Riverside Middle School Family Bulletin

2020 Retirees: Arlene Boyd, Lois Boyd, Laura Harris, Mary Jean Mahoney, John Macomber, Susan Reavey. We will really miss this bunch!

June 7, 2020

The finish line is in sight

We have just about made it to the end of the 2019-2020 school year. It has been quite the journey over the past few months and we have learned a lot of new things. We have much to reflect upon over the summer as we prepare for the future. On behalf of the RMS Faculty & Staff, thank you for taking on the challenge of distance learning (both students and parents!) and for being so gracious and patient as we all worked to figure this out. We believe we are a stronger school community because of it and we are hopeful for the day when we will all be able to get together and celebrate. In the meantime, here are a few announcements. More information will be provided over the week.

Upcoming Events:

June 2020


  • 8th Grade Family Celebration: On Monday, June 8th, the 8th Grade Family Celebration video will be available at 6:30 pm on YouTube. (A link will be sent via email and will also be posted on the RMS Facebook Page and in the 8th Grade Information Google Classroom, and here on the RMS Family Bulletin.) The video features students and faculty members. We are hoping that all of our RMS families will plan an event at their homes (perhaps FaceTime or Zoom with friends and other families or a celebratory dinner after the event). We recognize that this is no substitute for the recognition that our kids deserve, but we hope you will enjoy the contributions from our students, teachers, and parents. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNLgopXePy4&feature=youtu.be

  • Viking Awards: Each year, RMS teachers hold an awards program for students in all grades. Here are links to this year's live streams.

  • Yearbook Pick Up Event: One of the big events we have planned for our 8th graders is the Yearbook pick-up. Our plan is to have the parents of 8th graders drive the kids to RMS around the circle where they will be able to see their teachers (safely from cars), and pick up their yearbooks and some other items. Unfortunately, Lifetouch has delayed the delivery of yearbooks and has not provided us with a delivery date. Therefore, in order to give everyone time to get things together, it looks like we will be having our event after June 11th. A message will be sent out as soon as we have a definitive date of delivery.

  • Report Cards: At 2:15 pm onJune 11th (the last day of school), reports cards will be available on Skyward. The report cards can be viewed the same way they were in the 3rd quarter.

  • Videos of Events: Thank you to everyone who has taken part and organized our end of year events. We have learned how to organize so many new things in such a short time! Here are links to videos.

  • Summer Reading: Here is a link to this year's Summer Reading lists. Below are the titles students can choose from.

      • New Kid​ ​by Jerry Craft

      • The Next Great Paulie Fink​ by Ali Benjamin

      • Sal and Gabi Break the Universe​ by Carlos Alberto Hernandez

      • Focused​ ​by Alyson Gerber

      • Ice Wolves​ ​by Amie Kaufman

      • Friendroid by M.M. Vaughan

  • RMS Art Show 2020: Ms. Gustafson and Ms. Pendergast put together the RMS Art Show 2020 to highlight some of the amazing work of our RMS artists.

  • EPHS Summer Work: Reading for incoming 9th Graders: Here are links to work for incoming EPHS 9th graders.

  • Locker Items Pick Up: Items were picked up last week. All items will be stored over the summer and will be returned when school resumes.

  • National Junior Honor Society 2020-2021 Information: We are pleased to announce that Riverside Middle School is an affiliated chapter of the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS). Students entering 8th grade this Fall will be eligible for membership. Membership is open to those students who meet the required standards in five areas of evaluation: scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. Students are selected for membership by majority vote of a five-member principal-appointed faculty council, which will bestow this honor upon qualified students on behalf of the faculty of our school each year. Please read this document for an overview of the membership requirements.

From Last Week's Bulletin:

  • Chromebooks: As of right now, the plan is for students to hold onto their Chromebooks over the summer, keep them charged, and bring them back to RMS when we return to school. There will be considerable blocks put on the devices over the summer to keep students with access to educational content.

  • EPHS Fall Sports: 8th graders who are interested in signing up for EPHS Fall sports will be able to do so in the coming weeks. In case anyone misses signups, here are the coaches' email addresses.

Townie Tuesday photos, Mr. Moran crushed Mr. Perry's challenge, Inspirational Friday quotes, Ms. Reavey received top prize for Wear a Hat Wednesday

May 31, 2020

End-of-Year events are in full swing

We have just about made it to June and the end of the 2019-2020 school year. Teachers will be wrapping up instruction with final projects, lessons, and assessments. We will also be having a number of virtual events to mark the end of the school year. Despite the fact that we lost out on so much face-to-face time, it's important that we take time to reflect upon the many things we learned this year and the relationships we made and strengthened. It's also important that we recognize our 8th Graders and they end their career at RMS. Our 8th Graders are a really an outstanding bunch of kids and we want to do the best we can to recognize their contribution to our school community. Here are some events and announcements to wrap up the school year.

Upcoming Events:

June 2020

    • 1 Monday: Professional Day (no school)

    • 2 Tuesday: Locker Items Pick-up 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

    • 2 Tuesday: 8th Grade Honors Night 6:30 pm (Livestream) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rC8o3IkAfUQ

    • 3 Wednesday: Locker Items Pick-up 12:00 - 1:00 pm

    • 4 Thursday: Locker Items Pick-up 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

    • 4 Thursday: 8th Grade Slide Show 1:00 pm (Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZWvyFRXDms

    • 4 Thursday: NJHS End-of Year Meeting 2:00 pm (Google Meet)

    • 5 Friday: Viking Awards - Grade 8 11:00 am (Google Meet)

    • 6 Saturday: EPHS Graduation

    • 8 Monday: 8th Grade Family Celebration 6:30 pm (Video)

    • 9 Tuesday: Viking Awards - Grade 6, 9:00 am, Grade 7, 11:00 am (Google Meet)

    • 11 Thursday: Last Day of School


  • No School on Monday 6/1: Monday, June 1 will be a Professional Day. There will be no school for students.

  • Locker Items Pick Up: Items have been taken out of lockers and placed in plastic bags. There will be three opportunities when parents can come to RMS to retrieve the bags. Textbooks and library books can be dropped off at this time too (although there will be opportunities to drop off books later too). The dates and times are as follows:

      • Tuesday, June 2 10:00 am-12:00 pm

      • Wednesday, June 3 12:00 pm -1:00 pm

      • Thursday, June 4 10:00 am-12:00 pm

It is necessary to provide for safety of everyone involved. Cars will drive down the main driveway to the circle (where the usual morning drop-off takes place). Once at the entrance to the circle, a staff member will meet your car and will ask for the locker number. We will radio into the school and another staff member will retrieve the bag. Cars will drive around to the door on the side of the building and a staff member will bring the bag out to your car. No one will be allowed to walk up to the school. Everyone must remain in the car. It would even be appreciated if everyone were wearing masks. We don't know how long the line will be, so we appreciate your patience. Any items that are not picked up will be stored and may be retrieved in the fall or at another designated time.

  • 8th Grade Honors Night: On Tuesday, June 2nd, we will hold our annual 8th Grade Honors program. Students who will be presented awards like the President's Award for Academic Achievement, have received notifications. The event will be live streamed for anyone to watch. Here is the address.: https://stream.meet.google.com/stream/4347a9b2-ab19-492b-b270-314a657d662a

  • 8th Grade Family Celebration: On Monday, June 8th, the 8th Grade Family Celebration video will be available at 6:30 pm. There will be speakers and presentations. We are hoping that all of our RMS families will plan an event at their homes (perhaps FaceTime or Zoom with friends and other families or a celebratory dinner after the event). We recognize that this is no substitute for the recognition that our kids deserve, but we will be sure to do it right when we are allowed to do so.

  • National Junior Honor Society 2020-2021 Information: We are pleased to announce that Riverside Middle School is an affiliated chapter of the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS). Students entering 8th grade this Fall will be eligible for membership. Membership is open to those students who meet the required standards in five areas of evaluation: scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. Students are selected for membership by majority vote of a five-member principal-appointed faculty council, which will bestow this honor upon qualified students on behalf of the faculty of our school each year. Please read this document for an overview of the membership requirements.

  • Incoming 6th Grade Family Night: The Welcome to RMS video for incoming 6th graders and their families was released last week. Please share this link with any 5th grade families you know. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_3qD-uB71k

  • EPHS Senior Motorcade: There will be a motorcade on Sunday, June 7th at 11:00 am for EPHS graduates. The event starts at RMS and will drive up Forbes St., take a right onto Willett Ave. and head toward Pawtucket Ave.. Former RMS students would enjoy seeing community members along the motorcade route on Sunday. Of course, social distancing rules apply!

  • Chromebooks: As of right now, the plan is for students to hold onto their Chromebooks over the summer, keep them charged, and bring them back to RMS when we return to school. There will be considerable blocks put on the devices over the summer to keep students with access to educational content.

  • Yearbooks: We are still waiting word on a delivery date for RMS Yearbooks. Production by Lifetouch has been delayed. Once we know for sure the date of delivery, we will set up the drive-by pick up. This has confounded some of our plans and we are not happy about it!

  • 'The Dean's List' Updated: Riverside Middle School's Dean of Students, Mr. Petsch updates The Dean's List on Motivational Mondays with information about the amazing efforts of RMS students, faculty, staff and families. If you would like to nominate someone for outstanding efforts in scholarship, character, service leadership, or citizenship, send an email to bpetsch@epschoolsri.com. You can check out past recipients here. Here are this week's recipients:

      • Scholarship: Sixth grade social studies teacher, Mrs. Mennucci, would like to recognize one of her students...David C.... for embracing distance learning. David has developed into a true scholar during this difficult time. Mrs. Mennucci said, "Before distance learning started, David was challenged by his teachers to demonstrate what we knew he could do. David has triumphed in social studies this quarter. Since starting distance learning, David has not only completed his social studies work; he has turned it in before the due dates. David's writing is insightful and well done. I am so proud of him. Keep up the great effort, David! Mrs. Wallace would like to recognize Noah N. She reports that Noah has been a rock star since virtual learning has started. He's kept up with his work every week and is trying his best with each assignment. I'm very proud of him and all that he's been doing under these extreme learning conditions.

      • Character: 8th grader, Connor S. has shown tremendous character during these difficult times. He has experienced some adversity and loss but has continued to persevere and remain positive. Teachers, including Mr. Bullock, have noted that Connor has shown great effort and has completed all of the tasks assigned to him. Connor’s grades have improved to all A’s and B’s as a result of his integrity and fortitude. On a similar note, PE teacher and National Junior Honor Society leader Mr. Kirkutis nominates Will L for his Character this week. He offered to create and edit an inspirational video for the workers at the Waterview Villa Nursing Home without being asked. When he was speaking about the video at the National Junior Honor Society meeting, he spoke about what the group would be accomplishing by sharing their inspirational pictures and didn't mention to anyone that he would be creating and editing the video footage. RMS is proud of all of the NJHS students for their leadership and contributions to our community. These young, scholar-leaders are all service-driven, empathetic and wise beyond their years. We are sad to see them leave our school but are excited to watch them thrive in the next chapter of their lives. EPHS look out! You are getting a gem next year with the addition of our NJHS members and our 8th grade as a whole. They are all ready and prepared to get involved as “Townies!”

  • EPHS Fall Sports: 8th graders who are interested in signing up for EPHS Fall sports will be able to do so in the coming weeks. In case anyone misses signups, here are the coaches' email addresses.

From Last Week's Bulletin:

  • Pre-Algebra Enrichment: Mr. Pond is offering enrichment pre-algebra for 8th grade students. Any 8th grade student who is interested in strengthening their math skills in order to get ready for high school should contact Mr. Pond (dpond@epschoolsri.com) for more information.

  • Google Meet, Livestreams, & Videos: In the schedule above, the type of event is indicated at the end in parentheses. Google Meet means that the participants are all in the same meeting. Livestream means that the some people are in the meeting and others are able to watch it as it is happening. Video means that it was pre-recorded and posted for viewing at a later date. There are a number or reasons we hold these three different types of events. A lot of it has to do with how many people it is necessary to manage in a meeting. There are also issues to address related to safety and privacy. The goal is to choose the form of engagement that will provide for the most effective communication with our students and families. The good news is that we are learning every day and getting better at it.

Mr. Macomber, the RMS Teacher of the Year, Phys. Ed teachers in their bitmoji classroom, Selena and mom dropping off art donations in the community, Teachers saying hello in a Faculty Meeting

May 17, 2020

We're getting ready for end-of-year activities

The pleasant, warm weather has finally arrived in Rhode Island and some of the restrictions imposed by Governor Raimondo have been loosened. This time of year at RMS is devoted to preparing for end of year activities. We are going to do our best to hold some events that will allow everyone to have some closure and celebrate the end of another school year. We know that once we have the OK, we will return to RMS and provide our 8th graders with the send-off they deserve. In the meantime, we will host some 'distance activities' in order to get together as a community. Thank you for continuing to communicate during this challenging time. Please reach out to teachers, counselors, and administrators if you have questions or concerns. Here are some details about things that are happening 'at RMS'.

  • Upcoming Events:

May 2020

    • 19 Tuesday: Grade Level Assemblies (Google Meet)

    • 20 Wednesday: Professional Day (no school for students)

    • 20 Wednesday: EPLAC Meeting 6:00 pm (Google Meet)

    • 25 Monday: Memorial Day (no school)

    • 26-29 Tuesday-Friday: RMS Spirit Week (Sponsored by NJHS)

    • 27 Wednesday: Incoming 6th Grade Family Night 6:30 pm (Video)

June 2020

    • 1 Monday: Professional Day (no school)

    • 2 Tuesday: 8th Grade Honors Night 6:30 pm (Google Meet)

    • 4 Thursday: 8th Grade Slide Show 1:00 pm (Video)

    • 4 Thursday: NJHS End-of Year Meeting 2:00 pm (Google Meet)

    • 5 Friday: Viking Awards - Grade 8 11:00 am (Livestream)

    • 6 Saturday: EPHS Graduation

    • 8 Monday: 8th Grade Family Celebration 6:30 pm (Video)

    • 9 Tuesday: Viking Awards - Grade 6, 9:00 am, Grade 7, 11:00 am (Livestream)

    • 11 Thursday: Last Day of School

  • Google Meet, Livestreams, & Videos: In the schedule above, the type of event is indicated at the end in parentheses. Google Meet means that the participants are all in the same meeting. Livestream means that the some people are in the meeting and others are able to watch it as it is happening. Video means that it was pre-recorded and posted for viewing at a later date. There are a number or reasons we hold these three different types of events. A lot of it has to do with how many people it is necessary to manage in a meeting. There are also issues to address related to safety and privacy. The goal is to choose the form of engagement that will provide for the most effective communication with our students and families. The good news is that we are learning every day and getting better at it.

  • 8th Grade Honors Night: On Tuesday, June 2nd, we will hold our annual 8th Grade Honors program. Students who will be presented awards like the President's Award for Academic Achievement, will receive an invitation to a Google Meet. Parents will be able to follow along with their kids in the Meet. The event will be recorded, edited if necessary, and shared so that other family members can view the event.

  • 8th Grade Family Celebration: On Monday, June 8th, the 8th Grade Family Celebration video will be available at 6:30 pm. There will be speakers and presentations. We are hoping that all of our RMS families will plan an event at their homes (perhaps FaceTime or Zoom with friends and other families or a celebratory dinner after the event). We recognize that this is no substitute for the recognition that our kids deserve, but we will be sure to do it right when we are allowed to do so.

  • Incoming 6th Grade Family Night: Over the past few weeks, Mr. Perry, Mr. Salgueiro, and Mr. Petsch have met in Google Meet with 5th graders and their teachers from Waddington, Hennessey, and Silver Spring to talk about RMS and to answer questions. However, there are a number of parents who would like to know more about our school. On Thursday, May 27th, we will post a presentation with information about RMS for incoming 6th graders and their families. Along with a program from administrators, department coordinators will talk about academic programs and teachers will say hello. Once the presentation is published, RMS families will be asked to please share with the parents of our incoming 6th graders.

  • Grade Level Assemblies: Mr. Perry, Mr. Salgueiro, and Mr. Petsch will be holding an assembly for each grade level on Tuesday, May 19th to discuss the end of the school year and to answer questions. These are voluntary check-ins and links to Google Meet will be available in students' grade level Google Classroom 15 minutes before each meeting. 6th Grade will be at 9:00 am, 7th Grade at 11:00 am, and 8th Grade at 1:00 pm.

  • RMS Spirit Week: The RMS Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society is sponsoring Spirit Week May 26-29. The end of the school year will be in full sight and we will need some things to help keep us focused. Why not let some of the best and brightest kids around create some fun for us! Students should keep an eye on Google Classroom for an update about the themes for RMS Spirit Week!

  • Congratulations to Mr. Macomber: John Macomber, a teacher at RMS for over 30 years has been selected the RMS Teacher of the Year for 2020. Any student who has had Mr. Macomber as an ELA or special education teacher knows that he holds kids to a high level of expectation and is much endeared by his students. Mr. Macomber will be retiring at the end of the school year and leaves behind a legacy of excellence.

  • Congratulations to RMS Retirees: John Macomber will be retiring at the end of the school year along with four other esteemed faculty and staff members - 8th Grade Social Studies teacher Sue Reavey, Reading teacher Mary Jean Mahoney, Paraprofessional Lois Boyd, and Secretary Arlene Boyd. We are sad that our friends will not be with us next year as they are incredibly devoted professionals and wonderful to be around, but we are happy for them as they enter the next part of their lives. Feel free to reach out over the next few weeks to these incredible members of our school community.

  • Cleaning out RMS: Plans are in the works for getting items from lockers back to students. Items are being removed and bagged in a safe manner. We will likely have a schedule and drive-up procedure. An announcement will be made when the plan is finalized. The same can be said for returning books, Chromebooks, instruments, etc.

  • Yearbooks: We are still waiting word on a delivery date for RMS Yearbooks. Production by Lifetouch has been delayed.

  • Pre-Algebra Enrichment: Mr. Pond is offering enrichment pre-algebra for 8th grade students. Any 8th grade student who is interested in strengthening their math skills in order to get ready for high school should contact Mr. Pond (dpond@epschoolsri.com) for more information.

