Cluster 9: Music & Technology

Week 2 

Day 4, Thursday, 7/13/23

In the morning, we had a library orientation and learned about how to use resources from the UCSD library from their website catalog. Our cluster spent the rest of the morning in the library. We explored Geisel Library’s eight floors and found a spot to work on our essays. In the afternoon, we dived further into using python to create music tracks in the Google Colab workspace by working on activity problems based on what we already covered on Tuesday. A few people shared what they came up with before we moved on to learning about meter. We learned about subdivisions in rhythm, tempos, and how to arrange overlapping beats before concluding class.

Day 5, Friday, 7/14/23 

On Friday, we dived into Ableton Live and its possible applications in a lesson led by one of our TAs. We learned how to adjust, warp, reverse, and add reverb to all kinds of audio samples and to combine them to make interesting final products with varying vibes. In the morning, we focused on the audio aspect of Ableton, then explored MIDI in the afternoon with drum beats. The different effects created really interesting and cool pieces of music just by tweaking audio samples. After dinner, we rehearsed our COSMOlympics skit one last time and headed to the field to wait for the games to begin. Cluster 9 got second place in musical chairs and emerged victorious in the water balloon toss before performing our AGT inspired skit, "Cluster 9’s Got Talent". We had so much fun cheering on each other and watching our peers perform their creative skits! 

Day 6, Saturday, 7/15/23 

Today was a fun-filled day for excursions! Cluster 8-13 went to the La Jolla Shores while Cluster 1-7 went to the San Diego Zoo. Some people went swimming while others hung out on the grass. There were many shops alongside the beach to explore ranging from ice cream shops to souvenir shops. We had a great time hanging out with friends and strolling along the shores. Near the end of the trip, Cluster 9 gathered for a group picture before heading back to Earl Warren college. After dinner, there were various fun programs to wrap up the day. We were all very tired by the end of the day but excited for sleeping in on Sunday!

Day 7, Sunday, 7/16/23 

Sunday was a much needed relaxing day. Students got to wake up late, and spent the day studying, participating in activities, and doing laundry. This free day was also an opportunity to get some work done on our ethics essays.

Day 8, Monday, 7/17/23 

This morning, Cluster 9 had a lecture on machine learning empowered music technology. We used ChatGPT and MusicGen to create a sample of music composition and had a group discussion on the differences and similarities of these two applications. We came to the conclusion that machine learning generates a representation of knowledge based on data from facts in the real world. 

We then talked about representations of music scores and machine learning limitations as well as the process from utilizing data to train models. When we got back from lunch, we implemented Max for Live for Ableton and created a project on MIDI probability. We also added drum beats from a kit in Ableton to create a “house music” track. Finally, as a bonus, we designed our own polyphonic synthesizer.

Day 9, Tuesday, 7/18/23

The morning began with a discovery lecture by Professor Benjamin Smarr about using technology to see nature and help people. Then came a morning spent in the library, working on our ethics essays. After a (hopefully) productive work session, Cluster 9 headed to lunch, then returned to the classroom for a lecture by one of our TAs on computational algorithms. We learned all about formal grammar, Markov Chains, and probability, and practiced applying these concepts to music by generating melodies and chord progressions. At the end of class, we got to share our algorithmic creations by playing on the piano. 

Day 10, Wednesday, 7/19/23 

Today was an enriching day dedicated to exploring hardware. During the first part of the day, we discussed the power of MIDI and used a MIDI keyboard connected with Max to run a program where we could hear the output of piano keys on our computers. We also learned how to route different sounds on buttons and manually adjust amplitude and frequency on the knobs attached to the keyboard. After completing a mini project based off of MIDI, we dived into Arduino right before lunch. When we came back, we started by studying the parts of an Arduino, including the breadboard, resistors, and cables. We built our first program, blinking LED lights on hardware and programmed it on software. The rest of the afternoon was adding more complexity to this project while also using max patches to demonstrate how serial ports worked. 

C9 Newsletter Team!


Avni Krishnamoorthy                                    Gianna Zhang

Miranda Gen                                                       Gia Scott

Writers and Page Formatters:

Liliana Chai

Sarina Feng