Cluster 9: Music & Technology

Day 18, Thursday, 7/27/23

This morning, to take a break from our projects, we went to the Museum of Making Music. Arriving on the bus, we entered the museum and received a demonstration from our tour guides, who played the guitar and euphonium. Cluster 9 got to play hand drums and congas. Then, we went on a guided tour around the museum and learned about the evolution of music and musical instruments. For the last portion of our trip, we got to explore the museum and experiment with playing different instruments like mandolins, ukuleles, drums, accordions, guitars, MIDI keyboards, and more. After enjoying lunch outside the museum, we returned to campus to work on our projects before class ended. 

Day 19, Friday, 7/28/23:

 After our fun field trip on Thursday, we returned to our classroom in the Conrad Prebys Music Center to work on our projects. Everyone made great progress today! In the evening, a carnival was held on Warren Lawn, with booths run by RAs and a raffle at the end of the night. Games for the prize of raffle tickets included balloon darts, bowling, Connect 4, potato sack racing, and more. Students had the option to spend their raffle tickets to pie their RAs or gifts including plushies, snacks, and Exploding Kittens. 

Day 20, Saturday, 7/29/23: 

Saturday was a chill day with a lot of inside time. Students caught up on work, rested in their rooms, and took trips to the Price Center for frozen yogurt, drinks, supplies from Target, and other food. There were fun programs in the evening like calisthenics, painting clay (which we made last week), star jars, and macaroni art. 

Day 21, Sunday, 7/30/23: 

Sunday was an activity packed day with various outdoor/indoor activities in the afternoon and the dance, themed A Night Under the COSMOS, in the evening. So much glitter! We enjoyed sipping on mocktails, taking polaroids, playing games, and dancing and singing along to our favorite songs on the dance floor. To conclude the night, the king and queen of each cluster as well as the RA’s were announced. Congrats to Aaron and Shreyas and our cluster RA Amanda for being voted royalty! 

Day 22, Monday, 7/31/23:

 After a fun weekend, we got back to work on final projects. Some groups took trips to the Envision Lab for hardware components of their projects while others continued to code and build their Max patches. In the evening, a talent show was held at the Warren Amphitheater, with many members of Cluster 9 participating. Everyone had such impressive talents. Great job to all our performers! 

Day 22-24, Tues-Thurs, 8/1-3/23: 

Tuesday and Wednesday were our final full days of project work. Groups finished up their projects, considered possible enhancements, and worked on their posters and presentation slides. With Thursday came practice presentations, recordings, and awards. We had half the day to wrap up projects and after lunch, we did presentation recordings. We can’t wait for everyone's presentations on Friday! 

Day 25, Friday, 8/4/23:

Goodbye COSMOS and clustermigos! Best wishes to all and thank you for reading our newsletter! 

Last Minute Quotes

"Floor two~" - Yena

"Let me ChatGPT this ^__^~ " - Jasmin 

"I like the sesame balls~" - Emily

"Nobody consented to a sleeping photos section :( ~" - Gianna

"Apple Juice~" - Aaron

"Nuh uh~" - Luke

"orange juice boxes are better~" - Avni

"O' say can you see by the dawn's early light~"

- Cole

"Let's go golfing~" - Chris

"Yeah~" - Miranda

"Life is like an elevator~" - Shreyas

"Sometimes you go to floor two~" - Saanvi


"I'll miss the memes...~" - Mia

"When life gives you lemons, you add a little zest~" - D. Chen

"gualter finished college in 2 years, i finished my ethics essay 2 hours before the deadline~"  - Kailey

"Life is like F.A.C.E, you can't track 'em all~" - Charlie 

"Orange is a bad lanyard color.~" - Zach

"Cable management~" - Sarina

"Tilde~" - Liliana

RA Quotes

"Kiki do you love me" - Amanda

"We are farmers bum ba dum bum bum bum bum" - Melodie

Memorable Memes

Cluster 9 Newsletter Team :)

from left

Photographers: Miranda Gen, Avni Krishnamoorthy, Gianna Zhang

Writers: Sarina Feng, Liliana Chai