Residential Life

Week 4


Glow fest, The COSMOS Dance, The Talent Show, final projects, end of COSMOS

Week 4 of COSMOS was an unforgettable culmination of fun-filled and enriching experiences. The week started with The Glow Fest, where the campgrounds transformed into a neon wonderland, with glow sticks, glow paint, and neon decorations illuminating the night. An array of activities were made available for students. They were able to earn tickets and have a chance to participate in a raffle. Alternatively, they could opt to sacrifice 10 tickets for the opportunity to receive a potentially better reward: a chance to pie an RA. 

The festival was followed by one of the most anticipated events: The COSMOS Dance. With lively music, sparkling lights, and laughter resonating through the air, the dance floor was a vibrant display of joy and friendship. 

The Talent Show showcased the incredible skills and creativity of the campers, as they took to the stage to sing, dance, and showcase their unique abilities. The audience was in awe of the diverse talents on display, and each performer was met with cheers and applause.

On the last day of COSMOS, students are going to present their unique and amazing final projects. They will showcase the skills they've learned throughout the program. 

As the end of COSMOS approaches, our hearts are filled with bittersweet emotions. These weeks have been transformative, fostering learning, laughter, and new friendships. Though we say goodbye, we carry renewed passion and gratitude. Thank you for an amazing summer. 

-COSMOS 2023