Residential Life: Week 2

Week 2


During Week 2 at COSMOS, the atmosphere was filled with excitement and enthusiasm as students fully immersed themselves in the program. With each passing day, they became more engaged and adept at their chosen cluster. The highlight of the week was undoubtedly the COSMOlympics, a fierce competition that brought out the best in everyone. Cluster 6's Wii Sports skit emerged as victorious, celebrating their triumph with pride! The fun didn't stop there; a lively Karaoke night provided a much-needed release, showcasing hidden talents and fostering a sense of camaraderie among the participants. Meanwhile, Jay's daily runs continued to challenge the students physically and mentally, pushing them to achieve new personal bests! Chess tournaments with enticing prizes added an element of friendly rivalry. Boundaries were also expanded as students explored more of the UCSD campus. On Sunday, Clusters 1-7 went on a field trip to the San Diego Zoo and Clusters 8-13 went to La Jolla Shores. Additionally, field trips within clusters enriched the learning experience, allowing students to witness real-world applications of their studies!