From Last Week's Bulletin:

  • Keeping Students Engaged: We know that keeping the kids engaged in their school work is a big concern 'in school' and at home. Teachers are working to provide meaningful lessons and reach our kids the best we can. The biggest change that we have made this quarter to address this concern is in the grading of assignments. We felt it was best for students, parents, and teachers to simplify our grading process. Therefore, for the 4th quarter all assignments will be graded as 60 (not meeting distance learning expectations, 80 (meeting distance learning expectations), or 100 (exceeding distance learning expectations). Teachers clearly state in their assignments the expectations of students when work needs to be handed in and they are also providing consistent feedback to students about assignments. The hope is that we can strike the right balance of high expectations, the learning styles of all of our students, and the challenges of distance learning. Students and parents are encouraged to reach out to teachers for clarification about assignments when necessary. We are all figuring this out together and effective communication always makes the process better.

  • Distance Learning Meals Program: The East Providence School Department will continue to provide Daily breakfast and lunch packs for all of our students through the remainder of this school year until June 11th. This time frame includes any professional, and/or vacation days the Governor set forth in May and June. The established sites and bus stops will remain in place as well. We are reviewing options as to what may be available to families once school ends. We will keep you posted. In the meantime, if you or anyone you know is in need of additional meals to those we provide daily, please feel free to reach out to us, or to School Committee member Anthony Ferreira at email: aferreira@epschoolsri.com.

  • Using Google Classroom Effectively: Now that Google Classroom is our reality, we all need to figure out how to best use it well. Teachers have been working together in professional development sessions to practice using the latest technologies and learning apps. We also know that parents are learning how to best support the students in their homes. Keeping the kids focused until the end of the school year is going to be a real challenge, but our best chance of doing so is if all of the teachers (of course, that means parents and those at RMS) are working together. Here is a video that our Instructional Coach, Ms. Chamberland, put together that provides some tips for parents in using google Classroom. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QUsUjyF5XOjaZATBdzE22pDHjJixG5vs/view

  • Students Using Gmail: We are living in an age in which almost everyone has a mobile phone and texting has become the primary form of digital communication. For school, however, email is the most common way that we communicate. This has been a concern in distance learning because a lot kids just don't check their email often enough. We are asking parents and guardians to please encourage your kids to login to their Gmail a few times per day as a lot of important messages are going unread. Perhaps encourage them to have it be the first and last thing they do during their 'school day'. (...and thank you parents for checking your email. We know you have been getting A LOT more since we moved to distance learning.)

Student digital art work, Scott Caldwell of the NE Revolution meeting with RMS, The RMS PTSA recognition of Teacher Appreciation Week, Getting into the spirit of Reading Week

May 3, 2020

We're making the best of distance learning

Now that we know for a fact that we will remain in a distance learning for the rest of the school year, it's time to make the best of our situation. Without question, this is not how we wanted to end our school year. We are going to do our best to provide our 8th graders with an experience that will help them put an exclamation point on their time as our students leaders at RMS. Before then, we have another month of learning and we will get our 6th and 7th graders ready to take on leadership roles at RMS. It will be necessary for us all to work together to get through to June 11th successfully.

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week (details below). We all know that parents are the most important teachers in the lives of our kids and therefore, this year, Teacher Appreciation Week takes on a special significance. So, to all of the parents and guardians who are working side-by-side with their children to make the best of distance learning, "Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!" Also, thank you to all of the members of our school community who have been supportive during this challenging time. We know that many families are dealing with difficulties, yet so many people have come together and offered messages of patience, understanding, and support. Here are some details about things that are happening 'at RMS'.

  • Upcoming Events: Governor Raimondo provided a schedule for professional days and vacation days. The first Professional Day (and 'no school' for students) is on Wednesday, May 6th. Here are some important dates.

May 2020

    • 4-17 Mon-Sun: Virtual Book Fair

    • 6 Wednesday: Professional Day (no school for students)

    • 15 Friday: Vacation Day

    • 20 Wednesday: Professional Day (no school for students)

    • 25 Monday: Memorial Day (no school)

June 2020

    • 1 Monday: Professional Day (no school)

    • 11 Thursday: Last Day of School

  • Keeping Students Engaged: We know that keeping the kids engaged in their school work is a big concern 'in school' and at home. Teachers are working to provide meaningful lessons and reach our kids the best we can. The biggest change that we have made this quarter to address this concern is in the grading of assignments. We felt it was best for students, parents, and teachers to simplify our grading process. Therefore, for the 4th quarter all assignments will be graded as 60 (not meeting distance learning expectations, 80 (meeting distance learning expectations), or 100 (exceeding distance learning expectations). Teachers clearly state in their assignments the expectations of students when work needs to be handed in and they are also providing consistent feedback to students about assignments. The hope is that we can strike the right balance of high expectations, the learning styles of all of our students, and the challenges of distance learning. Students and parents are encouraged to reach out to teachers for clarification about assignments when necessary. We are all figuring this out together and effective communication always makes the process better.

  • It's Teacher Appreciation Week!: It's the time of year again when we honor the efforts of our faculty and staff members who 'go the distance' every day for their students. We know that our professionals didn't get into teaching for fame and fortune. They became teachers because they wanted to make a difference in the lives of children. Every year, we honor our teachers with a luncheon and some small tokens of our appreciation. This year, it is harder to do so, but our awesome PTSA has put together some surprises. Students and parents can do their part by reaching out to teachers and expressing their thanks! We will create posts all week on the RMS Facebook page to recognize our teachers.

  • The Scholastic Book Fair is on!: Did you think Mrs. Ash would forget about the Book Fair? Absolutely not!!! The virtual Scholastic book fair is scheduled for May 4- May 17. Books will be shipped directly to your home and there is FREE SHIPPING on book orders over $25 Here is the link which will be live on Monday May 4th. https://www.scholastic.com/bf/riversidemiddleschool12.

  • Check out the RMS Sports Meet with Scott Caldwell of the NE Revolution: Thank you to 6th grade math teacher, Deb D'Arezzo and her daughter Merrill for helping to organize the RMS Sports Meet with Scott Caldwell, midfielder for the New England Revolution. Scott spoke to students, parents, and faculty members about being a professional athlete, his experiences in youth sports, and more. You can see a video recap here. https://youtu.be/Kgl0gOXIqvI

  • End of Year Activities: This is a topic of concern for many members of our school community. It is such an important thing for a school to honor its students who are moving on. Our 8th graders are such a special group and they deserve a send off that equals the great contribution they have made to our school. We usually hold an Honors Night and a Family Celebration for 8th graders and families in June. We are working on putting together a Livestream video in which we will announce our award winners, present Presidential Awards, listen to addresses by students, and watch the 8th grade photo presentation. Details will be provided later in the month. Once we are in the clear, we will have our 8th graders back to RMS so we can give them all a big hug!

  • Distance Learning Meals Program: The East Providence School Department will continue to provide Daily breakfast and lunch packs for all of our students through the remainder of this school year until June 11th. This time frame includes any professional, and/or vacation days the Governor set forth in May and June. The established sites and bus stops will remain in place as well. We are reviewing options as to what may be available to families once school ends. We will keep you posted. In the meantime, if you or anyone you know is in need of additional meals to those we provide daily, please feel free to reach out to us, or to School Committee member Anthony Ferreira at email: aferreira@epschoolsri.com.

  • Using Google Classroom Effectively: Now that Google Classroom is our reality, we all need to figure out how to best use it well. Teachers have been working together in professional development sessions to practice using the latest technologies and learning apps. We also know that parents are learning how to best support the students in their homes. Keeping the kids focused until the end of the school year is going to be a real challenge, but our best chance of doing so is if all of the teachers (of course, that means parents and those at RMS) are working together. Here is a video that our Instructional Coach, Ms. Chamberland, put together that provides some tips for parents in using google Classroom. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QUsUjyF5XOjaZATBdzE22pDHjJixG5vs/view

  • Students Using Gmail: We are living in an age in which almost everyone has a mobile phone and texting has become the primary form of digital communication. For school, however, email is the most common way that we communicate. This has been a concern in distance learning because a lot kids just don't check their email often enough. We are asking parents and guardians to please encourage your kids to login to their Gmail a few times per day as a lot of important messages are going unread. Perhaps encourage them to have it be the first and last thing they do during their 'school day'. (...and thank you parents for checking your email. We know you have been getting A LOT more since we moved to distance learning.)

  • Cleaning out RMS: We are coming up with a plan to clean out RMS in a safe and effective way. Within a few weeks, will explain to parents and students how we are going to retrieve items from students' lockers and arrange a pick up. Let's hope that very few tuna sandwiches were left in lockers.

  • 'The Dean's List' Updated: Riverside Middle School's Dean of Students, Mr. Petsch updates The Dean's List on Motivational Mondays with information about the amazing efforts of RMS students, faculty, staff and families. If you would like to nominate someone for outstanding efforts in scholarship, character, service leadership, or citizenship, send an email to bpetsch@epschoolsri.com. You can check out past recipients here. Here are this week's recipients:

      • Scholarship: Seventh grade math teacher Mrs. Kelley took the time this week to nominate two of her students: Jamayre and Jade. Mrs. Kelley comments, “Jamayre has been a math rockstar throughout this distance learning experience. He joins my Google Meets frequently to check in and see examples. He has submitted every assignment and the amount of effort he is putting into his assignments is very impressive. Jamayre is blossoming in this environment, and he is setting an excellent example for his peers.” Additionally, Mrs. Kelley reports that, “Jade has been doing a wonderful job reaching out during distance learning. Her assignments are always on time and done with care, and whenever she is struggling with a question or concept, she has not hesitated to reach out through Google Classroom, email, or during check-in on Google Meets. She is working very hard and trying to get the most out of distance learning and she is excelling. I am very impressed with her dedication to her education.” Both students’ success have a few things in common: They actively engage in classes each day. They complete and submit all of their work. They reach out to their teacher when help is needed. They communicate often through Google Classroom and email. Effort, Effort, Effort! As a result, it is no surprise that Jamayre and Jade both have straight A’s for the 4th quarter. Keep up the good work and way to finish strong!

      • Character: This week, I received a heartfelt email from sixth-grader, Matthew. “Hello Mr Petsch, I would like to nominate my mom because she works at WOMEN AND INFANTS HOSPITAL and she puts her life at risk everyday to help babies become cured with whatever sickness brought them there. She also is a great Mother to me and I love her for that. She does everything she can to make sure that I'm safe, I'm happy, I'm fed, and she mostly makes sure that I am following the rules.” Matt’s mom, Sandy, is a true hero who risks her own life to help others. It’s pretty special that a sixth-grader recognizes this and took the time to show his mom how much he appreciates her by nominating her to this week’s Dean’s List. Thanks Matt for an awesome, early Mother’s Day gift to your mom! And thank you to all of our health care workers, first responders and essential workers who not only support our local community but like Sandy, have to support their own families at the same time.

      • Leadership: Thank you to all of our teachers for their relentless passion, flexibility, innovation and dedication to all of our RMS students. Teachers have all stepped up and have adapted amazingly to virtual learning. They are consistently putting forth a tremendous amount of time and effort to make sure that lessons are fun, meaningful and engaging for all their students. I challenge and encourage all students this week to find some time and thank all of your teachers. BE CREATIVE and let them know that you appreciate how much they care about you! Thank you to 6th grade math teacher, Mrs. D’Arezzo for her help in setting up a virtual talk with professional soccer player, Scott Caldwell, midfielder for the New England Revolution. Check out the video to learn about Scott’s success and his advice to our Viking students and athletes!

From Last Week's Bulletin:

  • RMS 2020 Yearbooks Free for 8th Graders!: Speaking of our awesome PTSA...We have an exciting announcement for 8th graders! With the help of the RMS PTSA and the fundraising for the Washington DC trip that we did this year, we will be purchasing a soft cover yearbook for every 8th grader. If you have already purchased a yearbook package, the difference between the cost of the soft cover yearbook and the package will be refunded to you in the coming weeks. Purchases on YB pay will be refunded directly to your credit card. Checks for the difference will be sent to anyone who paid by check. More information will be provided soon.

  • Safety Advice from the East Providence IT Director: Here is a message from Ben Russell, the East Providence Schools Director of Technology: As a result of this virus our world has transitioned into a nearly 100% online society practically overnight. From ordering dinner, doing all kinds of work which was usually performed in an office, to interfacing only via video calls with our loved ones. The scammers are taking full advantage of many people's new found acceptance of online and distant connections. The FBI and the FTC have been making announcements daily about scams specific to COVID-19 but we are also seeing a surge in general scams and phishing attacks online. Our district has received reports of an increase in these types of attacks in the past week and we want everyone to be on their guard. If you receive an email or phone call that is even the slightest bit off to you, do not divulge any information. Here are some simple best practices:

      • Phone calls: never give a credit card (or other private information) over the phone for a call you received. If you made the call to a pizza place, you know who is on the other end. If you receive a call from your favorite pizza place asking "for your CC because they don't have it on file", tell them you are going to call right back. Check the number is the correct one and call them back. Phone number spoofing is easy and scammers use it all the time.

      • Emails: Avoid phishing attacks. Be careful anytime you get an email from a site asking for personal information. If you get this type of email:

          • Don’t click any links or provide personal information until you've confirmed the email is real.

          • If the sender has a Gmail address, report the Gmail abuse to Google. Note: Gmail won't ever ask you for personal information, like your password, over email.

          • When you get an email that looks suspicious, here are a few things to check for:

              • Check that the email address and the sender name match.

              • Check if the email is authenticated.

              • Hover over any links before you click on them. If the URL of the link doesn't match the description of the link, it might be leading you to a phishing site.

              • Check the message headers to make sure the "from" header isn't showing an incorrect name.

Faculty & Staff members in a Google Hangouts session, Spring has finally sprung, RMS celebrates World Arts Day, Be the Light event on April 20th

April 19, 2020

Welcome to the 4th quarter

Spring time in New England has brought us snow on one day and a sunny 65 degrees the next. It seems fitting for this strange time in which we are living. At RMS, we have entered the 4th quarter. Teachers continue to provide daily instruction to our students and assignments and assessments are listed in Google Classroom. This week, we have an important task for students. With the help of parents, we would like every RMS student to check his or her Gmail every day! It is recommended that parents look through their student's Gmail and Google Classroom as often as possible to provide support. Here are some details about things that are happening 'at RMS'.

  • Report Cards: Report cards will be available (in the evening) on April 22nd. For the first time, we will provide report cards on Skyward. Therefore, parents should be sure to access Skyward over the next few days to be sure that information is correct. Once report cards are posted, students and parents with questions should contact teachers directly.

  • 4th Quarter: Many students have new classes for the 4th quarter. These classes appear in the Skyward schedule (be sure to choose 4th quarter view) and in a student's Google Classroom.

  • It's Reading Week at RMS!: Here are the themes for each day!

            • Monday: Biography Day! Dress as your idol (famous person, teacher, athlete, etc)

            • Tuesday: Wear something we can read

            • Wizarding Wednesday: Dress as your favorite Harry Potter character

            • Thursday: Dress as your favorite book character.

            • Friday: Reading Rainbow

                • 6th grade - Wear red and/or orange

                • 7th grade - Wear yellow and/or green

                • 8th grade - Wear blue and/or purple

  • Student Grade Level Assemblies: On Wednesday, April 22, there will be 'assemblies' for each grade level. These meetings will be live streamed and students will be able to access the links in their Google Classroom a few minutes before the event. Students will have an opportunity to ask questions, and Mr. Perry, Mr. Salgueiro, and Mr. Petsch are inviting some special guests.

        • 6th Grade: 11:00 am

        • 7th Grade: 12:00 pm

        • 8th Grade: 1:00 pm

  • 'The Dean's List' Updated: Riverside Middle School's Dean of Students, Mr. Petsch updates The Dean's List on Motivational Mondays with information about the amazing efforts of RMS students, faculty, staff and families. If you would like to nominate someone for outstanding efforts in scholarship, character, service leadership, or citizenship, send an email to bpetsch@epschoolsri.com. Here are this week's recipients:

      • Scholarship: ELL teacher, Ms. Sunday would like to recognize one of her students, Lucas. Ms. Sunday writes, “Lucas has done an amazing job adjusting to virtual learning. He completes all of his work each day and advocates for himself. He has really risen to the occasion and we are all very proud of his hard work.” As a result of his efforts, Lucas will achieve Second Honors for the third quarter!

      • Character: Teachers will often recognize their students but we especially like it when a student writes in and nominates a fellow peer. Sixth grader, Lavinia did just that. She wrote, “I would like to nominate a spectacular, amazing and helpful student...Amya. She has helped me numerous times when I was having difficulty with my classes and I know Amya doesn’t want anything in return. It was out of the kindness of her own heart!”

      • Leadership: Last Friday was a Professional Development Day for teachers and staff. We would like to thank the following teachers for organizing and leading training sessions for their colleagues. Each session highlighted a different program or tool that teachers could incorporate into their virtual classes to help foster more creativity and participation with their students.

            • Ms. Kenahan and Mrs. Humphrey led a session about EDPUZZLE and WIZER.ME.

            • Mr. Kirkutis trained staff on how to integrate FLIPGRID into their classes.

            • Mrs. Tarantelli demonstrated how LEGENDS OF LEARNING makes learning more interactive.

            • Mrs. McCarthy gave a tutorial about SCREENCASTIFY to her colleagues.

            • Ms. Chamberland provided updates and instructions for when GOOGLE HANGOUTS MEET.

Kudos to our librarian, Mrs. Ash for her leadership during distance learning. Mrs. Ash created VikingVision (VTV)... a news program in which students record announcements, updates and hot topics that are happening at Riverside Middle School. Mrs. Ash and her team of students broadcast these video segments to staff and students throughout the week. Furthermore, this week is Reading Week and Mrs. Ash organized a virtual Reading Week for RMS. Check out VTV, the morning announcements and your Google grade-level classroom for fun themes and events happening each day. Show your spirit and share what you are reading!

  • Superintendent's Message: Here is a link to the Superintendent Crowley's weekly message to families of East Providence.

