Our Activities

We bring people and horses together to experience improved health and wellbeing, learn new skills and have fun.

We work with children & adults living with disabilities, additional support needs, neurodiversity and mental health challenges, as well as carers and young carers.  We accept applications via self-referral, local authority placements, schools, care settings and corporate referrals.

Interested in participating? Contact us here

Horse Riding

"Horse riding lets me escape the clutches of my disability"

Horse riding is fantastic physical therapy. Dana, Angel and Laddie welcome riders on Mondays and Fridays for one to one, paired, and small group lessons. Join them for fun, learning and the opportunity to progress and compete in RDA competitions. Follow us on social media for extra school holiday riding opportunities. 

Maximum rider weight 11 stone (69kg).

Equestrian Vaulting

Equestrian vaulting (gymnastics on horseback) is fantastic for core strength, balance, coordination, teamwork, supporting communication skills and having fun.

Our weekly vaulting sessions are held on Tuesday evenings, with extra sessions during school holidays. Young people can attend for therapy and recreation, with the opportunity to compete for those who choose.

Ask about our Vaulting for Primary Schools programme!

Participant weight limit 10 stone (63kg). 

Find out more about our activities!

Dementia-Friendly Activities

Join us for Tea with a Pony, a nationwide RDA initiative that invites people living with dementia and their family member or carer to spend purposeful, joyful, therapeutic time with our horses. Watch part of an RDA session together, enjoy tea and cake then spend one-to-one time with our gentle equines. 

Open to individual and care home enquiries. 

Horse Care & Stable Management

Caring for our horses is a rewarding activity that supports practical skills development, learning, coordination, teamwork, perseverance, responsibility and communication skills. 

Our Horse Care Club meets fortnightly on Friday afternoons for fun, learning and skills development in a friendly and sociable environment. 

Join us and work toward RDA Horse Care & Endeavour awards, Saltire and Duke of Edinburgh awards. 

Ask about our Horse Care for High Schools programme!

Follow us on Facebook for school holiday horse care session dates.


We couldn't run our sessions without the support of our dedicated team of volunteers! Volunteering is a rewarding and enjoyable way to spend time with horses and people while giving back to the community and learning new skills. 

We welcome volunteers aged 12+, with volunteer hours logged for Saltire and Duke of Edinburgh awards. There is a role for everyone - from helping to deliver our on-site activities to attending events, fundraising and providing specialist professional support. Experience with horses is always helpful, but a friendly manner and enthusiasm are just as important! 

Interested in volunteering with us? Head to our volunteering page.

Family Sessions

Family sessions are for children and young people with complex or life-limiting disabilities who are not able to attend our core activities. These special sessions allow families to meet, groom and spend time with our horses as well as enjoy our sensory stable, arts and crafts, and refreshments. Bring your family in the school holidays and make memories with your siblings and carers in the company of our horses.

EFL for Mental Health and Wellbeing

Equine Facilitated Learning sessions combine coaching, discussion, reflection, and observation with mindful, relaxing, ground-based activities with a horse. Our sessions are run by facilitators who have completed ACCPH-approved professional qualifications. EFL activities invite exploration of personal goals, anxieties, behaviours and challenges. 

Unfortunately we cannot offer EFL sessions right now. Stay in touch for updates through our Instagram, Facebook, or blog, or let us know that you're interested.

Find out more about our activities!