Classroom Orientation

We work on many communication skills in speech-language therapy:

Articulation: producing speech sounds correctly

Phonology: producing patterns of sounds correctly

Fluency: the flow of speech

Receptive Language: understanding language (vocabulary, directions, questions, etc.)

Expressive Language: using language to communicate (vocabulary, sentence structure, etc.)

Pragmatic Language: social communication; the way we speak and interact with each other

Augmentative/Alternative Communication: using another mode to communicate (signing, communication device, etc.)

*There must be an adverse educational effect to be eligible for speech/language services.*


We are using many apps to target speech/language skills.

Some thoughts regarding apps:

*The iPad is one tool used to target speech/language goals. I feel it is a great tool because the apps are: interactive, engaging, and many give feedback. When choosing materials to use in therapy, I choose those that will best target your child's goals.

*When using an iPad or other technology at home to reinforce or teach academic or speech/language skills, I recommend setting a time limit with your child. I also recommend making this an activity you do together (for at least part of the time). Talk with your child about the app, and what the skills is that is being taught. This parental guidance and interaction will be very benefical to your child!

*In my opinion, nothing can replace a good book, and quality time reading with your child!!

With that being said, here are some good resources for apps: This is a website developed by parents, they review and recommend educational apps. Every Friday, they feature several apps that are free or reduced for the day. Go to the "App Friday" link. This website was also developed by a parent. They review and recommend apps. Starting in January they have been recommending a free educational app every day. Go to the "Free App of the Day" link.

Here are some apps we use in speech/language therapy:

Language Skills:

Conversation Builder

Language Builder

Story Builder

Sentence Builder

Speech Sounds:

Artic Pix (individual decks of speech sounds can be purchased)

Pocket SLP

Quick Artic

Vocabulary and other language skills:

Kindergarten.Com has many flashcard Apps

Simple Sort

My Suitcase

Let's Name Things

Vocab PCS Apps

Vocab Catcher

Preschool/Kindergarten Apps:



Activity Island

Phonics Vowels



Stack the States

Spelling Test

Rocket Math

Behavior Plan

Our Speech Rules are as follows:

Take Turns.

Be kind to others.

Listen Carefully.

Try your best.

Walk quietly to and from speech.

Complete your speech homework.

Behavior issues will be handled as follows:

  1. Talk to student/re-direct/warning.
  2. Talk to teacher, follow the classroom teacher's behavior management plan.