  • Safety Advice from the East Providence IT Director: Here is a message from Ben Russell, the East Providence Schools Director of Technology: As a result of this virus our world has transitioned into a nearly 100% online society practically overnight. From ordering dinner, doing all kinds of work which was usually performed in an office, to interfacing only via video calls with our loved ones. The scammers are taking full advantage of many people's new found acceptance of online and distant connections. The FBI and the FTC have been making announcements daily about scams specific to COVID-19 but we are also seeing a surge in general scams and phishing attacks online. Our district has received reports of an increase in these types of attacks in the past week and we want everyone to be on their guard. If you receive an email or phone call that is even the slightest bit off to you, do not divulge any information. Here are some simple best practices:

      • Phone calls: never give a credit card (or other private information) over the phone for a call you received. If you made the call to a pizza place, you know who is on the other end. If you receive a call from your favorite pizza place asking "for your CC because they don't have it on file", tell them you are going to call right back. Check the number is the correct one and call them back. Phone number spoofing is easy and scammers use it all the time.

      • Emails: Avoid phishing attacks. Be careful anytime you get an email from a site asking for personal information. If you get this type of email:

          • Don’t click any links or provide personal information until you've confirmed the email is real.

          • If the sender has a Gmail address, report the Gmail abuse to Google. Note: Gmail won't ever ask you for personal information, like your password, over email.

          • When you get an email that looks suspicious, here are a few things to check for:

              • Check that the email address and the sender name match.

              • Check if the email is authenticated.

              • Hover over any links before you click on them. If the URL of the link doesn't match the description of the link, it might be leading you to a phishing site.

              • Check the message headers to make sure the "from" header isn't showing an incorrect name.

From Last Week's Bulletin:

  • RMS 2020 Yearbooks Free for 8th Graders!: Speaking of our awesome PTSA...We have an exciting announcement for 8th graders! With the help of the RMS PTSA and the fundraising for the Washington DC trip that we did this year, we will be purchasing a soft cover yearbook for every 8th grader. If you have already purchased a yearbook package, the difference between the cost of the soft cover yearbook and the package will be refunded to you in the coming weeks. Purchases on YB pay will be refunded directly to your credit card. Checks for the difference will be sent to anyone who paid by check. More information will be provided soon. We hope this will brighten up a difficult time! Also, here is the ordering information for 6th and 7th graders. https://ybpay.lifetouch.com the code is 9173320.

Dates to Remember:

April 2020

    • 22: Wednesday: Report Cards Finalized on Skyward

We are working to keep our spirits up with photos with our pets, Townie spirit, and crazy hair!

April 5, 2020

Every day, we learn more about Distance Learning

We have all had to learn a lot of new things in a short time. We are figuring our how to share spaces, navigate a new way of learning, and schedule our time in a way that helps us be productive. All the while, we are listening to reports about the health of family members and neighbors and doing our best to keep up social distancing. Even a trip to the grocery store or the bus stop to pick up lunch can be a real challenge. Nonetheless, the students of Riverside Middle School are doing their best to keep up with their studies.

This is a short school week as Governor Raimondo has called for a long weekend over the Easter Holiday. There will be 'no school' on Thursday, April 9th and Friday, April 10th. Hopefully, this break will allow students time to recharge after nearly three weeks of a new kind of schooling. It will also allow more time for those of you who celebrate Easter to enjoy the holiday. Here are some announcements about the coming week.

  • 3rd Quarter Closing: The 3rd quarter ends on April 9th. However, we do not have school on April 9th, so all students need to hand in assignments by the end of the day on Wednesday, April 8th. Reports cards will not be sent home as all students and parents or guardians have access to Skyward. Grades will be finalized on Skyward on April 16th. Students are reminded to check with teachers about any assignments, quizzes, or tests that need to be completed. Students and parents can reach out to a teacher with questions.

  • 4th Quarter: With the change of the quarter next week, and with a few weeks of distance learning behind us, the beginning of the 4th quarter is a perfect time to refocus our efforts and commit to distance learning. 4th Quarter classes will be available for students in Skyward later in the week.

  • Congratulations to the RMS PTSA: Rhode Island PTA recognized the Riverside Middle School PTSA at its annual meeting for the largest increase in membership in Rhode Island. Membership increased by 59 members from the 17-18 school year! We are so very thankful to Regan Potrzeba, Kim Sorrentino, and the entire PTS Board for their efforts over the past few years!

  • RMS 2020 Yearbooks Free for 8th Graders!: Speaking of our awesome PTSA...We have an exciting announcement for 8th graders! With the help of the RMS PTSA and the fundraising for the Washington DC trip that we did this year, we will be purchasing a soft cover yearbook for every 8th grader. If you have already purchased a yearbook package, the difference between the cost of the soft cover yearbook and the package will be refunded to you in the coming weeks. Purchases on YB pay will be refunded directly to your credit card. Checks for the difference will be sent to anyone who paid by check. More information will be provided soon. We hope this will brighten up a difficult time! Also, here is the ordering information for 6th and 7th graders. https://ybpay.lifetouch.com the code is 9173320.

  • Check out The Dean's List: Riverside Middle School's Dean of Students, Mr. Petsch updates The Dean's List on Motivational Mondays with information about the amazing efforts of RMS students, faculty, staff and families. If you would like to nominate someone for outstanding efforts in scholarship, character, service leadership, or citizenship, send an email to bpetsch@epschoolsri.com.

  • Videos from Distance Learning Spirit Week: Check out a few recent videos from last week's fun.

  • No School Days and Lunch Pick Ups: There will be no school on April 9, 10, & 17. Lunch and breakfast pick-up will still be available at regular locations.

Dates to Remember:

April 2020

    • 8 Wednesday: Grades Close for Quarter 3

    • 9 Thursday: No School

    • 10 Friday: No School

    • 13 Monday: Quarter 4 Begins

    • 17 Friday: No School (Professional Development Day)

    • 22: Wednesday: Report Cards Finalized on Skyward

Last Week's Announcements:

  • Checking in for Student Attendance: The first thing that students should do in the morning when they begin their 'school day' is login to their Homeroom Google Classroom and answer the question of the day. Some students have been completing work in their classes, but have not been checking into Homeroom. In such a case, a student would still be marked absent. Please be sure to check Skyward attendance and contact a student's Homeroom teacher if there is a discrepancy.

  • Google Classroom: Students have been using Google Classroom , but parents might want to learn more about the platform. Here are some information guides.

  • Google Meet: We are also learning how to use Google Meet and figuring out how it will work into our classes going forward. In the event that a teachers holds a Google Meet session, students are asked to follow some online norms.

      • When entering the Google Meet, students should mute the microphone and turn off the camera. At no time will a student be required to turn on the camera.

      • Students should wear school appropriate clothing.

      • Students should be in an appropriate location inside the home. (e.g. Students should not be lying in their beds.)

      • Students should not be inside a Google Meet without a teacher.

      • Here is some additional information about Google Meet.

  • Technical Support: Our Information Technology staff is putting together a plan to address technology issues. As you can imagine, they have been working incredibly hard over the past few weeks. If you need help with things like connecting to the internet, broken Chromebooks, etc, you can call 401-383-2224 ext 4323. You will be asked to leave a voicemail and a member of the technology team will call you back.

  • Download Additional Google Apps: Students use a number of different apps in their classes that are part of Google's G-Suite. Most of these Google Apps have smartphone versions. Google Classroom and Gmail are probably the most useful. There are also phone apps for Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Drive, Google Hangouts Meet, Google Slides, etc.. Check out the app store on your smartphone if you think these will be useful.

  • Update Your Skyward Information: Parents are asked to login to Skyward to make sure that contact information is up-to-date. The email addresses and phone numbers listed in Skyward are used to send out important messages.

  • Meals for Students: Beginning March 23rd and until further notice, the EastProvidence School Department, partnering with Chartwells and Ocean State Transit, will deliver student breakfasts/lunch to our community school sites and bus stops across the city. Please note the site and bus stop times posted. The bus staff will be distributing the meals, so there is no need to go into the buildings. Click here for the schedule.

  • Parent and Student Resources: Check out the Resources page for information about apps and sites that are used at RMS. There are links to our FB Page , Daily Announcements and more.

Students took photos with their pets as they worked from home. We are trying to have a little fun in this challenging time.

March 29, 2020

We are working to find the right balance

Last week was a real challenge as we were thrown into Distance Learning. Students, teachers, and families found themselves in a very foreign environment as we all tried to figure out how to navigate this new reality. We did manage to get Chromebooks to hundreds of students and nearly all of our kids have been able to check into Google Classroom. I have heard from some parents and students that it has been a difficult adjustment. This week , faculty and staff members will continue to work to find the right balance of work and expectations. Thank you for being patient as we figure this out. Feel free to reach out to teachers with questions. Please keep in mind that this is brand new to all of us and we want to provide what is best for our kids. Making it just right will take time. Here are some more details about things that are happening at RMS.

  • Checking in for Student Attendance: The first thing that students should do in the morning when they begin their 'school day' is login to their Homeroom Google Classroom and answer the question of the day. Some students have been completing work in their classes, but have not been checking into Homeroom. In such a case, a student would still be marked absent. Please be sure to check Skyward attendance and contact a student's Homeroom teacher if there is a discrepancy.

  • Google Classroom: Students have been using Google Classroom , but parents might want to learn more about the platform. Here are some information guides.

  • Google Meet: We are also learning how to use Google Meet and figuring out how it will work into our classes going forward. In the event that a teachers holds a Google Meet session, students are asked to follow some online norms.

      • When entering the Google Meet, students should mute the microphone and turn off the camera. At no time will a student be required to turn on the camera.

      • Students should wear school appropriate clothing.

      • Students should be in an appropriate location inside the home. (e.g. Students should not be lying in their beds.)

      • Students should not be inside a Google Meet without a teacher.

      • Here is some additional information about Google Meet.

  • Things to Keep Our Spirits Up: Thank you to the students who took part in 'Dining with Dean' last Friday and offered some ideas about how we can keep our spirits up at RMS. This week, we submitted photos with our pets. Students should keep an eye out for more opportunities to take part and don't forget that we are keeping up with Townie Tuesdays! Wear your Townie and Viking red on Tuesday and submit a photo in Google Classroom.

        • RMS Virtual Spirit Week!

          • Monday: Bring your pet to school day! Take a cool picture working with your pet(s).

          • Tuesday: Townie Tuesday! Wear as much RED as you can or something with “Townie” or “Viking” on it!

          • Wednesday: Crazy Hair Day! Create the craziest hair style you can (Mr. Petsch...you too!)

          • Thursday: Crazy Sock Day! Make Ms. Alves (The Crazy Sock Lady) proud. Wear your craziest socks - they don’t have to match!

          • Friday: Hat Day! Take a pick with your best hat (You can even wear your hood, today!)

Last Week's Announcements

  • Technical Support: Our Information Technology staff is putting together a plan to address technology issues. As you can imagine, they have been working incredibly hard over the past few weeks. If you need help with things like connecting to the internet, broken Chromebooks, etc, you can call 401-383-2224 ext 4323. You will be asked to leave a voicemail and a member of the technology team will call you back.

  • 3rd Quarter Extended: The 3rd quarter was scheduled to end on March 31st. Due to the school closing, it will be extended to April 9th. This will give students an opportunity to make up missed work.

  • Download Additional Google Apps: Students use a number of different apps in their classes that are part of Google's G-Suite. Most of these Google Apps have smartphone versions. Google Classroom and Gmail are probably the most useful. There are also phone apps for Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Drive, Google Hangouts Meet, Google Slides, etc.. Check out the app store on your smartphone if you think these will be useful.

  • Update Your Skyward Information: Parents are asked to login to Skyward to make sure that contact information is up-to-date. The email addresses and phone numbers listed in Skyward are used to send out important messages.

  • Special Services: We are also working to address the needs of students who receive special services or regularly check in with school counselors, social workers, and specialists. There are a number of professional working to figure out the best way to continue services to our kids. Teachers and specialists may be reaching out directly to students and parents. Here is a message from the Pupil Personnel Services Department with more details.

  • Clubs, Activities, & School Culture: We recognize that school is so much more than assignments completed in Google Classroom. We are committed to providing opportunities for the development and growth of our kids. Over the next few weeks, we will provide information about how we can make the most of this challenging time. We have to get creative!

  • Meals for Students: Beginning March 23rd and until further notice, the EastProvidence School Department, partnering with Chartwells and Ocean State Transit, will deliver student breakfasts/lunch to our community school sites and bus stops across the city. Please note the site and bus stop times posted. The bus staff will be distributing the meals, so there is no need to go into the buildings. Click here for the schedule.

  • Parent and Student Resources: Check out the Resources page for information about apps and sites that are used at RMS. There are links to our FB Page , Daily Announcements and more.

Here are the posters that greet students in the main lobby of Riverside Middle School. These are values that are important to us. We will continue to hold these as guiding ideals.

March 22, 2020

We are ready for a new adventure

On Monday, March 23rd, we will step into uncharted territory. All of our students will take part in what is known as virtual, distance, or e-learning. It has been necessary to put together a plan in record time. District and school level staff have come together to create a plan which will be a work-in-progress. We have to get started right away, but we know that we are going to have to make changes as we go along. It is going to take a lot of patience, flexibility, and cooperation from everyone. Thank you to everyone who has reached out to offer help and supportive words over the past few weeks. We are a strong school community and we will figure this out. Following are details to get us going!

  • The Virtual Learning Plan: Starting on Monday, March 23rd, students will be able to access Google Classroom where they will find assignments for their classes. Here are some details.

        • Checking in for Student Attendance: The way that we will know that students are 'present' is by having them login to their Homeroom Google Classroom each day and answer a question. This should done as early as possible in the 'school day'. If a students does not login to the Homeroom Google Classroom for two days in a row, a staff member will be contacting home.

        • Accessing Classes on Google Classroom: Students need to be able to access their curriculum on Google Classroom with a device connected to the internet. A number of devices can access Google Classroom such as smartphones, tablets, desktops, laptops, and Chromebooks. (Chromebooks were distributed on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday to students who need access at home.) The good news is that RMS students have used Google Classroom and should be familiar with the platform.

        • Contacting Teachers: During the day, teachers will be reviewing student work, communicating with their classes, providing feedback, and planning for the coming days. As always, students and parents can communicate with teachers through email. There is a Directory at the top of this page.

        • Completing Assignments: Teachers will being posting new assignments and other content over the next few days (so if you don't see new content right away on Monday morning, it will show up soon). Some teachers may post videos of themselves. In all content areas, there will be assignments that students can complete in Google Classroom or other apps that teachers may use. For some classes, it is going to be more of a challenge to move into the new virtual format. Rest assured that teachers are working hard to provide the best opportunities for kids to continue their learning.

        • Meeting via Google Hangouts Meet: Once we know that all students are able to access Google Classroom at home, teachers may create virtual meetings. We are working out the details on how this will happen. Google Hangouts Meet is a video conferencing tool that teachers may be using to support students at home. It utilizes a microphone and a camera (you can turn this off) to allow teachers and students to interact when learning is at a distance. If your home device does not have a camera, no worries, all that is needed is a microphone and speakers (or headphones) so your child can hear and be heard. District Chromebooks are equipped with this already.

        • Following a Schedule: As we start this process, students will not be required to follow a formal school schedule, but there will be due dates for their assignments. The reason for this is that we want to be sure that all families can access Google Classroom before we create a formal schedule. The idea is to just get on and get started and figure out how it works for each student and family. Once we have a better sense about how it is going, we will look to create a more formal schedule. Here is a sample schedule that may be useful as we start this new endeavor.

        • Student Grades: Teachers will be posting grades in Skyward regularly. They will also be providing feedback to students through Google Classroom. Please be patient as we adapt to this new way of doing things. Feel free to reach out directly to teachers for clarification on any assignment expectations.

        • Technical Support: Our Information Technology staff is putting together a plan to address technology issues. As you can imagine, they have been working incredibly hard over the past few weeks. If you need help with things like connecting to the internet, broken Chromebooks, etc, you can call 401-383-2224 ext 4323. You will be asked to leave a voicemail and a member of the technology team will call you back.

  • 3rd Quarter Extended: The 3rd quarter was scheduled to end on March 31st. Due to the school closing, it will be extended to April 9th. This will give students an opportunity to make up missed work.

  • Download Additional Google Apps: Students use a number of different apps in their classes that are part of Google's G-Suite. Most of these Google Apps have smartphone versions. Google Classroom and Gmail are probably the most useful. There are also phone apps for Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Drive, Google Hangouts Meet, Google Slides, etc.. Check out the app store on your smartphone if you think these will be useful.

  • Update Your Skyward Information: Parents are asked to login to Skyward to make sure that contact information is up-to-date. The email addresses and phone numbers listed in Skyward are used to send out important messages.

  • Special Services: We are also working to address the needs of students who receive special services or regularly check in with school counselors, social workers, and specialists. There are a number of professional working to figure out the best way to continue services to our kids. Teachers and specialists may be reaching out directly to students and parents. Here is a message from the Pupil Personnel Services Department with more details.

  • Clubs, Activities, & School Culture: We recognize that school is so much more than assignments completed in Google Classroom. We are committed to providing opportunities for the development and growth of our kids. Over the next few weeks, we will provide information about how we can make the most of this challenging time. We have to get creative!

  • Meals for Students: Beginning March 23rd and until further notice, the EastProvidence School Department, partnering with Chartwells and Ocean State Transit, will deliver student breakfasts/lunch to our community school sites and bus stops across the city. Please note the site and bus stop times posted. The bus staff will be distributing the meals, so there is no need to go into the buildings. Click here for the schedule.

  • Parent and Student Resources: Check out the Resources page for information about apps and sites that are used at RMS. There are links to our FB Page , Daily Announcements and more.

Finally, as I have said in a number of emails that I have sent out recently, we are fortunate that we have a strong school community. This global crisis that we are living through has and will test all of us. Thank you for your cooperation, support, and patience as we figure this out. Our first and foremost priority is to attend to the safety and growth of our kids. We know there will be many challenges and things that we haven't anticipated as we deliver a virtual education. Please contact me if you have specific concerns and also feel free to contact any of the incredible educators who play a part in the lives of your children.

