EA Wildlife Photography

By: Joe May

John Heinz

Canada Goose

Binomial-Nomenclature: Branta canadensis

Diet: Small fish/insects, green vegetation

Habitat: wetlands

Unique Features: long neck

Migration: Stay throughout the year in Pennsylvania

Painted Turtle

Binomial-Nomenclature: Chrysemys scripta elegans

Diet: Leafy greens, small insects, small fish

Habitat: wetlands

Unique Features: orange inner shell

Migration: no migration.


Binomial-Nomenclature: Pandion haliaetus

Diet: Fish, small mammals,

Habitat: Coastal wetlands

Unique Features: sharp talons and beak

Migration: breed in North America and migrate to South America

Red Admiral

Binomial-Nomenclature: Urtica dioica

Diet: Nectar

Habitat: Resides in Warmer areas

Unique Features: brown wings with orange/red lines

Migration: migrate from Mexico to North America

Tree Swallow

Binomial-Nomenclature: Tachycineta bicolor

Diet: small insects and plants

Habitat: Wetlands or swamps

Unique Features: forked tail feathers

Migration: they migrate to cuba in the Winter


Binomial-Nomenclature: Dumetella carolinensis

Diet: fruit berries and worms

Habitat: temperate areas of North America

Unique Features: red patch under tail

Migration: they migrate form Florida to southern Central America

Wood Duck

Binomial-Nomenclature: Aix sponsa

Diet: Seeds, nuts and fruits

Habitat: open and semi-open habitats

Unique Features: very colorful

Migration: Stay throughout the year in Pennsylvania

Great Egret

Binomial-Nomenclature: Ardea alba modesta

Diet: small fish

Habitat: Saltwater and Freshwater Marshes

Unique Features: long legs and yellow beak

Migration: Migrate to Central America in the Winter

Cedar Waxwing

Binomial-Nomenclature: Bombycilla cedrorum

Diet: berries

Habitat: open habitat

Unique Features: smooth body with black stripe over eyes

Migration: Stay year round in Pennsylvania

Baltimore Oriole

Binomial-Nomenclature: Icterus galbula

Diet: Insects, fruits, and nectar

Habitat: Woodlands

Unique Features: orange body

Migration: Migrate to Central America

Yellow Warbler

Binomial-Nomenclature: Setophaga petechia

Diet: Insects and berries

Habitat: edges of marshes and swamps

Unique Features: all yellow

Migration: Migrate to Central America and northern South America

Snapping Turtle

Binomial-Nomenclature: Chelydra serpentina

Diet: plants, insects, fish frogs

Habitat: live in fresh or brackish water

Unique Features: bite very fast and hard

Migration: don't migrate

Valley Forge

Black Vulture

Binomial-Nomenclature: Coragyps atratus

Diet: carcasses of animals

Habitat: grassland near water

Unique Features: bald head

Migration: most stay in North America

Eastern Blue Bird

Binomial-Nomenclature: Sialia sialis

Diet: insects and berries

Habitat: open country

Unique Features: blue with an orange belly

Migration: year round in North America

EA Campus


Binomial-Nomenclature: Turdus migratorius

Diet: worms and berries

Habitat: woodland and farmland

Unique Features: yellow beak and orange belly

Migration: Year round in most of North America including Pennsylvania

Tree Swallow

Binomial-Nomenclature: Tachycineta bicolor

Diet: insects and plants

Habitat: wetlands and swamps

Unique Features: blue back and forked tail feathers

Migration: migrate to south and central America


Binomial-Nomenclature: Corvus brachyrhynchos

Diet: mice, frogs, and plants

Habitat: agricultural and grassland

Unique Features: all black with large beak

Migration: crows live year round in most of North America

Yellow Belly Woodpecker

Binomial-Nomenclature: Dryobates pubescens

Diet: insects

Habitat: forests

Unique Features: small red mark on the back of head

Migration: stays in Pennsylvania year round


Binomial-Nomenclature: Sturnus vulgaris Linnaeus

Diet: seeds and insects

Habitat: lowlands

Unique Features: speckled back with yellow beak

Migration: stay in Pennsylvania year round

Mocking bird

Binomial-Nomenclature: Mimus polyglottos

Diet: worms, berries and seeds

Habitat: forest edges and open areas

Unique Features: mock calls of other birds

Migration: stay in Pennsylvania year round

Chipping Sparrow

Binomial-Nomenclature: Spizella passerina

Diet: seeds

Habitat: suburban areas

Unique Features: small red cap on head

Migration: migrates to southern North America and northern Central America

Red Tailed Hawk

Binomial-Nomenclature: Buteo jamaicensis

Diet: meat from small mammals and other birds

Habitat: open areas

Unique Features: red tail feathers

Migration: Year round in North America

Turkey Vulture

Binomial-Nomenclature: Cathartes aura

Diet: Meat from mostly dead animals

Habitat: open areas

Unique Features: bald red head

Migration: stay in Pennsylvania for the year