Cluster 10: Robot Inventors

Week 4: Final Project!

Day 19 (7/28/23):  Today was the start of creating our final project! Our proposal docs were due yesterday (Thursday, 7/27), gathering feedback from Professors Curt or Nick on our ideas. Through our knowledge of Python libraries and Raspberry Pi, we were able to combine and start on other forms of robotics. Some groups continued to have a walking robot, but most groups chose to work with speakers and cameras (photos). The process of creating our robots began with a sketch and plan, building a prototype, and completing a poster and presentation for Cluster 2 and parents. From this point on, all cluster work consisted of morning and afternoon labs to work on our final project. We were also given sample posters and videos from previous Cluster 10 students! Overall, today was a good process of starting our project with about 7 hours worth of lab time.

Early prototype of Angela and Audrey's robot!

Working on detecting objects by color using OpenCV

Day 20 (7/29/23): We had a lot of inside/free time today, so we were able to take longer trips to Price Center, Target, and the UCSD Bookstore. It was quite relaxing as many of us don't sleep enough. We were encouraged to use the free time to begin packing since this is our final week here :( . Mealtimes were extremely crowded all day because we were sharing the dining hall with a religious group also living at UCSD. In the evening, we participated in nightly programming activities such as making star jars, painting our clay creations, and calisthenics at Muir College.

Morning run view!

Yogurt World froyo!

Jessica Decorated RA Ella's Door!

Angela and Audrey's star jars!

Day 21 (7/30/23): Our day started off with some inside/free time, so many of us took trips to Target to buy last-minute materials like glitter for the COSMOS dance. In the afternoon, we had programs like water gun fights, cookie decorating, and tie-dying socks. We were allowed to go back into our rooms early to prep for the dance, so we helped each other get ready. The dance was so much fun! The theme was "A Night Under the COSMOS," so we were encouraged to use a lot of glittery and galaxy-like outfits :). We drank some more delicious mocktails, took Polaroids at the photo booth, and danced on the Canyon Vista/JK Wood Lounge patio. At night's end, the COSMOS dance royals from each cluster were announced. For cluster 10, Andrew Dong and Grace Xu were crowned, and our cluster RA Jay was one of the RA royals! 

Cluster 10 group photo at the dance, featuring our RAs, Jay and Layla! <3

Cluster 10 royals Andrew Dong and Grace Xu!

Trevin and Vinay chilling.

Trevin and Millan observing the mosh pit.

RA Jay!

Guys in the Photobooth!

Guys with RA Jay!

Photoshoot in 0.5!

Day 22 (7/31/23): Today was the second day of creating our final project! For our entire week, our work days were completely the same, it was just final project work time. Some groups prototyped through cardboard while others were sketching through OnShape's CAD. Cluster assistants and professors guided and helped out on mainly mechanics and new Python libraries, such as the speaker! Speakers and camera shooting were really popular among these projects! As for programming, today was also talent show day! Some people sang while others danced! RA Max and Hannah covered songs while RA Alisha and Allan (Ms. Frizzle) MC'd! Jay (Cluster 10 RA) and David (Cluster 11 RA) performed a duet of Xiao Pingguo (Little Apple)! There was also a dance competition amongst clusters. Each cluster had to choose a person to take part of the competition. In our case, Natalie danced for us! Overall, the day was amazing!


Ms. Frizzle, RA Alissha, and RA Melody "fighting" (Roleplay)

Cluster dance-off! Shout-out to Natalie for repping cluster 10!

Glizzy eating contest (inspired superlative #8 below)

Day 23 (8/1/23): Another full day of lab work! Some of us went to the Design Studio across the hall to laser cut sketches and 3-D print models we CAD-ed using OnShape, while others worked on foam and cardboard prototypes. A lot of cool robots started taking form (ex. the shadow-boxing robot, security camera robot, and cup-grabbing robot). Our cluster TAs continued to help us debug our code and solve hardware issues. After a hard day at work, we enjoyed nightly activities such as one last Target Run, field game, slime, and the last evening run with RA Jay at the track.

Our PWM graveyard continues to grow as we work on our final projects :(


Laser cutting parts for final project robots!

Cluster 10 evening runners:

RA Jay, Millan, Andrew L., Shin, Natalie, Sophia, Himani, and Audrey

Day 24 (8/2/23): Same old work day! We worked on our projects and started to work on our scientific posters, referencing past Cluster 10 posters! Professors Nick and Curt and Cluster TAs helped and guided us through the building process of our project. As we got ever closer to finishing, we were also sad that it would almost be the final day of COSMOS. Programming occurred as always with activities such as Sticker Night & Macaroni Art, Crochet, Badminton, Karaoke, Basketball, and Run with RA Jay! Harlan Hall students got their boba drinks during suite time while looking at the full moon! 

Jessica's First Painting!

The Full Moon!

Sophia at Jay's sunset run!

Day 25 (8/3/23): Today was the last lab/full day :(. We all finalized our projects and all of managed to finish our robots! While some were suffering others were working on their presentations, which were literally scientific posters on a Google slide. At 3:00 PM, we hosted mock presentations with Cluster 2,  who studied kinetic engineering! First they should us their humungous marble runs (they were taller & wider than a person! and had huge elevators and systems). After finishing some last touches, we moved to Jacobs School of Engineering to set up for parent presentations for tomorrow! Today's programs included: Step it Up: Explore UCSD, Bob Ross (Paint Our Campus!), Coloring Night, and COSMOS Summer Book!

Jessica and Shin's Claw Machine Being Constructed!

Audrey and Angela's Scooping Robot

Last look at the whiteboard. We didn't short circuit at all on our last lab day! 🎉


Goodbye Video for the Lab!

Andrew D. wiring his Taylor Swift robot (He messed up on the wires; he tangled them)

Day 25 (8/4/23): Our final day here! We presented our final projects in a Jacobs Hall conference room. Parents rotated through different stations to see our projects individually and ask us questions. After the presentations, we were given certificates at an awards ceremony. Finally, it was time to say goodbye and move out. We're all so sad to leave 😭 Summer at COSMOS was so much fun through Res Life and Cluster Life D: !

Cluster 10 Superlatives

9. Most iconic duo - Grace S. and Grace X. (33.3%)

10.  Most likely to win the lottery and lose the ticket - Andrew D. (61.9%)

11. Most likely to become internet famous - Grace X. (42.9%)

12. Best music taste - Jay (Cluster 10 RA) (36.8%)

13. Most likely to get lost  - Andrew D. (60%)

14. Most likely to fail their driving test - Yuvika (38.1%)

15. Most likely to get run over by a bus - Andrew D. (38.1%)

16. Most likely to run over someone with a bus - Ishaan (33.3%)