Robert Perry, Riverside Middle School Principal

March 17, 2020

A message about Virtual Learning & Chromebook distribution

The first step in our plan to provide students with virtual learning is to make sure that all students have access to necessary technology. Last week, RMS students took a survey that asked about their access to computers and devices at home. We learned that there many students have access to the internet, whether through a mobile device like a smart phone, or a computer at home. However, many of our families have multiple kids in school and that makes access to devices a challenge.

The East Providence Schools are making Chromebooks available to RMS students who need them. They will be available to be picked up on Thursday 3/19 9:00-11:30 am at Martin Middle School Gym (111 Brown St. East Providence). Please only pick up a Chromebook if you do not have another appropriate device at home.

Once again, thank you for your patience. I hope that these messages are helpful. I know that the information can get overwhelming. Below is the message that was sent out by the school district.

Robert Perry, RMS Principal

The East Providence School District has been preparing to enable teachers and students to continue instruction during school closure to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Additional information will be released by principals and teachers on how to receive, perform, and submit assignments in the coming days if the closure is extended past this week. Many of the assignments will include online components which can be done from most computers, laptops, or tablets with Internet access. We at the East Providence School District understand this is not available to everyone from home. To enable those families who do not have a device for their school aged children we will have an optional Chromebook pick up available this week.

Chromebook Pickup will be at Martin Middle School Gym (111 Brown St. East Providence)

Please see all details below, no exceptions will be made:

1. If you already have a device at home for the student to use, please do not pick one up. Students can and should use their own devices or family device if they have them.

2. For K-12 students registered in the East Providence School District

a. Individual picking up the device must be on the Approved Pickup/Emergency Pickup list for the student in our student information system (Skyward)

b. Individual picking up for the student must show government issued photo ID

3. The family will be required to return the device to the designated location after school resumes

For everyone’s safety, please follow these rules for pickup:

4. Only come at the allotted time for your school (see below)

a. If you have children in multiple schools and need multiple devices, you may pick up at the same time

5. Police and School Resource Officers will be present to allow no more than 10 people to enter the building at a time.

a. If you see a line forming, stay in your car until the queue is gone

b. If the parking lot is full, please wait for a resource officer to direct you to an open parking spot. Do not park and walk over

6. Please have your ID ready when you enter the building.

Chromebook pickup times for families that do not have devices available at home:

Wednesday 3/18

9am - 11:30am Myron J Francis, Kent Heights and Silver Spring

12:30pm-3pm Waddington, Orlo and Whiteknact

6pm-7:30pm Above schools (unable to come during the day)

Thursday 3/19

9am - 11:30am Hennessey and Riverside Middle School

12:30pm-3pm Martin Middle School

6pm-7:30pm All Schools (unable to come during the day)

Friday 3/20

(9am-2pm) East Providence High School

1.) Theresa Moore met with students as part of our Women's History Month program 2.) Youth Arts Month Exhibit at Weaver Library 3.) RMS students who attended the Women's History Month event at City Hall 4.) Members of the Math Team getting ready for competition

March 8, 2020

We've got a lot on our plate.

Without question, there is a lot of concern about the Coronavirus. The East Providence Schools are working to address the issue and are communicating with families as frequently as possible with information about developments. At RMS, we are working to keep our school functioning as close to normal as possible while addressing any issues in a timely and safe manner. Thank you to all of the members of our school community who have helped us worked through this. We will do our best to continue to communicate needed information and we very much appreciate everyone who has helped to address the issue in a productive manner. Here are some updates about the coming weeks.

  • Superintendent’s Letter to the School Community: Superintendent Crowley sent out a letter to the school community about the Coronavirus situation. Here is the letter that was send to the school community on March 6th.

  • Nurse’s Letter to Parents and Staff : Nurse Wallace is our school nurse and also the Head Nurse for the school district. Here is a letter that was sent to Parents and Staff on March 1st.

  • Please be sure Skyward is updated: It is more important than ever that student, family, and emergency contact information is accurate in Skyward. Please take time to look over the information that you have supplied in Skyward. Contact the Guidance Department Secretary, Arlene Boyd, if you need information about your Skyward account.

  • East Providence Music Program Collaborative Concert: The annual concert of the East Providence Schools Music Program will be held on Thursday night at EPHS. Please join the crowd for an awesome display of talent.

  • Gaming Night: Our award winning Robotics Team is sponsoring a Gaming Night on Thursday, March 26th from 5:30 - 7:30 pm at RMS. Students can come play board and video games and hang out with friends. There will be pizza and snacks for purchase. More details will be forthcoming.

  • Congratulations to the Math Team: Mrs. D’Arezzo and Mrs. Wetmore have done a really nice job of preparing our Math Team for the MathCounts competition that was held on Saturday at CCRI. It was really wonderful to see our kids going toe-to-toe with some of the most successful teams in Rhode Island.

  • Congratulations to Mr. Lyons! RMS teacher, Bob Lyons, was selected for induction into the Rhode Island Track Coaches Hall of Fame. Way to go, Mr. Lyons!

  • Congratulations to the Percussion Ensemble: Thanks to Mr. Maguire and Mr. Martin preparing the dynamic RMS Percussion Ensemble for another impressive showing at the URI Percussion Festival.

  • PTSA Meeting: Please consider attending the RMS PTSA meeting on Wednesday night. The PTSA will be talking about spending some money!

  • Youth Arts Month Exhibit: An exhibit of artwork by students of the East Providence Schools is up at Weaver Library in East Providence. Check out some impressive work by RMS students all month.

  • SurveyWorks 2020: If you haven't completed SurveyWorks from the Rhode Island Department of Education, there is still time. This annual survey provides parents an opportunity to voice their opinion about how things are going at their children's schools. Please use this link and the access code: 10122family.

  • Unified Plunge: A team from RMS will take part in this year's Unified Plunge, a fundraiser for Special Olympics RI. The water at Roger Wheeler Beach is pretty cool in March, but we have some pretty tough Vikings among us! Keep an eye on our Facebook page for ways to take part. Here is a link to make a donation. Check out the video below of Officer (Corporal ;))Tammy on SORI Super Plunge 2020 // Ep. 187 'Car Pooling with Ben'.

  • Spring Sports: After am awesome Winter season in which the Boys Basketball team made it to the State Finals, the Spring season is here! Coaches have met with candidates for Spring Sports teams. Tryouts and practices begin this week. We will do our best to post information in this bulletin about games and contests, but the best source of information is East Providence Athletics Department website.

  • RMS Team Bulletins & Directory: Please bookmark these sites and refer to them frequently. Also, remember that the Directory (a link at the top of this page) has links to the bulletins and teacher email addresses. Here are the bulletins for quick access. Grade 6: Merola, Mennucci, D'Arezzo, Nelson | Grade 6: Love, Izzi, Farley, Baccari | Grade 7: Braga, Kelley, Sulham, Tarantelli | Grade 7: French, Villucci/Modica, McCarthy, Harris | Grade 8: Macomber, DeGroot, Reavey, Humphrey | Grade 8: Potts, Kenahan, Duarte, Travis

  • Parent and Student Resources: Check out the Resources page for information about apps and sites that are used at RMS. There are links to our FB Page , Daily Announcements and more.

  • Upcoming Events (Dates and times are subject to change.)


    • 10 Tuesday: School Committee Meeting

    • 11 Wednesday: PTSA Meeting 6:30-7:30

    • 12 Thursday: Band rehearsal for Collaborative Concert

    • 12 Thursday: EPHS/RMS/MMS Collaborative Band Concert

    • 13 Friday: Band & Chorus to visit elementary schools

    • 13 Friday: Pi Day Event

    • 20 Friday: Pennies for Patients Flash Friday Fundraiser

    • 24 Tuesday: School Committee Meeting

    • 26 Thursday: RIMEA Band Festival (tent.)

    • 26 Thursday: Robotics Gaming Night 5:30-7:30 pm

    • 27 Friday: Unified Basketball vs. Martin 1:00 pm

    • 31 Tuesday: Quarter 3 Ends

    • 31 Tuesday: RICAS ELA (session 1)

April 2020

    • 1 Wednesday: RICAS ELA (Session 2)

    • 1 Wednesday: Quarter 4 Begins

    • 3 Friday: Principal’s Coffee HourMarch 2020

1.) Members of the Guitar Club show off their work 2.) The Math Team took practice tests in preparation for an upcoming contest 3.) The Boys Basketball Team in the State Finals 4.) Weekly Core Values winners

February 23, 2020

Onward to Spring!

This time of year is an interesting one in our middle school. We are in between sports seasons and the weather is warm one day and freezing the next. Our students are growing up, making new friends, and learning about themselves and how the world works. They also can get restless in the late winter as many of us are looking forward to the warmer weather. At RMS, we do our best to create consistency for our kids, but sometimes they need more support than usual. Fee free to reach out if a student could use a little extra attention during the day. Parents are asked also to check out Skyward and keep in touch with teachers and guidance counselors if any concerns arise. Pretty soon, we will be talking about Spring!

  • Student Attendance: There has been a big push in all of the schools in East Providence to improve students' attendance. We all know (and research affirms) that our students' chances of success are greater just by being in school consistently. I am sad to say, however, that the number of students at RMS with chronic absenteeism (which is defined as being absent from school 10% of the year.) is among the highest in our district. Yes, it has been a particularly tough winter as the flu and other sicknesses have kept so many kids at home. Nonetheless, we would expect that absences due to illness would be consistent across the school district. We are looking closely at this issue and we are making attempts to improve our attendance. Thank you for getting kids to school consistently and on time. It really does make a big difference.

  • SurveyWorks 2020: It's time again for SurveyWorks from the Rhode Island Department of Education. This annual survey provides parents an opportunity to voice their opinion about how things are going at their children's schools. Please use this link and the access code: 10122family.

  • Mid-quarter is coming up: A week after we return from vacation, it will be mid-quarter. We do not send out progress reports as students and teachers have access to Skyward at all times. Mid-quarter is a good time to check in with teachers for updates. You can find links to teachers' pages and contact info below.

  • Unified Plunge: A team from RMS will take part in this year's Unified Plunge, a fundraiser for Special Olympics RI. The water at Roger Wheeler Beach is pretty cool in March, but we have some pretty tough Vikings among us! Keep an eye on our Facebook page for ways to take part. Here is a link to make a donation. Check out the video below of Officer (Corporal ;))Tammy on SORI Super Plunge 2020 // Ep. 187 'Car Pooling with Ben'.

  • Bring in Earbuds: Students are asked to please bring in earbuds for use in school. Especially during the cold and flu season, it is best that students use their own headphones.

  • Dress for the weather: We remind students often to dress in layers during cold weather. Depending how cold it is in the mornings, students wait outside RMS for the doors to open. Students also need to remember that on days when there are basketball games, the doors to RMS open at 3:15 pm. If a student leaves after school, they will need to be prepared for cold weather.

  • RMS Team Bulletins & Directory: We have received a lo of positive feedback about our grade-level Team Bulletins. Please bookmark these sites and refer to them frequently. Also, remember that the Directory (a link at the top of this page) has links to the bulletins and teacher email addresses. Here are the bulletins for quick access. Grade 6: Merola, Mennucci, D'Arezzo, Nelson | Grade 6: Love, Izzi, Farley, Baccari | Grade 7: Braga, Kelley, Sulham, Tarantelli | Grade 7: French, Villucci/Modica, McCarthy, Harris | Grade 8: Macomber, DeGroot, Reavey, Humphrey | Grade 8: Potts, Kenahan, Duarte, Travis

  • Parent and Student Resources: Check out the Resources page for information about apps and sites that are used at RMS. There are links to our FB Page , Daily Announcements and more.

  • Upcoming Events (Dates and times are subject to change.)


    • 24 Monday: Pennies for Patients Kick-off

    • 24 Monday: Black History Month Field Trip to URI Providence

    • 25 Tuesday: 6th Grade (Team 2) Gillette Stadium Field trip

    • 25 Tuesday: School Committee Meeting

    • 26 Wednesday: Survey Works Assembly (students)

    • 27 Thursday: SurveyWorks (students)


    • 2-6 Mon-Fri: Reading Week

    • 2 Monday: Mid-Quarter (Check Skyward!)

    • 6 Friday: Band & Chorus to visit elementary schools

    • 7 Saturday: Band performs at the URI Percussion Ensemble

    • 10 Tuesday: School Committee Meeting

    • 11 Wednesday: PTSA Meeting 6:30-7:30

    • 12 Thursday: Band rehearsal for Collaborative Concert

    • 12 Thursday: EPHS/RMS/MMS Collaborative Band Concert

    • 13 Friday: Band & Chorus to visit elementary schools

    • 13 Friday: Pi Day Event

    • 20 Friday: Pennies for Patients Flash Friday Fundraiser

    • 24 Tuesday: School Committee Meeting

    • 25 Wednesday: RIMEA Band Festival (tent.)

    • 26 Thursday: Robotics Gaming Night 5:30-7:30 pm

    • 27 Friday: Unified Basketball vs. Martin 1:00 pm

    • 31 Tuesday: Quarter 3 Ends

    • 31 Tuesday: RICAS ELA (session 1)

1.) The RMS PTSA raised $4500 for our students at the Funny4Funds event, 2.) The Boys Basketball Team keeps rolling in the playoffs 3.) Officers of the NJHS 4.) RMS Wrestlers ready for the State Tournament

February 9, 2020

It's just about time for a break

February vacation is right around the corner, and just in time as colds and flu have hit the schools of East Providence. Leading up to vacation, students and parents are asked to be sure to login to Skyward in order to keep up on grades and attendance. Be sure to reach out to teachers and guidance counselors if you have concerns about student performance. Here are some more details about things that are happening in the coming weeks.

  • Thank you to the PTSA: The RMS PTSA held the Funny4Funds comedy event on Saturday night. It was a whole lot of fun as mother, fathers, friends, teachers, and grandparents were entertained by four really funny comics. There were more than a few laughs and Mr. Perry has hung up for good the argyle sweater that "looks like his mother picked out for him." The PTSA raised $4500 for our students through ticket sales, raffles, and the contributions of so many generous community members. Be sure to check out the RMS Facebook page for photos from the event.

  • Bring in Earbuds: Students are asked to please bring in earbuds for use in school. Especially during the cold and flu season, it is best that students use their own headphones.

  • SurveyWorks 2020: It's time again for SurveyWorks from the Rhode Island Department of Education. This annual survey provides parents an opportunity to voice their opinion about how things are going at their children's schools. Please use this link and the access code: 10122family.

  • USA Skate Night: On Tuesday, February 11, RMS will hold a Skate Night and United Skates of America 6-8 pm. Students must be picked up at 8 pm sharp! Any student who has had office detention over the past week will not be allowed to attend.

  • RMS PTSA Restaurant Night at Union Burrito: The RMS PTSA never sleeps! Come to Union Burrito in Riverside Square for lunch or dinner on Wednesday, February 12th and a portion of the sales will go to RMS! Check out the Facebook event for more details.

  • Blue Man Group at PPAC: Tickets offered by the PTSA for Blue Man Group at PPAC are SOLD OUT. Parents who purchased tickets will be receiving the tickets about a week before the performance. The tickets will be sent home with students. If they have any questions, contact Regan Potrzeba at RMSPTSABOARD@gmail.com.

  • Unified Plunge: A team from RMS will take part in this year's Unified Plunge, a fundraiser for Special Olympics RI. The water at Roger Wheeler Beach is pretty cool in March, but we have some pretty tough Vikings among us! Keep an eye on our Facebook page for ways to take part. Here is a link to make a donation. Check out the video below of Officer (Corporal ;))Tammy on SORI Super Plunge 2020 // Ep. 187 'Car Pooling with Ben'.

  • Have a Heart Soup Drive: During February (1st-14th), we will be collecting canned soup for our annual drive with the Hope & Faith Charity. Bring your canned soup to the RMS Main Office.

  • Ask your child about RACES: We are working hard to help students improve their writing skills. One of the ways that students organize their writing is with a technique called RACES, which is taught in ELA classes. Here is a reminder of what RACES represents. R = RESTATE, A = ANSWER, C = CITE, E = EXPLAIN, S = SUMMARIZE. Ask your child how they use RACES when they respond to questions in their classes.

  • Health Hearts Fundraiser: February 10-14 is our Healthy Heart Fundraiser sponsored by the American Heart Association. Student Council and National Junior Honor Society members will be collecting donations during lunches Monday-Thursday to support the American Heart Association. On Friday February 14th, students and staff are encouraged to wear red to raise awareness for heart health. For $1.00 students and staff can purchase red wristbands or candy grams to send to a friend. For every dollar a student donates, they will receive a raffle ticket for a chance to win a set of 2 Providence Bruins tickets, a basketball, and a t-shirt. Candy grams will be distributed by Student Council and National Junior Honor Society members during homeroom on Friday. Last year, RMS raised $174.00 to support the American Heart Association. We are looking forward to surpassing that goal this year.

  • Dress for the weather: We remind students often to dress in layers during cold weather. Depending how cold it is in the mornings, students wait outside RMS for the doors to open. Students also need to remember that on days when there are basketball games, the doors to RMS open at 3:15 pm. If a student leaves after school, they will need to be prepared for cold weather.

  • RMS Team Bulletins & Directory: We have received a lo of positive feedback about our grade-level Team Bulletins. Please bookmark these sites and refer to them frequently. Also, remember that the Directory (a link at the top of this page) has links to the bulletins and teacher email addresses. Here are the bulletins for quick access. Grade 6: Merola, Mennucci, D'Arezzo, Nelson | Grade 6: Love, Izzi, Farley, Baccari | Grade 7: Braga, Kelley, Sulham, Tarantelli | Grade 7: French, Villucci/Modica, McCarthy, Harris | Grade 8: Macomber, DeGroot, Reavey, Humphrey | Grade 8: Potts, Kenahan, Duarte, Travis

  • Parent and Student Resources: Check out the Resources page for information about apps and sites that are used at RMS. There are links to our FB Page , Daily Announcements and more.

  • Upcoming Events (Dates and times are subject to change.)


