Cluster 3: Climate Change

Week 2

Day  8: Our day started off with a lecture from Skip.  He discussed about the natural climate change happening in our Earth.  As well as Hook's Law and how it applies in the world.

In the afternoon we used a machine called a Flame Atomic Absorption !!! It is able to find how much calcium in the concentration of sea water and deionized water. 

Day 9:  In the morning we got received a zoom lecture, in which they discussed how technology can be used to help the future of humans. We felt deeply connected to this because we use techonlogy everyday in our labs and it helps understand our data better. Afterwards we continued to work on our ethics essay.

In the afternoon, we spilt up into our small groups and continued to research. These projects are what we will be focusing on and presenting at the end of COSMOS. George's group went back to Scripps Institution of Oceanography and got a lesson on how some of the machines work that research VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds).

Day 10:  We went on a field trip with Cluster 6, understanding how local places are trying to combat climate change and or researching ways to mitigate. 

First we went to the UCSD Algae Farm, that isn't that far from Warren.  The Algae Biotechnology Center is trying to innovate solution that use algae for commerical usage. We toured at all of their equiment and the labs were they conducted all their local experiments. 

Second everyone went to Scripps Insitution of Oceanography. Students, that weren't part of George's group, toured around the building and got to see the massive hydraulic. 

Lastly we all went to Carlsbad Aquafarm. We got a tour of the farm, seeing what they create and how they keep their environment safe for the animals. They used environmentally friendly technqiues like Aquaponics in order to produce enough oysters and mussels, while keeping everything else around alive. 

                                           Algae Biotechnology Center Photos !!!

                                                                Scripps Institution of Oceanography Photos !!!

                                        Carlsbad Aquafarm Photos !!!

Day 11:  In the morning we listened to Alumni Panel, featuring current COSMOS assistants to RAs and professors. It was an exciting panel. Students learned more about COSMOS and the path they are able to adventure once this program is over.  During the afternoon, we worked on our small group projects. We continue to collect data and are getting ready to start our presentation for the end of COSMOS. 

Day 12:  We start off a lecture from Skip. He discussed about aerosols and its impact on the Earth. Then we did an afternoon titration and used different techniques. Even though we have gone over lots of experiment aspects before, it was great to perfect our techniques and understand everything better. 

Day 13: Beach Day !!! We went to La Joll Shores and had so much fun. People went swimming, playing ball, and bought lots of items. Our bonds with our friends and cluster mates have became stronger !!!