Animals From John Heinz

Here is a sample of the diverse wildlife we took photos of from John Heinz

Tree Swallow

Binomial-Nomencalture: Tachycineta bicolor

Diet: Insects and fruits

Habitat: North America

Unique Features: deep-blue iridescent backs and clean white fronts

Migration: goes north during summer and south during winter

Admiral Butterfly

Binomial-Nomencalture: Vanessa atalanta

Diet: Nectar, rotting fruit

Habitat: Vanessa atalanta

Unique Features: Unique wing pattern

Migration: Northern--> Southern regions

Mallard Duck


Binomial-Nonmencalture: Coragyps atratus

Diet: Seeds of plants, insects

Habitat: United States

Unique Features: they have an iconic green head with white neckband and a chestnut-colored chest and gray body. Females are mottled drab brown in color, but sport iridescent purple-blue wing feathers that are visible as a patch on their sides.

Migration: Migrates to Canada for breeding


Binomial-Nomencalture: Marmota monax

Diet: Wild grass and berries

Habitat: Open country and woodlands

Unique Features: Large teeth, flat tail

Migration: No migration, just hibernation


Binomial-Nomencalture: Paranephrops planifrons

Diet: decomposing detritus

Habitat: found in lowland areas where the water is abundant in calcium

Unique Features: Large claws in proportion to body

Migration: No migration

(Male) Wood Duck

Binomial-Nomencalture: Aix sponsa

Diet: berries, acorns, seeds, and insects

Habitat: Wooded swamps and ponds on the east and west coast

Unique Features: boxy, crested head, a thin neck, and a long, broad tail

Migration: Goes north to breed and south for winter

King Bird

Binomial-Nomencalture: Lanius tyrannus

Diet: insects

Habitat: semi open to open areas in southern North America

Unique Features: Large head with up right posture and a white-tipped square tail

Migration: goes north for breeding

Baltimore Oriole

Binomial-Nomencalture: Icterus galbula

Diet: Insects, berries, and nectar

Habitat: Found in large deciduous trees

Unique Features: Bright orange chest

Migration: Middle-Atlantic states during breeding season and Mexico during wintering season.

Common Snapping Turtle

Binomial-Nomencalture: Chelydra serpentina

Diet: Consume both plant and animal matter, mostly fish

Habitat: Common ponds and streams

Unique Features: Large, pointed face that defines its bite.

Migration: No migration