    • 1-29: Black History Month

    • 1-14: Have a Heart Soup Drive

    • 11 Tuesday: USA Skate Night 6:00-8:00 pm

    • 11 Tuesday: School Committee Meeting

    • 12 Wednesday: PTSA Meeting 6:30-7:30

    • 14 Friday: 2nd Quarter Honors Celebration

    • 17-21: February Vacation

    • 24 Monday: Pennies for Patients Kick-off

    • 24 Monday: Black History Month Field Trip to URI (23 8th graders)

    • 25 Tuesday: 6th Grade (Team 2) Gillette Stadium Field trip

    • 25 Tuesday: School Committee Meeting

    • 26 Wednesday: Survey Works Assembly

    • 27 Thursday: SurveyWorks (students)

    • 28 Friday: Mid-Quarter

1.) RMS prepared dinner for Ronald McDonald House guests, 2.) 3D art projects bring some color to the Main Office 3.) Another scene from RMH 4.) The undefeated Boys Basketball team keeps rolling

January 26, 2020

Welcome to the 2nd Half

With the end of January just about here, we have finally hit the halfway mark! There are a lot of great things happening at RMS. Here are some details.

  • 2nd Quarter Report Cards : Report cards will be sent home on Tuesday. They do not have to be signed and returned as parents have access to Skyward at all times. Feel free to reach out to teachers or guidance counselors if you have concerns about specific classes.

  • PTSA Funny for Funds: The RMS PTSA presents the Funny4Funds comedy event on Saturday February 8, 2020. Purchase tickets today and come out for a fun time! The event takes place at the Brotherhood of the Holy Ghost in Rehoboth, MA. This is an 18+ event for RMS parents and friends. The event is BYOS (bring your own snacks) with a cash bar. There will be a 50/50 raffle and a live and silent auction. Doors open at 6:00 PM and the show starts at 7:00 PM. Check out the event website for ticket information. https://www.funny4funds.com/events/riverside-middle-school-comedy-night/449.

  • Winter Dance: Tickets for the Winter Dance to be held on Friday, January 31st will be sold on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday ONLY! This dance will be a fun event with a DJ and snacks for purchase. Students with attendance or discipline issues may not be able to purchase a ticket. Parents are reminded that all students must be picked up at 8:00 pm sharp after the dance.

  • RICAS Conferences: On Thursday, January 30, teachers will meet with students for RICAS conferencing sessions. We will look at students' work on last year's RICAS exam and talk about strategies to better prepare for this year's assessment.

  • Bring in Earbuds: Students are asked to please bring in earbuds for use in school. Especially during the cold and flu season, it is best that students use their own headphones.

  • SurveyWorks 2020: It's time again for SurveyWorks from the Rhode Island Department of Education. This annual survey provides parents an opportunity to voice their opinion about how things are going at their children's schools. Please use this link and the access code: 10122family.

  • Unified Plunge: A team from RMS will take part in this year's Unified Plunge, a fundraiser for Special Olympics RI. The water at Roger Wheeler Beach is pretty cool in March, but we have some pretty tough Vikings among us! Keep an eye on our Facebook page for ways to take part. Here is a link to make a donation.

  • Have a Heart Soup Drive: During February (1st-14th), we will be collecting canned soup for our annual drive with the Hope & Faith Charity. Bring your canned soup to the RMS Main Office.

  • Ask your child about RACES: We are working hard to help students improve their writing skills. One of the ways that students organize their writing is with a technique called RACES, which is taught in ELA classes. Here is a reminder of what RACES represents. R = RESTATE, A = ANSWER, C = CITE, E = EXPLAIN, S = SUMMARIZE. Ask your child how they use RACES when they respond to questions in their classes.

  • Dress for the weather: We remind students often to dress in layers during cold weather. Depending how cold it is in the mornings, students wait outside RMS for the doors to open. Students also need to remember that on days when there are basketball games, the doors to RMS open at 3:15 pm. If a student leaves after school, they will need to be prepared for cold weather.

  • RMS Team Bulletins & Directory: We have received a lo of positive feedback about our grade-level Team Bulletins. Please bookmark these sites and refer to them frequently. Also, remember that the Directory (a link at the top of this page) has links to the bulletins and teacher email addresses. Here are the bulletins for quick access. Grade 6: Merola, Mennucci, D'Arezzo, Nelson | Grade 6: Love, Izzi, Farley, Baccari | Grade 7: Braga, Kelley, Sulham, Tarantelli | Grade 7: French, Villucci/Modica, McCarthy, Harris | Grade 8: Macomber, DeGroot, Reavey, Humphrey | Grade 8: Potts, Kenahan, Duarte, Travis

  • Parent and Student Resources: Check out the Resources page for information about apps and sites that are used at RMS. There are links to our FB Page , Daily Announcements and more.

  • Upcoming Events (Dates and times are subject to change.)


    • 28 Tuesday: Report Cards Distributed

    • 28 Tuesday: Girls Basketball: Riverside at Warwick Veterans 3:30pm

    • 28 Tuesday: Boys Basketball: Warwick Veterans at Riverside 4:00 pm

    • 28 Tuesday: School Committee Meeting

    • 30 Thursday: Girls Basketball: Urban Collaborative at Riverside 3:30 pm

    • 30 Thursday: Boys Basketball: Riverside at Urban Collaborative 3:30 pm

    • 31 Friday: Special Olympics Plunge/Torch Run Fundraiser

    • 31 Friday: Girls Basketball: Riverside at Paul Cuffee (S. Side Boys and Girls Club) 3:30 pm

    • 31 Friday: Winter Ball 6:00-8:00 pm


    • 1-29: Black History Month

    • 1-14: Have a Heart Soup Drive

    • 1&2 Sat & Sun: Wrestling State Tournament at Ponagansett High School

    • 7 Friday: Principal’s Coffee Hour

    • 8 Saturday: PTSA Funny for Funds Event

    • 11 Tuesday: USA Skate Night 6:00-8:00 pm

    • 11 Tuesday: School Committee Meeting

    • 12 Wednesday: PTSA Meeting 6:30-7:30

    • 13 Thursday: SurveyWorks (staff)

    • 14 Friday: 2nd Quarter Honors Celebration

    • 17-21: Winter Recess

Top: 1.) Some serious fitness going on inside the gym 2.) Ms. Viveiros' students made traditional Portuguese tiles 3.) 8th graders in Ms. Kenahan's class working in an escape room 4.) The Girls Basketball team pulling away Bottom: 1.) Magnetech Robotics team on their way to a 2nd place at the State Championship. 2.) 7th grade ELA students prepared a Victorian breakfast 3.) Some serious ups on the court 4.) The Wrestling team after a victory at home.

January 12, 2020

Achievement can be found throughout RMS!

Some really nice things have happened in and around RMS lately. On Saturday, January 12th, our Robotics Team, Magnetech, led by John Marsula took second place in Robot Performance at the First Lego League State Championship. (We like to call them the Public School State Champions!). Congratulations to students Will Laroche, Tiana Brierly, Nathan Tavares, Aidan Lombardo, and Jayden Carlson for their solid performance. Last week we also saw a number of students score really well on their mid-year i-Ready assessment. Students are strengthening their skills in ELA and math and are getting ready to knock it out of the park on the RICAS test in April. Also, don't forget to check out a wrestling match or a basketball game. Our squads have had some impressive victories lately and the Boys Basketball team remains undefeated. Thanks for keeping up on events at RMS. Here are some more details.

  • PTSA Funny for Funds: Please consider supporting the biggest PTSA fundraiser of the year. Purchase tickets today! The RMS PTSA presents the Funny4Funds comedy event on Saturday February 8, 2020. The event takes place at the Brotherhood of the Holy Ghost in Rehoboth, MA. This is an 18+ event for RMS parents and friends. The event is BYOS (bring your own snacks) with a cash bar. There will be a 50/50 raffle and a live and silent auction. Doors open at 6:00 PM and the show starts at 7:00 PM. Check out the event website for ticket information. https://www.funny4funds.com/events/riverside-middle-school-comedy-night/449.

  • 8th Grade visit to the EPCTC: On Tuesday, January 14, 8th graders will visit the East Providence Career and Technical Center to explore programs. Also, on Wednesday, February 5 (5-7 pm), parents and students are welcome to an Open House at the EPCTC for even more information.

  • PTSA Meeting: There will be a PTSA meeting on Wednesday, January 15th. In addition to PTSA business, Officer Tammy will talk about planning for emergencies and crises .

  • Blue Man Group at PPAC: Once again, the RMS PTSA has arranged for RMS Families to see a performance at PPAC. This year, RMS Families can see Blue Man Group on Friday, March 20th at 7:30pm. This year, there are two choices for sections. Seats in the 1st Dress Balcony are $31.50 per ticket and seats in the 2nd Dress Balcony are $21.50 per ticket. Tickets are being sold on a first come, first serve basis as we only have 40 tickets. If you are interested in attending, send in a payment for the correct amount to the RMS Main Office. Checks must be made payable to RMS PTSA. For more information, email rmsptsaBoard@gmail.com. Here is a Facebook Event.

  • End of the Quarter: The end of the 2nd quarter is coming up quickly. Grades closed for students on Tuesday, January 21st and reports cards will be distributed on Tuesday, January 28th. Students and parents are asked to login to Skyward and make sure grades and assignments are up to date. Reach out to teachers or guidance counselors for more information.

  • Dress for the weather: We remind students often to dress in layers during cold weather. Depending how cold it is in the mornings, students wait outside RMS for the doors to open. We know it is an eternal struggle to get some kids to wear the right clothes for the weather, but we appreciate the efforts of parents. Perhaps sneak a pair of gloves into a backpack!

  • RMS Team Bulletins & Directory: We have received a lo of positive feedback about our grade-level Team Bulletins. Please bookmark these sites and refer to them frequently. Also, remember that the Directory (a link at the top of this page) has links to the bulletins and teacher email addresses. Here are the bulletins for quick access. Grade 6: Merola, Mennucci, D'Arezzo, Nelson | Grade 6: Love, Izzi, Farley, Baccari | Grade 7: Braga, Kelley, Sulham, Tarantelli | Grade 7: French, Villucci/Modica, McCarthy, Harris | Grade 8: Macomber, DeGroot, Reavey, Humphrey | Grade 8: Potts, Kenahan, Duarte, Travis

  • Parent and Student Resources: Check out the Resources page for information about apps and sites that are used at RMS. There are links to our FB Page , Daily Announcements and more.

  • Upcoming Events (Dates and times are subject to change.)


    • 14 Tuesday: 8th Grade visit to CTC

    • 14 Tuesday: Girls Basketball: Riverside at Martin 3:30 pm

    • 14 Tuesday: Boys Basketball: Martin at Riverside 3:30 pm

    • 14 Tuesday: School Committee Meeting

    • 15 Wednesday: Wrestling: Riverside at West Broadway 3:30 pm

    • 15 Wednesday: PTSA Meeting 6:30-7:30

    • 17 Friday Girls: Basketball: Park View at Riverside 3:30 pm

    • 17 Friday: Boys Basketball: Riverside at Park View 3:30 pm

    • 17 Friday: Wrestling: (Tri Meet) Riverside and DeLaSalle at McCourt 4:00 pm

    • 20 Monday: MLK Jr. Day - No School

    • 21 Tuesday: Quarter 2 Ends

    • 21 Tuesday: Girls Basketball: Riverside at Feinstein 3:30 pm

    • 21 Tuesday: Boys Basketball: Feinstein at RIverside 3:30 pm

    • 22 & 23 Wed: & Thurs Ronald MacDonald House Event

    • 22 Wednesday: Quarter 3 Begins

    • 22 Wednesday: Wrestling: Riverside at North Cumberland 4:00 pm

    • 23 Thursday: School Improvement Team 3:30 pm

    • 23 Thursday: Girls Basketball: Winman at Riverside 4:00 pm

    • 23 Thursday: Boys Basketball: Riverside at Winman 3:00 pm

    • 27 Monday: Report Cards Distributed

    • 28 Tuesday: Girls Basketball: Riverside at Warwick Veterans 3:30pm

    • 28 Tuesday: Boys Basketball: Warwick Veterans at Riverside 4:00 pm

    • 28 Tuesday: School Committee Meeting

    • 30 Thursday: Girls Basketball: Urban Collaborative at Riverside 3:30 pm

    • 30 Thursday: Boys Basketball: Riverside at Urban Collaborative 3:30 pm

    • 31 Friday: Special Olympics Plunge/Torch Run Fundraiser

    • 31 Friday: Girls Basketball: Riverside at Paul Cuffee (S. Side Boys and Girls Club) 3:30 pm

    • 31 Friday: Winter Ball 6:00-8:00 pm

1.)The RMS Chorus sings to a full house 2.) Friends from ExxonMobile present RMS with a donation for our Robotics teams 3.)The Boys Basketball Team in action 4.) Members of the RMS Chorus getting ready for the big show

December 29, 2019

Happy 2020!

We hope that everyone is rested and recharged after a nice holiday vacation! There are not a lot of events on the calendar (aside from some exciting sports contests!) during the first few weeks of January. That should allow us to get back into the swing of things and prepare for the busy season ahead. Thank you for keeping up with everything that is going on at RMS. Here's to the beginning of a fantastic decade!

  • Dress for the weather: We remind students often to dress in layers during cold weather. Depending how cold it is in the mornings, students wait outside RMS for the doors to open. We know it is an eternal struggle to get some kids to wear the right clothes for the weather, but we appreciate the efforts of parents. Perhaps sneak a pair of gloves into a backpack!

  • Blue Man Group at PPAC: Once again, the RMS PTSA has arranged for RMS Families to see a performance at PPAC. This year, RMS Families can see Blue Man Group on Friday, March 20th at 7:30pm. This year, there are two choices for sections. Seats in the 1st Dress Balcony are $31.50 per ticket and seats in the 2nd Dress Balcony are $21.50 per ticket. Tickets are being sold on a first come, first serve basis as we only have 40 tickets. If you are interested in attending, send in a payment for the correct amount to the RMS Main Office. Checks must be made payable to RMS PTSA. For more information, email rmsptsaBoard@gmail.com. Here is a Facebook Event.

  • PTSA Funny for Funds: The RMS PTSA presents the Funny4Funds comedy event on Saturday February 8, 2020. The event takes place at the Brotherhood of the Holy Ghost in Rehoboth, MA. This is an 18+ event for RMS parents and friends. The event is BYOS (bring your own snacks) with a cash bar. There will be a 50/50 raffle and a live and silent auction. Doors open at 6:00 PM and the show starts at 7:00 PM. Check out the event website for ticket information. https://www.funny4funds.com/events/riverside-middle-school-comedy-night/449.

  • RMS Team Bulletins & Directory: We have received a lo of positive feedback about our grade-level Team Bulletins. Please bookmark these sites and refer to them frequently. Also, remember that the Directory (a link at the top of this page) has links to the bulletins and teacher email addresses. Here are the bulletins for quick access. Grade 6: Merola, Mennucci, D'Arezzo, Nelson | Grade 6: Love, Izzi, Farley, Baccari | Grade 7: Braga, Kelley, Sulham, Tarantelli | Grade 7: French, Villucci/Modica, McCarthy, Harris | Grade 8: Macomber, DeGroot, Reavey, Humphrey | Grade 8: Potts, Kenahan, Duarte, Travis

  • Parent and Student Resources: Check out the Resources page for information about apps and sites that are used at RMS. There are links to our FB Page , Daily Announcements and more.

  • Upcoming Events (Dates and times are subject to change.)


    • 2 Thursday: Girls Basketball: Bain at Riverside 3:30 pm

    • 2 Thursday: Boys Basketball: Riverside at Bain (Pastore Youth Center) 3:30 pm

    • 7 Tuesday: i-Ready Testing (ELA)

    • 7 Tuesday: Girls Basketball: Riverside at Hope Highlands 3:30 pm

    • 7 Tuesday: Boys Basketball: Hope Highlands at Riverside 3:30 pm

    • 8 Wednesday: Wrestling: Davisville at Riverside 4:00 pm

    • 9 Thursday: i-Ready Testing (Math)

    • 9 Thursday: Girls Basketball: Riverside at Deering 3:30 pm

    • 9 Thursday: Boys Basketball: Deering at Riverside 3:30 pm

    • 10 Friday: Wrestling: Birchwood at Riverside 4:00 pm

    • 14 Tuesday: 8th Grade visit to CTC

    • 14 Tuesday: Girls Basketball: Riverside at Martin 3:30 pm

    • 14 Tuesday: Boys Basketball: Martin at Riverside 3:30 pm

    • 14 Tuesday: School Committee Meeting

    • 15 Wednesday: Wrestling: Riverside at West Broadway 3:30 pm

    • 15 Wednesday: PTSA Meeting 6:30-7:30

    • 17 Friday Girls: Basketball: Park View at Riverside 3:30 pm

    • 17 Friday: Boys Basketball: Riverside at Park View 3:30 pm

    • 17 Friday: Wrestling: (Tri Meet) Riverside and DeLaSalle at McCourt 4:00 pm

    • 20 Monday: MLK Jr. Day - No School

    • 21 Tuesday: Quarter 2 Ends

    • 21 Tuesday: Girls Basketball: Riverside at Feinstein 3:30 pm

    • 21 Tuesday: Boys Basketball: Feinstein at RIverside 3:30 pm

    • 22 & 23 Wed: & Thurs Ronald MacDonald House Event

    • 22 Wednesday: Quarter 3 Begins

    • 22 Wednesday: Wrestling: Riverside at North Cumberland 4:00 pm

    • 23 Thursday: School Improvement Team 3:30 pm

    • 23 Thursday: Girls Basketball: Winman at Riverside 4:00 pm

    • 23 Thursday: Boys Basketball: Riverside at Winman 3:00 pm

    • 27 Monday: Report Cards Distributed

    • 28 Tuesday: Girls Basketball: Riverside at Warwick Veterans 3:30pm

    • 28 Tuesday: Boys Basketball: Warwick Veterans at Riverside 4:00 pm

    • 28 Tuesday: School Committee Meeting

    • 30 Thursday: Girls Basketball: Urban Collaborative at Riverside 3:30 pm

    • 30 Thursday: Boys Basketball: Riverside at Urban Collaborative 3:30 pm

    • 31 Friday: Special Olympics Plunge/Torch Run Fundraiser

    • 31 Friday: Girls Basketball: Riverside at Paul Cuffee (S. Side Boys and Girls Club) 3:30 pm

    • 31 Friday: Winter Ball 6:00-8:00 pm

1.)7th grade students visited the Mobile Maker Lab 2.) MANGNETECH Robotics team 3.)The Girls Basketball Team 4.) Parents at Principals' Coffee Hour.

