children, we need your help!

Some of our small world characters and items are lost and they need help finding their way back home.

The nursery have various small items in our small world area such as wooden peg dolls, furniture for our dolls house, cars, trees, animals etc. Some of these items very easily and understandably slip into pockets during children’s play.

Quite often we find items hidden in safe places around the nursery but unfortunately, we are struggling to find any of our wooden dolls. If you think any nursery items are currently visiting your homes, we ask that you please return them.

Many Thanks!

The Creative Area

The children have been continuing their exploration of colours in our creative area. They have been mixing, matching and developing skills such as sorting, ordering and counting. This learning has linked perfectly with our sensory curriculum where the children have daily opportunities to use play dough, paints, shaving foam, ice, etc.

Outdoor Area

The weather is getting colder but that doesn't stop our children from playing outdoors. Ciara and Maria have been exploring science outdoors by investigating the weather using their weather vane and recording their findings using charts. They measured the temperature, the rain fall and the direction of the wind using a rain gauge, thermometer and weather vane.

The children also enjoyed some messy play by creating their own fluffy clouds using foam which you will see in the photos below.