🔎These are the most frequently asked questions about Enkor services.
To see more questions beyond the ones below, please click on the each category buttons. 

📌Top 5 frequently asked questions 

❔Can I reserve this room?

If you set your desired location, dates, and number of guests on the homepage, you can check available locations for that period. 

If there are rooms available for the dates you've set, you can send a reservation request right away. 

Once you send the reservation request, the host will review it and either confirm or reject it. 🙂

What amenities are provided? 

It varies depending on the host and branch. 

However, most locations provide basic furniture and appliances, while other amenities may vary. 

👥Please directly inquire with the host for further details.

Do you provide documents for ARC issuance? 

Of course!

The list of documents we provide is as follows :

Except for the contract, other documents can be easily downloaded. 

Please check the document page!

Is Wi-Fi provided in the room? 

Wi-Fi is provided in each house or room. 

If you'd like to double-check, you can see the items provided on the detailed page for each branch.

When can I receive detailed address and check-in information after making a reservation? 

It varies depending on the host. 

However, once the reservation is confirmed successfully within our system, we send check-in instructions 7 days and 1 day before check-in.

Do you have any further questions apart from the FAQ items? 

If so, please refer to the information below and contact the Enkor Team!