Madeleine's Photos

May Term 2019

Discovering Nature through Photography & Service

Places Visited: John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge - Valley Forge National Park - John James Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary

Indigo Bunting

Binomial-Nomenclature: Passerina cyanea

Diet: Insects

Habitat: Overgrown fields, thickets by rivers, wood edges

Unique Features: Bright blue plumage

Migration: - Summer - Eastern U.S. - Winter - Southern Mexico, Central America, Caribbean Islands

Baltimore Oriole

Binomial-Nomenclature: Icterus galbula

Diet: Insects, Fruit, Nectar

Habitat: Deciduous woods

Unique Features: Orange chest & white markings on wings

Migration: - Summer - Midwest & Northeastern U.S. - Winter - Central America

Common Yellowthroat

Binomial-Nomenclature: Geothlypis trichas

Diet: Insects

Habitat: Marshes, edges of wetlands

Unique Features: Black mask, bright yellow throat/chest

Migration: - Summer - Southern Canada & Most of U.S. - Winter - Mexico - Year-round - Parts of Southern U.S. & Parts of Mexico

Osprey with Fish

Binomial-Nomenclature: Pandion haliaetus

Diet: Fish

Habitat: Lakes & Ponds

Unique Features: White head, hovers over water

Migration: - Summer - Most of Canada, Parts of Western & Eastern U.S. - Winter - Mexican Coastline, Central America, Caribbean Islands - Year round - Southeastern & Part of Western U.S.

Yellow Warbler

Binomial-Nomenclature: Setophaga petechia

Diet: Insects

Habitat: Open woodlands

Unique Features: Brown striping on male's chest

Migration: - Summer - Canada, Northern U.S., Parts of Mexico - Winter - Mexican Coastline, Central America - Year round - Caribbean Islands

Cedar Waxwing

Binomial-Nomenclature: Bombycilla cedrorum

Diet: Fruit

Habitat: Open woodlands

Unique Features: Black mask, yellow-tipped tail

Migration: - Summer - Southern Canada - Winter - Southern U.S., Mexico, Central America - Year-round - Northern U.S.

Great Egret

Binomial-Nomenclature: Ardea alba

Diet: Fish

Habitat: Marshes/wetlands

Unique Features: Stalky legs, wades in water hunting for food

Migration: - Summer - Small Parts of Western, Midwest, & East Coast of U.S. - Winter - Mexico, Central America, West Coast of U.S. - During Migration- Most of U.S. - Year round - Southeast U.S., Mexican Coastlines, Caribbean Islands

Painted Turtle

Binomial-Nomenclature: Chrysemys picta

Diet: Fish, insects, plants

Habitat: Freshwater ponds, lakes, marshes, creeks

Unique Features: Yellow/red markings on head, feet, and shell

Migration: N/A

Mallard Duck (Female) with Chicks

Binomial-Nomenclature: Anas phatyrhynchos

Diet: Seed, aquatic vegetation, insects, snails, shrimp

Habitat: Lakes, ponds, wetlands

Unique Features: Green head & black tail in males

Migration: - Summer - Most of Canada & Alaska - Winter - Northern & Central U.S. - Year round - Southern U.S. & Northern Mexico

American Robin

Binomial-Nomenclature: Turdus migratorius

Diet: Insects

Habitat: Open woodlands

Unique Features: Orange chest

Migration: - Summer - Canada & Alaska - Winter - Northern Mexico & Parts of Southern U.S. (Florida, Louisiana, Southern Cali.) - Year-round - Most of U.S.

Barn Swallow

Binomial-Nomenclature: Hirundo rustica

Diet: Insects

Habitat: Grasslands/fields

Unique Features: Blue top coat of feathers, rusty colored throat/chest

Migration: - Summer - Southern Canada, Most of U.S., Northern Mexico - Winter - Southern Mexico, Central America- Year round - Central Mexico

Mourning Dove

Binomial-Nomenclature: Zenaida macroura

Diet: Seeds

Habitat: Open woodlands

Unique Features: Soft, lamenting call & quick flight

Migration: - Summer - Southern Canada & Northern U.S. - Winter - Mexican Coastline, Parts of Central America - Year round - Most of U.S., Most of Mexico, Caribbean Islands

Red-winged Blackbird

Binomial-Nomenclature: Agalaius phoeniceus

Diet: Insects

Habitat: Marshes

Unique Features: Scarlet & yellow patch on upper wings of males

Migration: - Summer - Canada - Winter - Mexico - Year-round - Most of U.S. & Parts of Mexico

Eastern Kingbird

Binomial-Nomenclature: Tyrannus tyrannus

Diet: Insects

Habitat: Grasslands

Unique Features: White tipped tail

Migration: - Summer - Southern Canada & Most of U.S. (except western region) - Winter - Western South America

Twelve-Spotted Skimmer

Binomial-Nomenclature: Libellula pulchella

Diet: Other insects (mosquitos, butterflies, moths, other dragonflies)

Habitat: Ponds, lakes, marshes, streams

Unique Features: 3 brown spots on each wing (3 additional white spots on each wing in males)

Migration: N/A

Bonus Pictures!