December 8, 2019

Winter is just about here!

With a few inches of snow on the ground and the sounds of basketballs being bounced in the gym after school, there's no doubt that winter is just about here! The weeks before the Holidays are always a busy time as students are well into the the second marking period and are taking part in a number of after-school activities. It's also a time when there is a lot of emotion among adolescents (and adults!), so we will be keeping an eye out for students who need extra support this time of year. In just a few weeks, we will have a opportunity for some well-earned rest. In the meantime, please be sure to check Skyward for mid-term progress and here are some things that are going on at RMS.

  • Mid-Quarter is here: It is mid-quarter and time to check in on students' progress in their classes. Parents are asked to login to Skyward to keep up with assignments, grades, and attendance. Here are links to the a mobile apps (iOS and Google). Also, don't forget that Team Bulletins are available in the Directory. There are links below.

  • EPHS Day in Action for 8th Graders: 8th graders and parents or guardians are invited for the annual Day in Action Scavenger Hunt at EPHS on December 10th 6-8 PM. Incoming 9th graders and their parents can meet administrators and teachers, check out clubs, and visit classes.

  • Winter Band Concert: Come to RMS on Thursday night, December 12th, to hear holiday favorites as Mr. Maguire and our Bands perform in their first concert of the year. Te RMS Chorus, led by Mr. Baldaia, will perform one week later on December 19th.

  • Items for the Holidays from the RMS School Store: If you would like to order T-shirts or Hoodies for your child for the Holiday Season, please fill out the order form and have your child return it to his/her homeroom teacher. We can send the purchase home with your child or leave it in the office for pick up if you want it as a surprise! (Put the order form in an envelope if you want it as a surprise.) Make checks payable to Riverside Middle School.

      • Hoodies are $25.00

      • Long and Short sleeve T’s are $10.00

      • RMS Winter Hat is $10.00

  • Ugly Holiday Sweater Fundraiser: Some of the sweaters you see around the holidays are so ugly that you should have to pay to wear one! So why not dress up for the season and make a donation to a local veteran's organization. Mr. Sulham is organizing what has become an annual event - The Ugly Holiday Sweater Fundraiser on Friday, December 13th! Make a donation of a few dollars and join in the fun. The gaudier the better!

  • Dress for the weather: We remind students often to dress in layers during cold weather. Depending how cold it is in the mornings, students wait outside RMS for the doors to open. We know it is an eternal struggle to get some kids to wear the right clothes for the weather, but we appreciate the efforts of parents. Perhaps sneak a pair of gloves into a backpack!

  • Waterview Villa Event: Over the past few years, students and faculty members have visited Waterview Villa, a rehabilitation and health care center, bringing holiday gifts and joy to residents. We are still collecting puzzles books, socks, stuffed animals, Kleenex, lotions, and blankets. Donations can be brought to room 217.

  • Hour of Code Event: Our technology teachers are helping organize the Hour of Code, a event throughout the nation (and other parts of the world too) in which students work on coding and computer science skills. At the end of the day on Tuesday, December 10, we will hold our event. Learn more about the Hour of Code here.

  • PTSA Meeting: The RMS PTSA will meet on Wednesday, December 11th at 6:30 in the RMS Library.

  • PTSA Restaurant Night: Mark your calendars for this month's PTSA Restaurant Night. On Tuesday, December 17th, Tropical Smoothie in Seekonk will donate 25% of the event's sales to the Riverside Middle School PTSA. Check out this Facebook Event for details and the flier of the event.

  • Blue Man Group at PPAC: Once again, the RMS PTSA has arranged for RMS Families to see a performance at PPAC. This year, RMS Families can see Blue Man Group on Friday, March 20th at 7:30pm. This year, there are two choices for sections. Seats in the 1st Dress Balcony are $31.50 per ticket and seats in the 2nd Dress Balcony are $21.50 per ticket. Tickets are being sold on a first come, first serve basis as we only have 40 tickets. If you are interested in attending, send in a payment for the correct amount to the RMS Main Office. Checks must be made payable to RMS PTSA. For more information, email rmsptsaBoard@gmail.com. Here is a Facebook Event.

  • PTSA Funny for Funds: The RMS PTSA presents the Funny4Funds comedy event on Saturday February 8, 2020. The event takes place at the Brotherhood of the Holy Ghost in Rehoboth, MA. This is an 18+ event for RMS parents and friends. The event is BYOS (bring your own snacks) with a cash bar. There will be a 50/50 raffle and a live and silent auction. Doors open at 6:00 PM and the show starts at 7:00 PM. Check out the event website for ticket information. https://www.funny4funds.com/events/riverside-middle-school-comedy-night/449.

  • Principals' Coffee Hour Thanks: Thank you to the parents who came out to Principals' Coffee Hour last Friday morning. We will meet again next quarter, so keep your eyes out for an announcement.

  • RMS Team Bulletins & Directory: We have received a lo of positive feedback about our grade-level Team Bulletins. Please bookmark these sites and refer to them frequently. Also, remember that the Directory (a link at the top of this page) has links to the bulletins and teacher email addresses. Here are the bulletins for quick access. Grade 6: Merola, Mennucci, D'Arezzo, Nelson | Grade 6: Love, Izzi, Farley, Baccari | Grade 7: Braga, Kelley, Sulham, Tarantelli | Grade 7: French, Villucci/Modica, McCarthy, Harris | Grade 8: Macomber, DeGroot, Reavey, Humphrey | Grade 8: Potts, Kenahan, Duarte, Travis

  • Parent and Student Resources: Check out the Resources page for information about apps and sites that are used at RMS. There are links to our FB Page , Daily Announcements and more.

  • Upcoming Events

December 2019

9 Monday: Mid-Quarter

10 Tuesday: Hour of Code

11 Wednesday: PTSA Meeting 6:30-7:30

11 Wednesday: Band Concert Assemblies

12 Thursday: Winter Band Concert

13 Friday: Ugly Holiday Sweater Fundraiser

15 Sunday: Waterview Villa Holiday Event

19 Thursday: Student Council Meeting

19 Thursday: Winter Chorus Concert

23-1 Mon-Thurs: Winter Recess

January 2020

7 Tuesday: i-Ready Testing (ELA)

9 Thursday: i-Ready Testing (Math)

14 Tuesday: 8th Grade visit to CTC

15 Wednesday: PTSA Meeting 6:30-7:30

20 Monday:MLK Jr. Day - No School

21 Tuesday: Quarter 2 Ends

22 & 23 Wed & Thurs: Ronald MacDonald House Event

22 Wednesday: Quarter 3 Begin

27 Monday: Report Cards Distributed

31 Friday: Winter Ball: 6:00-8:00 pm

1.) 8th Graders enjoyed the Junior Achievement Inspire Career Fair 2.) 6th Graders took part in STEM activities at Gillette Stadium 3.)Weekly Core Values Winners 4.) RMS collected 500 canned food items for Hope & Faith charity.

November 24, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving

It's the time of year at which we consider all of the things we have to be thankful for. We are fortunate to be part of a supportive and talented school community and we are thankful for kids who are hardworking and kind. On behalf of the RMS Faculty and Staff, thank you for trusting your kids to us everyday. We also need to remember the other important wish for Thanksgiving - for the Townies to beat LaSalle at Pierce Field! Here are some details about things happening at RMS over the next few weeks.

  • Morning Drop Off: A phone class was sent out last week reminding parents and guardians who drop off students in the morning that only the right driveway and the circle to the right of the school should be used for morning drop off. The left driveway and parking lots are busy in the mornings and there have been some safety concerns. At pick-up time, the same guidelines should be followed.

  • Principals' Coffee Hour: Mark your calendar. On Friday December 6th at 8:00 am, Mr. Perry and Mr. Salgueiro will host the second Principals' Coffee Hour of the year. We will be discussing RICAS results and our State Report Card. We will also take a brief tour of the school. We hope to see a lot of parents there.

  • Log into Skyward: Students and parents are reminded to login to Skyward frequently in order to keep up with assignments, grades, and attendance. Parents are asked to look through the contact information in Skyward to make sure that emergency contacts are up to date and correct information is provided. Here are links to the a mobile apps (iOS and Google). Also, don't forget that Team Bulletins are available in the Directory. There is a link at the top of this page.

  • Thanksgiving Can Drive Thanks: Mr. Pond organized our canned food drive this year. Students and staff collected around 500 items that were donated to the Hope & Faith Drive. Thank you to everyone who donated and to our winning homerooms .

  • Guidance Department Website Updates: The RMS Guidance Department has updated its website with new information for students and parents.

  • Waterview Villa Event: We will be holding our annual holiday event at Waterview Villa on December 15th. Students and staff are collecting puzzles books, socks, stuffed animals, Kleenex, lotions, and blankets for the residents of Waterview Villa. Donations can be brought to room 217.

  • Sign Painting Fundraiser for Washington DC trip: Come to RMS on Friday Dec 6th 6-9 pm for our sign painting fundraiser for the Washington DC trip. Reclaimed and Refined Signs will lead the fun. Participants will create their own personalized sign that can be used as a really nice Holiday gift. Go to the Reclaimed and Refined Signs website to buy a ticket before November 22.

  • PTSA Funny for Funds: The RMS PTSA presents the Funny4Funds comedy event on Saturday February 8, 2020. The event takes place at the Brotherhood of the Holy Ghost in Rehoboth, MA. This is an 18+ event for RMS parents and friends. The event is BYOS (bring your own snacks) with a cash bar. There will be a 50/50 raffle and a live and silent auction. Doors open at 6:00 PM and the show starts at 7:00 PM. Check out the event website for ticket information. https://www.funny4funds.com/events/riverside-middle-school-comedy-night/449.

  • RMS Team Bulletins & Directory: We have received a lo of positive feedback about our grade-level Team Bulletins. Please bookmark these sites and refer to them frequently. Also, remember that the Directory (a link at the top of this page) has links to the bulletins and teacher email addresses. Here are the bulletins for quick access. Grade 6: Merola, Mennucci, D'Arezzo, Nelson | Grade 6: Love, Izzi, Farley, Baccari | Grade 7: Braga, Kelley, Sulham, Tarantelli | Grade 7: French, Villucci/Modica, McCarthy, Harris | Grade 8: Macomber, DeGroot, Reavey, Humphrey | Grade 8: Potts, Kenahan, Duarte, Travis

  • Parent and Student Resources: Check out the Resources page for information about apps and sites that are used at RMS. There are links to our FB Page , Daily Announcements and more.

  • Upcoming Events

November 2019

27-29 Wed-Fri: Thanksgiving Recess

December 2019

4 Wednesday: Christmas Carol Field Trip (Grade 7)

5 Thursday: Student Council Meeting

6 Friday: Principal’s Coffee Hour

6 Friday: Sign Painting DC Fundraiser 6:00 -9:00 pm

9 Monday: Mid-Quarter

10 Tuesday: Hour of Code

11 Wednesday: PTSA Meeting 6:30-7:30

11 Wednesday: Band Concert Assemblies

12 Thursday: Winter Band Concert

13 Friday: Ugly Holiday Sweater Fundraiser

13 Friday: RMS Band performs at the RI State House

15 Sunday: Waterview Villa Holiday Event

19 Thursday: Student Council Meeting

19 Thursday: Winter Chorus Concert

23-1 Mon-Thurs: Winter Recess

1.) Phys. Ed teachers with RMS Parents Kim and Claudio who donated fitness equipment 2.) New members of the National Junior Honor Society 3.) Core Values Winners 4.) NJHS members and their families

November 10, 2019

Happy Veterans Day

Happy Veterans Day to all of the members of our school community who have served in the Armed Forces. We also honor those whose lives have been affected by the service of loved ones. We know that the success of our country has been due, in large part, to the sacrifices of those in uniform. Here are are some details about things coming up in the next few weeks.

  • Report Cards: Report Cards were sent home on Friday, November 8th. Parents can always login to Skyward to see up-to-date grades and attendance information. If your child did not bring home a report card, feel free to contact the RMS Guidance Office.

  • Early Dismissal: Students will be dismissed from RMS at 11:15 on Thursday, November 14 so that we can hold parent-teacher conferences. (See below.)

  • Parent-teacher Conferences: On Wednesday, November 13 (2:30-3:30 pm and 5:30-7:30 pm) and Thursday, November 14 (12:30-2:30 pm), parent-teacher conferences will take place. It is not too late to sign up for a meeting with a core subject teacher (English, science, social studies, math) using a Sign-Up Genius form. (Click on this ink for the Sign-up Genius forms.) All other teachers will be available for conferences during the times above on a first-come first-served basis.

  • Scholastic Book Fair: Please come to RMS during Parent Teacher Conferences (time are above) for the Scholastic Book Fair. Please support RMS by picking up some of the latest titles that kids love. Books make fantastic holiday gifts! Also, students will have an opportunity to visit the book fair during the week in classes where they can buy new books.

  • USA Skate Night: On Tuesday, November 12th, RMS will host USA Skate Night from 6:00-8:00 pm (This is a correction from an earlier post). This is an event for RMS students only. If a younger sibling attends, a parent or guardian must be present during the entire event. Parents are also reminded to be at USA Skates at 8:00 pm SHARP for pick up as Mr. Sal, Mr. Petsch, and Mr. Perry need to get home and get their beauty sleep.

  • Thanksgiving Can Drive: Mr. Pond is organizing a canned food drive. Students are asked to bring in a canned food item leading up to Thanksgiving. The homeroom with the most donations will win apizza party!

  • Waterview Villa Event: We will be holding our annual holiday event at Waterview Villa on December 15th. Students and staff are collecting puzzles books, socks, stuffed animals, Kleenex, lotions, and blankets for the residents of Waterview Villa. Donations can be brought to room 217.

  • School Photos: Makeups for Lifetouch Photos will take place on November 18.

  • PTSA Bingo Thank You: Thank you to Regan Potrzeba and the RMS PTSA for organizing a fun Candy Bar Bingo on November 7th. It was a fun event as EP School Committee member Jessica Beauchaine once again served as our master of ceremonies!

  • Veterans Day Event Thank You: Thank you to Nate Cahoon, Charlie Tsonos, Rick Lawson, and Mike Spremulli who came to RMS on Friday and spoke to our 8th graders about their service in the Armed Forces. The 8th graders asked some fantastic questions and represented our school community well!

  • Winter Sports Seasons: Parents or guardians of students who plan to try-out for a winter sport (basketball and wrestling) must fill out information on the Family ID website. Sign ups are taking place over the next few weeks. Coaches will be providing announcements about try-outs.

  • Sign Painting Fundraiser for Washington DC trip: Come to RMS on Friday Dec 6th 6-9 pm for our sign painting fundraiser for the Washington DC trip. Reclaimed and Refined Signs will lead the fun. Participants will create their own personalized sign that can be used as a really nice Holiday gift. Go to the Reclaimed and Refined Signs website to buy a ticket before November 22.

  • PTSA Funny for Funds: The RMS PTSA presents the Funny4Funds comedy event on Saturday February 8, 2020. The event takes place at the Brotherhood of the Holy Ghost in Rehoboth, MA. This is an 18+ event for RMS parents and friends. The event is BYOS (bring your own snacks) with a cash bar. There will be a 50/50 raffle and a live and silent auction. Doors open at 6:00 PM and the show starts at 7:00 PM. Check out the event website for ticket information. https://www.funny4funds.com/events/riverside-middle-school-comedy-night/449.

  • Parents as Pathways: The RMS Guidance Department has created a new website with information for students and parents. As part of their efforts to bring even more meaningful learning to our students, the Guidance Counselors are providing opportunities for parents and community members to share their career experiences with students. If you would like more information, check out this letter about the Parents and Pathways program. You can also contact Guidance Department Coordinator, Mrs. Pepin at kpepin@epschoolsri.com for more information.

  • RMS Team Bulletins & Directory: We have received a lo of positive feedback about our grade-level Team Bulletins. Please bookmark these sites and refer to them frequently. Also, remember that the Directory (a link at the top of this page) has links to the bulletins and teacher email addresses. Here are the bulletins for quick access. Grade 6: Merola, Mennucci, D'Arezzo, Nelson | Grade 6: Love, Izzi, Farley, Baccari | Grade 7: Braga, Kelley, Sulham, Tarantelli | Grade 7: French, Villucci/Modica, McCarthy, Harris | Grade 8: Macomber, DeGroot, Reavey, Humphrey | Grade 8: Potts, Kenahan, Duarte, Travis

  • Parent and Student Resources: Check out the Resources page for information about apps and sites that are used at RMS. There are links to our FB Page , Daily Announcements and more.

  • Upcoming Events

November 2019

12-15 Tues-Fri: Scholastic Book Fair

12 Tuesday: USA Skate Night (6-8pm)

13 Wednesday: Parent-Teacher Conferences 2:30-3:30pm & 5:30-7:30 pm

14 Thursday: Student Early Dismissal 11:15 am

14 Thursday: Parent-Teacher Conferences 12:30-2:30 pm

14 Thursday: 1st Quarter Honors Celebration

15 Friday: 6th Grade (Team 2) Gillette Stadium Field trip

18 Monday: Lifetouch School Photo Make-up

18 Monday: Faculty Advisory Committee Meeting

21 Thursday: Thursday: Student Council Meeting

21 Thursday: Junior Achievement Fair - Grade 8

27-29 Wed-Fri: Thanksgiving Recess

December 2019

4 Wednesday: Christmas Carol Field Trip (Grade 7)

5 Thursday: Student Council Meeting

6 Friday: Principal’s Coffee Hour

6 Friday: Sign Painting DC Fundraiser 6:00 -9:00 pm

9 Monday: Mid-Quarter

10 Tuesday: Hour of Code

11 Wednesday: PTSA Meeting 6:30-7:30

11 Wednesday: Band Concert Assemblies

12 Thursday: Winter Band Concert

13 Friday: Ugly Holiday Sweater Fundraiser

13 Friday: RMS Band performs at the RI State House

15 Sunday: Waterview Villa Holiday Event

19 Thursday: Student Council Meeting

19 Thursday: Winter Chorus Concert

23-1 Mon-Thurs: Winter Recess

Student Council members, Faculty members at the Spirit Rally, Students leading at the Townie Pride Parade, A winning team at the Spirit Rally

October 27, 2019

Here comes the 2nd Quarter.

