Elmwood School Information

Elmwood Elementary School educates approximately 570 students in grades 1-6.

We have a total faculty and staff of 63 employees.

Our average class size is 24 students.

Elmwood's Mission

Elmwood’s guiding philosophy and values are summed up in our mission statement:

The staff of Elmwood Elementary School believes that all students have the right to achieve their potential. Our main purposes are to facilitate academic achievement, foster positive behaviors and attitudes, and inspire our students to lifelong learning. Therefore, we as teachers will pursue continuous growth and develop our skills as educators.

Elmwood's Academics and Support Services

We provide instruction in the core academic subjects of language arts, mathematics, science and social studies.

Our students also receive instruction in physical education, art, music and technology. We offer an elective in band.

Elmwood’s academic enrichment and support programs include opportunities for gifted students, instruction for English Language Learners, assistance for students with reading difficulties, services for special education students and accommodations for Section 504 students.