Animals From EA

On the sixth day, our May Term stayed on campus all day, taking a few pictures of the wildlife at EA. Because of the close distance EA is from John Heinz, many of the birds were easily recognizable.

Tree Swallow

Binomial-Nomencalture: Tachycineta bicolor

Diet: Insects & Fruit

Habitat: Open wooded areas with water

Unique Features: blue top with white belly

Migration: From the central/eastern portion of U.S. to the West Indies

American Robin

Binomial-Nomencalture: Turdus migratorius

Diet: 40% insects, 60% fruits

Habitat: Open farmland and urban area

Unique Features: Brown chest and yellow beak

Migration: From northern U.S. to Central Mexico

Cedar Waxwing

Binomial-Nomencalture: Bombycilla cedrorum

Diet: Berries

Habitat: Wooded areas or "open forests"

Unique Features: Its crest droops over the head.

Migration: Nortern U.S. to Northern South America; rare sightings in Western Europe.

Northern Mockingbird

Binomial-Nomencalture: Mimus polyglottos

Diet: arthropods and fruits

Habitat: prefers open areas with sparse vegetation in southern North America and around the East Coast.

Unique features: Tips of the wings are white

Migration: Only migrates a little bit north to breed

Common Starling

Binomial-Nomencalture: Sturnus vulgaris

Diet: Insects and Anthropods

Habitat: Lowlands and forests

Unique Features: All black body with yellow beak

Migration: North America to South America

Chipping Sparrow

Binomial-Nomencalture: Spizella passerina

Diet: seeds and insects

Habitat: mountains and arid in eastern United States

Unique Features: The black line through the eye and the cap is a warm but more subdued reddish brown.

Migration: Migrates north to breed and south in winter

Blue Jay

Binomial-Nomencalture: Cyanocitta cristata

Diet: acorns and beech mast, weed seeds, grain, fruits and other berries, peanuts, bread, meat, small invertebrates of many types, scraps in town parks, bird-table food and rarely eggs and nestlings

Habitat: pine woods and spruce-fir forests in the east coast of the Unite States

Unique features: bright blue on top and white to gray on its throat, chest and belly. It also has a gray-blue crest on its head and black and white bars on its wings

Migration: Goes north for breeding and west for winter