What a busy few weeks we have had! Between finishing up the 1st quarter, the end of sports seasons, Spirit Week, and the Townie Pride Parade, we have been really moving at RMS recently. Grades close for the first quarter on the October 31st, so students and teachers will be putting the finishing touches on assignments, projects, and assessments. Be sure to check Skyward for the latest student progress information.

  • Report Cards: 1st Quarter Report Cards will be sent home on Friday, November 8. However, grades will be updated on Skyward before then.

  • Parent-teacher Conferences: On Wednesday, November 13 and Thursday, November 14, teachers will be available for conferences with parents or guardians. On Thursday, November 14, RMS students will be dismissed at 11:15 am. Parent-Teacher Conferences will take place from 12:30-2:30. We will be using a Sign-Up Genius form to schedule the meetings. Teachers will be sending out the links to the forms later in the week.

  • RICAS Results: Individual student results of the RICAS exam will be sent home with report cards in a few weeks. In general, as a school, RMS performed slightly better than last year as our ELA scores were less than a percentage point from last year and our math scores were slightly higher. We are on average with other middle schools in the state of Rhode Island. We had hoped for some bigger gains as some middle schools in Rhode Island raised their overall proficiency rate over 10%. Teachers will be breaking down the data in the coming weeks in order to identify the places where we need to focus our efforts.

  • Socktober Donations: Our 'Crazy Sock Lady', in the RMS Library reports that we need fewer than hundred pairs of socks to get to our 1000 pair goal! Please consider donating some new socks by 10/31.

  • Halloween at RMS. In case any parent is wondering, students are not allowed to wear Halloween costumes to school on October 31st. (Students have been informed of this already.) The good news is that we have a Halloween Dance!

  • Halloween Dance: Our annual Halloween Dance will take place on Friday, November 1st. (An extra day to wear those expensive costumes!) Tickets will be $5 each and will be sold during lunches starting on Tuesday, October 29th. Students are asked to not wear masks and students must be picked up at 8:00 PM Sharp!

  • BooGrams: The RMS Student Council will sell BooGrams Monday-Thursday

  • PTSA Bingo: Mark your calendar! The RMS PTSA will hold PTSA Candy Bar Bingo, a fun family event on November 7th in the RMS Cafeteria. Here is the Facebook Event. Also, don't forget that there are opportunities for 6th and 7th grade parents to become officers or board members. Please consider joining us! Email PTSA President, Regan Potrzeba at RMSPTSABoard@gmail.com for more information.

  • PTSA Restaurant Night: This month's RMS PTSA Restaurant Night is on November 5th (4:00-9:00 PM) at Applebee's in Seekonk. 15% of your order will be donated to the RMS PTSA. Here is a Facebook Event.

  • PTSA Funny for Funds: The RMS PTSA presents the Funny4Funds comedy event on Saturday February 8, 2020. The event takes place at the Brotherhood of the Holy Ghost in Rehoboth, MA. This is an 18+ event for RMS parents and friends. The event is BYOS (bring your own snacks) with a cash bar. There will be a 50/50 raffle and a live and silent auction. Doors open at 6:00 PM and the show starts at 7:00 PM. Check out the event website for ticket information. https://www.funny4funds.com/events/riverside-middle-school-comedy-night/449.

  • National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony: Congratulations to 30 RMS 8th graders who will be the first-ever inductees to the Riverside Middle School chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. The induction ceremony will be held on Wednesday, November 6th at 6:00 PM in the RMS Auditorium.

  • Parents as Pathways: The RMS Guidance Department has created a new website with information for students and parents. As part of their efforts to bring even more meaningful learning to our students, the Guidance Counselors are providing opportunities for parents and community members to share their career experiences with students. If you would like more information, check out this letter about the Parents and Pathways program. You can also contact Guidance Department Coordinator, Mrs. Pepin at kpepin@epschoolsri.com for more information.

  • Winter Sports Seasons: Parents or guardians of students who plan to try-out for a winter sport (basketball and wrestling) must fill out information on the Family ID website. Sign ups are taking place over the next few weeks. Coaches will be providing announcements about try-outs.

  • Thanksgiving Can Drive: Mr. Pond is organizing a canned food drive. Students are asked to bring in a canned food item leading up to Thanksgiving. The homeroom with the most donations will win apizza party!

  • Sign Painting Fundraiser for Washington DC trip: Come to RMS on Friday Dec 6th 6-9 pm for our sign painting fundraiser for the Washington DC trip. Reclaimed and Refined Signs will lead the fun. Participants will create their own personalized sign that can be used as a really nice Holiday gift. Go to the Reclaimed and Refined Signs website to buy a ticket before November 22.

  • RMS Team Bulletins & Directory: We have received a lo of positive feedback about our grade-level Team Bulletins. Please bookmark these sites and refer to them frequently. Also, remember that the Directory (a link at the top of this page) has links to the bulletins and teacher email addresses. Here are the bulletins for quick access. Grade 6: Merola, Mennucci, D'Arezzo, Nelson | Grade 6: Love, Izzi, Farley, Baccari | Grade 7: Braga, Kelley, Sulham, Tarantelli | Grade 7: French, Villucci/Modica, McCarthy, Harris | Grade 8: Macomber, DeGroot, Reavey, Humphrey | Grade 8: Potts, Kenahan, Duarte, Travis

  • Updated Attendance Policy: Consistent attendance at school is vital to the success of our students. The East Providence School Committee recently updated the Attendance Policy. There are a number of implications for students and some of these are a significant change from the old policy. Please read the policy in the RMS Student Handbook (available on this site at the top). Here are a few of the policy changes.

          • Excused Absences: Excused absences include a student’s participation in an approved school-sponsored activity, documented college visits, suspension days, religious holidays, bereavement, a doctor-excused illness or injury (doctor’s written excuse must be submitted no later than two (2) school days following the absence), a school nurse-teacher excused illness or injury, court appearance, military deployment event or dismissal from school by school Principal or designee.

          • Unexcused Absences: Unexcused absences include but are not limited to any absence in which the student and/or parent/guardian fails to comply with the District’s attendance policy and procedures and includes any and all absences not listed as excused absences above. Unexcused absences count toward attendance policy limits.

  • Parent and Student Resources: Check out the Resources page for information about apps and sites that are used at RMS. There are links to our FB Page , Daily Announcements and more.

  • Upcoming Events

October 2019

28 Monday: Student Council BooGrams

28 Monday: Thanksgiving Can Drive Begins

29-31: Tickets on sale for Halloween Dance

31 Thursday: Quarter 1 Ends

November 2019

1 Friday: Halloween Dance 6-8pm

1 Friday: Quarter 2 Begins

6 Wednesday: National Junior Honor Society Induction 6:00-8:00 pm

7 Thursday: Student Council Meeting

7 Thursday :PTSA Bingo 6:30-8:00

8 Friday: Report Cards Distributed

8 Friday: Veteran’s Day Event (Grade 8)

11 Monday: Veterans Day No School

12-15 Tues-Fri: Scholastic Book Fair

12 Tuesday: USA Skate Night (6-8pm)

13 Wednesday: Parent-Teacher Conferences 2:30-3:30pm & 5:30-7:30 pm

14 Thursday: Student Early Dismissal 11:15 am

14 Thursday: Parent Conferences 12:30-2:30 pm

14 Thursday: 1st Quarter Honors Celebration

15 Friday: 6th Grade (Team 2) Gillette Stadium Field trip

RMS Core Values award recipients, Science students performing an experiment, Boys Soccer players at the pasta fundraiser, Math students solving problems

October 13, 2019

We're getting ready for Spirit Week!

Autumn is definitely here as we have had a pleasant, colorful long-weekend. The next few weeks are busy at RMS as we head toward the end of the first quarter. Parents and students are reminded to check Skyward frequently in order to stay on top of assignments and assessments. Here are some details about things that are happening at RMS over the next few weeks.

  • Lifetouch School Photos: On Tuesday, October 15, students will have their school photos taken. Information has been sent home and Lifetouch has sent emails regarding photo packages. Look sharp, RMS!

  • Fall Spirit Week: Spirit Week will take place Monday, October 21 - Friday, October 25. It will culminate in the Townie Pride Parade at Pierce Field on Friday, October 25. Here are the themes of this year's Fall Spirit Week:

      • Mismatch Monday (October 21) - Dress in your mismatched outfits. Get brave and include your socks in the chaos.

      • Tie- Dye Tuesday (October 22) - Wear your tie dye. Can you dress in tie- dye from head to toe?

      • Wednesday (October 23) - Pink Out Day. Dress in Pink to support Breast Cancer Awareness. Donate a dollar and help RMS raise funds for Breast Cancer Research.

      • Triplet Thursday (Octber 24) - Find your long lost triplets. Dress alike and get ready to strike a pose.

      • Friday - Spirit Day (October 25) Get out your RMS gear and turn RMS into a stream of Red and White. Come join us at the Townie Pride Parade. Pep Rally will take place at RMS.

  • Townie Pride Parade: RMS will once again be making our presence known at the Townie Pride Parade on Friday, October 25. We will line up on the field behind Pierce Stadium starting around 5:30 PM and then march into the stadium in a showing of Townie Pride! Parents are welcome to join us!

  • Halloween Dance: Our annual Halloween Dance will take place on Friday, November 1st. (An extra day to wear those expensive costumes!) Tickets will be $5 each and will be sold during lunches starting on Tuesday, October 29th.

  • Girls Soccer Fundraiser: Come help support the Girls’ Soccer Team and find out how fast your shot is, or if you can score on Mr.Petch or one of our coaches! The event takes place on the soccer field at RMS on October 23rd 2:30-4:00 pm. The cost is only $1.00 per shot and tickets for a candy raffle will also be sold for $1.00. Snacks will be available to purchase too! 10% of all donations will be given to Pink Out Day!!!

  • Focus on Instruction: Teachers take part in professional learning every week at RMS. Over the next month, we will be focusing on using data about our students' achievement to improve our programs. At the end of the month, we will examine RICAS scores.

  • RMS PTSA: The RMS PTSA has a lot of parents of students in the 8th grade. There are opportunities for 6th and 7th grade parents to become officers or board members. Please consider joining us! Email PTSA President, Regan Potrzeba at RMSPTSABoard@gmail.com for more information.

  • Parents as Pathways: The RMS Guidance Department has created a new website (available 10/15) with information for students and parents. As part of their efforts to bring even more meaningful learning to our students, the Guidance Counselors are providing opportunities for parents and community members to share their career experiences with students. If you would like more information, check out the new website (available 10/15). There will also be a form available in the coming weeks.

  • RMS Team Bulletins & Directory: We have received a lo of positive feedback about our grade-level Team Bulletins. Please bookmark these sites and refer to them frequently. Also, remember that the Directory (a link at the top of this page) has links to the bulletins and teacher email addresses. Here are the bulletins for quick access. Grade 6: Merola, Mennucci, D'Arezzo, Nelson | Grade 6: Love, Izzi, Farley, Farley | Grade 7: Braga, Kelley, Sulham, Tarantelli | Grade 7: French, Villucci/Modica, McCarthy, Harris | Grade 8: Macomber, DeGroot, Reavey, Humphrey | Grade 8: Potts, Kenahan, Duarte, Travis

  • Socktober Donations: Don't forget to bring your Socktober donations in all month long to the 'Crazy Sock Lady', in the RMS Library!

  • Updated Attendance Policy: Consistent attendance at school is vital to the success of our students. The East Providence School Committee recently updated the Attendance Policy. There are a number of implications for students and some of these are a significant change from the old policy. Please read the policy in the RMS Student Handbook (available on this site at the top). Here are a few of the policy changes.

          • Excused Absences: Excused absences include a student’s participation in an approved school-sponsored activity, documented college visits, suspension days, religious holidays, bereavement, a doctor-excused illness or injury (doctor’s written excuse must be submitted no later than two (2) school days following the absence), a school nurse-teacher excused illness or injury, court appearance, military deployment event or dismissal from school by school Principal or designee.

          • Unexcused Absences: Unexcused absences include but are not limited to any absence in which the student and/or parent/guardian fails to comply with the District’s attendance policy and procedures and includes any and all absences not listed as excused absences above. Unexcused absences count toward attendance policy limits.

  • Parent and Student Resources: Check out the Resources page for information about apps and sites that are used at RMS. There are links to our FB Page , Daily Announcements and more.

  • Community Resources for Kids and Families: Here is some information about some valuable community resources.

  • Upcoming Events

October 2019

15 Tuesday: Lifetouch School Photos

15 Tuesday: Flu Clinic 4:00-6:00 pm

16 Wednesday: EPHS Band Visit

20 Sunday: Freaky 5k (Race/Fundraiser)

21-25 Mon-Fri: RMS Fall Spirit Week

21 Monday: Mismatch Monday (Spirit Week)

22 Tuesday: Tie-dye Tuesday (Spirit Week)

23 Wednesday: Pink Out Day (Spirit Week)

23 Wednesday: Girl's Soccer Fundraiser 2:30-4:00 pm

24 Thursday: Triplet Thursday (Spirit Week)

24 Thursday: Student Council Meeting

25 Friday: Spirit Day (Spirit Week)

25 Friday: Viking Spirit Rally

25 Friday: Townie Pride Parade 5:45 pm

28 Monday: Student Council BooGrams

28 Monday: Thanksgiving Can Drive Begins

31 Thursday: Quarter 1 Ends

November 2019

1 Friday: Halloween Dance 6-8pm (rescheduled from 10/25)

1 Friday: Quarter 2 Begins

6 Wednesday: National Junior Honor Society Induction 6:00-8:00 pm

7 Thursday: Student Council Meeting

7 Thursday :PTSA Bingo 6:30-8:00

8 Friday: Report Cards Distributed

8 Friday: Veteran’s Day Event (Grade 8)

11 Monday: Veterans Day No School

12-15 Tues-Fri: Scholastic Book Fair

12 Tuesday: USA Skate Night (6-8pm)

13 Wednesday: Parent-Teacher Conferences 2:30-3:30pm & 5:30-7:30 pm

14 Thursday: Student Early Dismissal 11:15 am

14 Thursday: Parent Conferences 12:30-2:30 pm

14 Thursday: 1st Quarter Honors Celebration

15 Friday: 6th Grade (Team 2) Gillette Stadium Field trip

RMS Girls Soccer Team in action, RMS Core Values recognition recipients, Student Council members helping out on Meet the Teachers Night, 8h Graders at USA Skate Night

September 29, 2019

Townie Pride is on display!

We have had a busy two weeks, capped off by the Salute to Rhode Island Educators WaterFire event in Providence on Saturday, September 28th. Our own Social Studies Department Coordinator Leila McCarthy was recognized as the East Providence Teacher of the Year and our Superintendent, Kathryn Crowley was recognized as the Rhode Island Superintendent of the Year. It was a wonderful night for Townie Pride. Here are some details about things that are happening at RMS over the next two weeks!

  • Mid-Term Progress: Monday, September 30th marks the middle of the quarter. Parents and students are encouraged to login to Skyward to check midterm progress. Please contact teachers and/or guidance counselors via email if you have concerns about grades or progress. There is a Directory at the top of this page. Also be sure to download the Skyward Mobile App for quick access on a phone. Here are links (iOS and Google).

  • Principal's Coffee Hour: Thank you to the parents who came to RMS for our first Principal's Coffee Hour of the year. We had a really productive conversation. Our next one will take place on December 6th. Be sure to mark your calendar.

  • PTSA Meeting October 9: The RMS PTSA will meet on Wednesday, October 9th. All RMS parents, guardians, and students are welcome to attend. The meeting starts at 6:30 pm in the RMS Library. We hope to see you there.

  • PTSA Restaurant Night: Bring your family and friends to Orange Leaf in Seekonk on Thursday, October 3 and mention RMS at checkout. 10% will go to the RMS PTSA! Here is a Facebook Event so you can mark your calendar.

  • RMS Team Bulletins & Directory: Grade-level teaching teams have created Google Docs that have up-to-date assignments and class information. Please bookmark these sites and refer to them frequently. Also, remember that the Directory (a link at the top of this page) has links to the bulletins and teacher email addresses. Here are the bulletins for quick access. Grade 6: Merola, Mennucci, D'Arezzo, Nelson | Grade 6: Love, Izzi, Farley, Farley | Grade 7: Braga, Kelley, Sulham, Tarantelli | Grade 7: French, Villucci/Modica, McCarthy, Harris | Grade 8: Macomber, DeGroot, Reavey, Humphrey | Grade 8: Potts, Kenahan, Duarte, Travis

  • Socktober Dontions: Socks are one of the most needed items for the homeless and those less fortunate. Our very own 'Crazy Sock Lady', Christine Alves, organizes our yearly drive to collect socks. If you would like to make a donation, please bring new socks to the RMS Library all month.

  • XQRI Grant Survey: A team of educators, parents and students are working on an application for an XQRI grant (funded by the foundation Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple). This is an opportunity to significantly impact education in East Providence. Parents are asked to fill out a brief survey to lend their voice to the process. Here is a link to the survey and a video that explains the program.

  • Pasta Dinner Fundraiser for Boys Soccer: The RMS Boys Soccer Team is holding a pasta dinner on Thursday, October 10th in the RMS Cafeteria. Tickets are available from a soccer player or coach or in the Main Office for $12.

  • Updated Attendance Policy: Consistent attendance at school is vital to the success of our students. The East Providence School Committee recently updated the Attendance Policy. There are a number of implications for students and some of these are a significant change from the old policy. Please read the policy in the RMS Student Handbook (available on this site at the top). Here are a few of the policy changes.

          • Excused Absences: Excused absences include a student’s participation in an approved school-sponsored activity, documented college visits, suspension days, religious holidays, bereavement, a doctor-excused illness or injury (doctor’s written excuse must be submitted no later than two (2) school days following the absence), a school nurse-teacher excused illness or injury, court appearance, military deployment event or dismissal from school by school Principal or designee.

