Cluster 3: Climate Change

Week 4

Throughout this week, we mainly had lectures in the morning and time to work on our presentations in the afternoon. 

On Monday, we had a lot of time to work on our presentations and also had a lecture in the morning. 

On Tuesday, we had a lecture from Brian on explosives. In the afternoon, we got some time to either work on our presentations or practice presenting.  

On Wednesday, we began practicing our presentations and had other people in our cluster watch them and give us feedback. 

On Thursday, we had a tour at the Provos office and also had lunch on the balcony of the Natural Sciences Building, where we ate pizza. In the morning, we had practice presentations from Cluster 3, and in the afternoon we had them from Cluster 6. 

All of the clusters will be presenting on Friday. COSMOS was extremely fun and taught us so much that can help us in the future, not just academics and college-wise, but as well as how to be a better person. We would like to thank Skip Pomeroy, George Anderson, Sarah Solberg, Ayden, Peyton, and Quinn