Language Arts

ReadyGen Curriculum

Current Unit/Module: Unit 2 Module A

Current Lesson: Lesson 1 & 2

Current Text: The Road to Freedom

Vocabulary Words:

We learn new vocabulary words with each lesson. Students have a glossary of the words for the current Unit/Module in their Language Arts binder. They can also access the words and definitions electronically any time via the link on the Unit/Module specific subpage or via a link in Google Classroom.

How can your child study vocabulary words?

1. Make flashcards using the definitions they have in their Vocabulary journal.

2. Practice using online flashcards and games using the link in the Unit/Module specific subpage.

Finding Text Evidence

With each lesson, there is a strong focus on answering pointed questions regarding our text using text evidence. It is critical that students learn to think about texts from a deeper perspective and understand how to support their answers with evidence that is found in the text. When we’re talking about the use of text evidence in the classroom, we are usually talking about three separate, yet interrelated skills:

1. Making an inference/conclusion.

2. Supporting that inference/conclusion with direct evidence from a text.

3. Explaining, in your own words, how that evidence you chose supports the inference/conclusion you made.

Games that can help students practice how to find text evidence:

How can parents help practice the skills we are learning in class?

It is important that your child reads at least 20 minutes each day. Once they have completed their reading, there are questions you can ask him/her to help them practice the skills we are learning with each lesson. You should ask your child to provide text evidence to back up the answer they have provided and explain why that text evidence supports their answer. Where appropriate, I will also include links to websites where your child can practice these skills.

Please visit the Unit/Module specific pages for information on our current focus skills!