          • Unexcused Absences: Unexcused absences include but are not limited to any absence in which the student and/or parent/guardian fails to comply with the District’s attendance policy and procedures and includes any and all absences not listed as excused absences above. Unexcused absences count toward attendance policy limits.

  • Parent and Student Resources: Check out the Resources page for information about apps and sites that are used at RMS. There are links to our FB Page , Daily Announcements and more!

  • Upcoming Events

September 2019

    • 30 Monday - Mid-Quarter

October 2019

    • 1 Tuesday - Socktober Kickoff

    • 3 Thursday - PTSA Restaurant Night at Orange Leaf in Seekonk 4:00-8:00 pm

    • 7-18 Mon-Fri - NJHS Candidate Interviews

    • 9 Wednesday - PTSA Meeting 6:30-7:30

    • 10 Thursday - Student Council Meeting

    • 10 Thursday - Boys Soccer Pasta Dinner Fundraiser

    • 14 Monday - Columbus Day - No School

    • 15 Tuesday - Lifetouch School Photos

    • 15 Tuesday - Flu Clinic 4:00-6:00 pm

    • 16 Wednesday - EPHS Band Visit

    • 17 Thursday - School Improvement Team 2:30 pm

    • 20 Sunday - Freaky 5k (Race/Fundraiser)

    • 21-25 Mon-Fri - RMS Fall Spirit Week

    • 23 Wednesday - Pink Out Day

    • 24 Thursday - Student Council Meeting

    • 25 Friday - RMS Spirit Rally

    • 25 Friday - Townie Pride Parade

    • 28 Monday - Student Council BooGrams

    • 31 Thursday - Quarter 1 Ends

    • 24 Thursday - Student Council Meeting


    • Halloween Dance 6:00-8:00 pm

RI Commissioner of Education, Angelica Infante-Green visited RMS, The RMS Girls Soccer Team, Jessica DAlessandro teaching 7th graders about 9/11, 6th graders sporting their Class of 2026 tees on Townie Tuesday!

September 15, 2019

Autumn here we come!

We are definitely in the swing of things at RMS. Students are well into their classes and the Fall sports season is underway. We have a number of things happening at RMS, so be sure to keep this website bookmarked for quick access. Remember that the RMS Family Bulletin will be published every 2 weeks!

  • RMS Team Bulletins: Grade-level teaching teams have created Google Docs that have up-to-date assignments and class information. Teachers will be sharing the Docs with parents and students. Please bookmark these sites and refer to them frequently!

  • Updated Attendance Policy: Consistent attendance at school is vital to the success of our students. The East Providence School Committee recently updated the Attendance Policy. There are a number of implications for students and some of these are a significant change from the old policy. Please read the policy in the RMS Student Handbook (available on this site at the top). Here are a few of the policy changes.

          • Excused Absences: Excused absences include a student’s participation in an approved school-sponsored activity, documented college visits, suspension days, religious holidays, bereavement, a doctor-excused illness or injury (doctor’s written excuse must be submitted no later than two (2) school days following the absence), a school nurse-teacher excused illness or injury, court appearance, military deployment event or dismissal from school by school Principal or designee.

          • Unexcused Absences: Unexcused absences include but are not limited to any absence in which the student and/or parent/guardian fails to comply with the District’s attendance policy and procedures and includes any and all absences not listed as excused absences above. Unexcused absences count toward attendance policy limits.

  • Meet the Teachers Night: Our annual Meet the Teachers Night will take place on Monday, September 23, 6:00-7:30 PM. Parents will follow the schedule of their child. More information about Meet the Teachers Night will be sent in a separate email later in the week.

  • Townie Pride Parade & Halloween Dance: Due to the threat of mosquito born illnesses, the Townie Pride Parade has been rescheduled for October 25th. Our Halloween Dance was originally scheduled on that date. Therefore, we will hold the Halloween Dance on 11/1. Kids will have one more day to wear their costumes!

  • PTSA Meeting September 18: The first RMS PTSA meeting of the year will take place on Wednesday, September 18th. Our PTSA supports our students in a number of ways. At this meeting, we will discuss our plans for the year. New members, or anyone interested in finding out what the RMS PTSA is all about are encouraged to attend. The meeting starts at 6:30PM in the RMS Library. Remember that students are welcome to be members too! We hope to see you there.

  • Math Counts Club: Last school year, RMS started a Math Counts club. This group is made up of students who love math and are interested in competing in contests against other middle school teams. Mrs. D'Arezzo is the advisor of the club. We are looking for parents who would like to help out too. Please contact Mrs. D'Arezzo (ddarezzo@epschoolsri.com) for more information.

  • USA Skate Night: Our first USA Skate Night of the year will take place on Tuesday, September 24th. Mr. Petsch will provide details to students during lunches.

  • RMS Family Book Club: There are a lot of people in our school community who love to read and to talk about books. Mrs. Tarantelli and Mrs. Merola are two of them! What better way to share the love of books than to take part in the RMS Family Book Club. We will meet in the RMS Library, have some snacks and talk about the Summer Reading book, Fish in a Tree. This is a new thing at RMS and we really don't know how many people to expect or how excited people will be about starting a book club. So please email Mrs. Tarantelli (ltarantelli@epschoolsri.com) and let her know if you would like to take part!

  • Principal's Coffee Hour: Mr. Perry and Mr. Salgueiro will host parents on Friday, September 27th at 8:00 am in the RMS Library for an informal discussion about things that are happening at RMS. At the end of the hour, participants will take a tour around RMS. Principal's Coffee Hour will be held three times this school year.

  • RMS on Facebook: Please like our FB Page and share positive posts. Thank you for contacting RMS with any concerns and keeping it out of social media! We can solve problems effectively together within our school community (and who needs the drama!).

  • RMS Daily Announcements: RMS has a Daily Announcements page with the announcements that are read in the morning during homeroom. You can find the Daily Announcements here.

  • Parent and Student Resources: Check out the Resources page for information about apps and sites that are used at RMS.

  • RMS Student Handbook 2019-2020: Be sure to read the updated Attendance Policy in the RMS Student Handbook 2019-2020. There is a lot of important information inside.

September 2019

    • 18 Wednesday - PTSA Meeting 6:30-7:30

    • 20 Friday - Flash Friday Fundraiser for Childhood Cancer

    • 23 Monday - Vision Screenings 8:45-11:15 am

    • 23 Monday - Meet the Teachers Night 6:00-7:30 pm

    • 24 Tuesday - USA Skate Party 6:00-8:00 pm

    • 27 Friday - Principal’s Coffee Hour 8:00-9:00 am

    • 30 Monday - Mid-Quarter

October 2019

    • 1 Tuesday - Socktober Kickoff

    • 1-4 Mon-Fri - RMS Fall Spirit Week

    • 4 Friday - Viking Spirit Rally

    • 4 Friday - Townie Pride Parade 5:30 pm (rescheduled to 10/25)

    • 7-18 Mon-Fri - NJHS Candidate Interviews

    • 9 Wednesday - PTSA Meeting 6:30-7:30

    • 10 Thursday - Student Council Meeting

    • 14 Monday - Columbus Day - No School

    • 15 Tuesday - Lifetouch School Photos

    • 15 Tuesday - Flu Clinic 4:00-6:00 pm

    • 16 Wednesday - EPHS Band Visit

    • 17 Thursday - School Improvement Team 2:30 pm

    • 18 Friday - Pink Out Day

    • 20 Sunday - Freaky 5k (Race/Fundraiser)

    • 24 Thursday - Student Council Meeting

    • 25 Friday - Townie Pride Parade

    • 25 Friday - Halloween Dance 6-8pm (rescheduled to 11/1/19)

    • 28 Monday - Student Council BooGrams

    • 31 Thursday - Quarter 1 Ends

    • 24 Thursday - Student Council Meeting


    • Halloween Dance 6:00-8:00 pm

On behalf of Mr. Salgueiro, Mr. Petsch, Officer Tammy and the entire faculty and staff of Riverside Middle School, thank you for being an active part of our school community and the RMS Family! I hope you have an opportunity to enjoy some end-of-summer weather as we gear up for fall!


Robert Perry, RMS Principal

8th Graders showing off our Core Values, Our veteran teachers - Ms. Reavey, Mrs. Mahoney, and Mr. Macomber, Mr. K. leading a physical education class, Teachers getting in on the action on the first day of school

September 2, 2019

Happy Labor Day

We hope that you are enjoying this beautiful Labor Day weather and gearing up for another week (four days) at RMS! Thank you to everyone - students, parents, faculty and staff members - who made the first few days of school so successful. The beginning of the school year is always an adjustment period, but things went pretty smoothly. Here are some announcements about things happening at RMS. This year the RMS Family Bulletin will be published every other week. Please bookmark this site and share with other RMS families!

  • Student Forms: Students received packets of information that need to be filled out by parents. Please be sure to do so ASAP and send the forms back with your student to be handed in to Homeroom teachers.

  • RMS Team Bulletins: Teachers will be sending out information about how they will be communicating with parents and students about homework and assignments. Be sure you have an active email account in order to receive updates.

  • Arrival and Dismissal: We are getting used to our arrival and dismissal schedule as busses are being sorted out and everyone is getting used to the drop-off and pick up procedures. Parents and students are reminded that the doors to RMS open at 7:45 am. Students who arrive after 8:00 am are considered tardy. The day ends at 2:15 pm and only students who are involved in after school activities are allowed to remain on school grounds.

  • RMS Athletics: Coach Carlos has planned Girls Soccer tryouts for Tuesday and Wednesday after school. Athletes are reminded that they need the following to try out. 1). Registration on Family ID 2). Up-to-date physical 3). an Assumption of Risk Form (on file or handed to the Coach). Also, Cross-country practice will begin on Monday, September 9th. See Mr. Chace for more information. Coach Steve of the Boys Soccer team will be releasing the roster for this year's team early in the week.

  • Locker Time: We built time for lockers into our daily schedule before the lunch period. That means that students do not have to lug around heavy backpacks during the day. We will continue to encourage students to lock their items in their lockers and use them effectively.

  • RMS on Facebook: Please like our FB Page and share positive posts. Thank you for contacting RMS with any concerns and keeping it out of social media! We can solve problems effectively together within our school community (and who needs the drama!).

  • Parent and Student Resources: Check out the Resources page for information about apps and sites that are used at RMS.

  • Meet the Teachers Night: Our annual Meet the Teachers Night has been rescheduled to September 23 6:00-7:30 PM.

  • RMS Student Handbook 2019-2020: Be sure to read the updated Attendance Policy in the RMS Student Handbook 2019-2020. There is a lot of important information inside.

September 2019

    • 2 Monday - Labor Day-No School

    • 4 Wednesday - i-Ready Benchmarking (ELA)

    • 5 Thursday - i-Ready Benchmarking (Math)

    • 11 Wednesday - 9/11 Remembrance (Grade 7)

    • 12 Thursday - Summer Reading Book Club (6:30-7:30 pm) (postponed)

    • 19 Thursday - School Improvement Team 2:30 pm

    • 20 Friday - Flash Friday Fundraiser for Childhood Cancer

    • 23 Monday - Vision Screenings 8:45-11:15 am

    • 23 Monday - Meet the Teachers Night 6:00-7:30 pm (rescheduled from 9/10)

    • 24 Tuesday - USA Skate Party 6:00-8:00 pm

    • 27 Friday - Principal’s Coffee Hour 8:00-9:00 am

    • 30 Monday - Mid-Quarter

Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Costa getting the Main Office ready, Tee shirts for our new 6th graders, Teachers honing their skills during summer professional development, Our upcoming events message board at the top of the driveway to RMS

August 23, 2019


#RMS2020VISION. Our crack custodial staff is putting the last coats of wax on the floors and teachers have been coming in to set up their classrooms in anticipation of a new batch of Vikings! RMS is just about ready for the 2019-2020 school year. Our theme this year is RMS 2020 Vision. We've got our eyes on the prize as we work to create the best middle school in Rhode Island! Here are some recent announcements and be sure to read the post for August 5th (below) for important information about the beginning of the school year.

  • Meet the Teachers Night: Our annual Meet the Teachers Night has been rescheduled to September 23 6:00-7:30 PM.

  • Student Schedules: on Tuesday, September 27th at 3:00 PM, student schedules will be available to be viewed on Skyward.

  • RMS Student Handbook 2019-2020: Be sure to read the updated Attendance Policy in the RMS Student Handbook 2019-2020. There is a lot of important information inside.

  • EPHS Class of 2026 Tee Shirts: Thank you to State Representatives Liana Cassar and Gregg Amore for making a contribution for the sharp new EPHS 2026 tee shirts for our 6th graders. We will be wearing the tee shirts on our first Townie Tuesday of the year, September 3rd!

September 2019

    • 2 Monday - Labor Day-No School

    • 4 Wednesday - i-Ready Benchmarking (ELA)

    • 5 Thursday - i-Ready Benchmarking (Math)

    • 10 Tuesday Meet the Teachers Night 6:00-7:30 pm (rescheduled to 9/23)

    • 11 Wednesday - 9/11 Remembrance (Grade 7)

    • 12 Thursday - Summer Reading Book Club (6:30-7:30 pm)

    • 19 Thursday - School Improvement Team 2:30 pm

    • 20 Friday - Flash Friday Fundraiser for Childhood Cancer

    • 23 Monday - Vision Screenings 8:45-11:15 am

    • 23 Thursday - Meet the Teachers Night 6:00-7:30 pm (rescheduled from 9/10)

    • 24 Tuesday - USA Skate Party 6:00-8:00 pm

    • 27 Friday - Principal’s Coffee Hour 8:00-9:00 am

    • 30 Monday - Mid-Quarter

August 5, 2019

Welcome (back) to the RMS Family Bulletin

You have found your way to the RMS Family Bulletin, the website we use to communicate information about things that are happening at Riverside Middle School. Please bookmark this page as it is updated every two weeks with important information. As it is already the beginning of August and school will be back in session in just a few weeks, some announcements are due!

  • Summer Reading: This year's whole school Summer Reading book is Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mallaly Hunt. Students in grades 6, 7, & 8 all read the same book and complete an assignment. Parents are also encouraged to read the novel and have discussions with students about the characters and themes. The book is available in local libraries and retailers. The assignment and graphic organizer can be found on the RMS Library website.

  • Supply Lists: Parents may wish to pick up school supplies for the coming year. Here are links to general supply lists for 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade. Please keep in mind that some teachers may have specific requests once the school year begins.

  • First Day of School: Wednesday, August 28th is the first day of school for 6th graders only. Parents and guardians are welcome to come to RMS for a brief program at 8:00 am to see their kids start a new school year. Homeroom teachers will gather their students soon after and all parents will depart from RMS by 8:45 am. Parents who plan to drive to RMS for the first day for 6th graders are asked to take a left at the split in the driveway and park in the lot next to RMS. On Thursday, August 29th, we welcome all of our students to RMS. 7th and 8th graders should login to Skyward and find their Homeroom teacher. (Lists will be provided at RMS for students who have not checked.)

  • Skyward: Students and parents can keep track of grades and attendance using Skyward, our student information system. There is also a handy Skyward mobile app available for access on-the-go.

  • School Hours and Student Attendance: In our continuous work of promoting student achievement, the East Providence School Department is making efforts to improve the attendance of all students (See the updated Attendance Policy). Students and parents are reminded that Homeroom for RMS students starts at 7:45 am. Homeroom is when student pick up their Chromebooks and when daily announcements are made. Any student who arrives after 8:00 am will have to sign in as tardy in the Main Office and will be subject to Attendance Policy guidelines.

  • Bus Transportation: Students who live within the school transportation area (1.5 miles from RMS) are eligible to ride the school bus starting on the first day of school. A list of bus stops will be available on the East Providence School Department website later in the summer. Inquiries about bus transportation are addressed by the East Providence School Department Transportation Office at (401) 383-5797.

  • Contact & Emergency Information: Parents are asked to please be sure that contact information and emergency contact information in Skyward is accurate. At the beginning of the year, students will receive information packets with forms that must be signed and returned before the end of the first week of school. Parents will be able to make any changes on these forms.

  • Student Schedules. Schedules for 7th and 8th graders will be available on Skyward on August 23rd. 6th graders will receive their schedules on the first day of school.

  • RMS Facebook Page: Please check out the RMS Facebook page for information about select events, student and faculty and staff achievements, photos and positive information about RMS. Help us out by sharing posts and spreading the word about the impressive things happening at RMS.

  • RMS Athletics: Registration for RMS Boys and Girls Soccer and Cross Country is under way. To register go to the FamilyID website. Coaches will get updates from Family ID and make contact with the athletes through email, phone call, or through school announcements.

  • Upcoming Events

August 2019

    • 28 Wednesday First Day for Grade 6

    • 29 Thursday First Day for Grades 7 & 8

September 2019

    • 2 Monday - Labor Day-No School

    • 3 Tuesday - Grade Level Assemblies

    • 4 Wednesday - i-Ready Benchmarking (ELA)

    • 5 Thursday - i-Ready Benchmarking (Math)

    • 10 Tuesday Meet the Teachers Night 6:00-7:30 pm (rescheduled to 9/23)

    • 11 Wednesday - 9/11 Remembrance (Grade 7)

    • 12 Thursday - Summer Reading Book Club (6:30-7:30 pm)

    • 19 Thursday - School Improvement Team 2:30 pm

    • 20 Friday - Flash Friday Fundraiser for Childhood Cancer

    • 23 Monday - Vision Screenings 8:45-11:15 am

    • 23 Thursday - Meet the Teachers Night 6:00-7:30 pm (rescheduled from 9/10)

    • 24 Tuesday - USA Skate Party 6:00-8:00 pm

    • 27 Friday - Principal’s Coffee Hour 8:00-9:00 am

    • 30 Monday - Mid-Quarter

On behalf of Mr. Salgueiro, our Assistant Principal, Mr. Petsch, our Dean of Students, Cpl. Tammy David, our School Resource Officer, and all of the faculty and staff of RMS, I thank you for being a part of our school community and for preparing our kids for success in middle school. Best wishes for a fun and relaxing August!

Robert Perry, Principal

January 26, 2020