Cluster 10: Robot Inventors

Week 3: Walking Robots


Sophia's and Ishaan's robot solving the maze challenge.

Day 12 (7/21/23): Today was competition day for Week 2's color maze robot!  Professor Nick and Curt set up an S-curve maze for everyone, including the TAs, to run their robots, which detect colored sticky notes for motor movement! Each team placed sticky notes for 3 minutes, then they run their robot for the remaining 5 minutes. However, even though we had our efforts in building, many teams did not finish the maze! For the first time in Robot Inventors' history, the first couple teams got the best timed runs in the competition! Afterwards, we were assigned with different teammates to begin our Week 3 project: Walking Robots.

Day 13 (7/22/23): Today, we visited the San Diego Zoo! We left before the beach group, so we got there relatively early without having to wait too long for the bus. We were allowed to explore the zoo on our own, but we had to stay in small groups. Some of the cool animals we saw included snakes, capybaras, red pandas, and elephants. We also bought some cute merch and plushies from the gift store. After a cluster group picture, we went back to UCSD and had some inside time before dinner. After dinner, we enjoyed some nightly programming such as tote bag painting and an evening run.

Cluster 10 group photo at the San Diego Zoo!

Himani, Sophia, Dayanara, and Grace Xu with their face paintings.

Yuvika, Sophia, and Dayanara take a mirror selfie at the gift shop.

Group photo in front of the lion statue in front of the park.

Cluster 10 group photo at the UCSD admissions talk.

Day 14 (7/23/23): We started off the morning with a lecture about college applications from an admissions officer at UC San Diego. She explained the whole process of how the UC application works and gave us tips on how to tackle the personal insight questions. After class, many chose to go to Target since the price center was closed (Boundaries were expanded!). Due to the rain after lunch, the afternoon programming was canceled, which meant we were able to have inside time till dinner. After dinner, we started getting ready for the casino night. The casino night was held on the second floor of Canyon Vista. It was nicely decorated and included poker, Texas Holdem, Roulette, and a Mocktail Bar! There were raffle tickets that were being given out for prizes such as a Sewing Machine, Lego flower set, Polaroid camera, roulette sets, and plushies. After casino night we headed back to our dorms for suite time and lights out.

Angela and Audrey taking a photo at the photo booth with our Cluster RA Layla!

Cluster RA Jay leading one of the poker games for the night. 

Delicious mocktails that were served.

Dayanara, Sophia, Yuvika and Andrew Dong enjoying the activities at Casino Night!

Day 15 (7/24/23): In the morning we were given another lecture by Professor Nick where he taught us more about CAD (this 3D building tool) and how to sketch items. Then we headed to the computer lab to practice sketching some shapes and creating some 3D objects using CAD, which was harder than it seemed. After lunch, we had an entire afternoon to work on our new project, building and racing a moving object without using motors or wheels (ex. using legs). Despite this challenge's apparent easiness, its difficulty was explained by Newton's third law of motion, which states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This means that every time you put something forward (ex. moving a leg forward), in order to pull it back, you would need to exert an equal force backward (meaning that you'd just not move). yooooo Physics 1 paid off. After class people went to various activities such as badminton, and a sunset tour at Gliderport (even though it was foggy to the point where you couldn't see anything lol  :(👌)

Sunset at Gliderport but it was too foggy to see.

Grace Xu, Dayanara, Himani, and Sophia semi-permanently dye their hair "vampire red"!!

Ella contributes to the hair dying process.

Day 16 (7/25/23): Today, we worked on our walking robot project! We worked on it half of our morning, but then, we went downstairs to our lecture classroom to discover a presentation with college students on their robotic projects and college application tips, especially for low income and first generation students. We also had a guest discovery lecture by Dr. Henrik Christensen, the head of Qualcomm Institute at UCSD. He talked to us about robots and autonomous vehicles. Afterwards, we visited Yogurt World, which had many great froyo flavors like matcha, chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and Thai tea! Meanwhile, others along with Cluster RA Jay gathered around after class to place down temporary tattoos on themselves!

Cluster RA Jay's temporary tattoo, supplied by Grace Sun.

Grace Xu and Dayanara visit Yogurt World! Now that our boundaries have expanded :)

A special presentation by students of 'Engineers for Exploration'!

Day 17 (7/26/23): As soon as we got to the lab, we continued working on our robots right away. Our teacher fellow Johnnie announced that the race would be held on Thursday, not Friday, which made us all panic. Fortunately, most groups were able to get at least a working prototype of their robot by the end of the day. Just before lunch, Professor Curt brought in some of his Engineers for Exploration interns to talk to us about their college experiences and work for E4E. Christopher Crutchfield, for example, had a rough start in high school due to his mental illness, but his journey through robotics was embraced in UCSD. Some of the projects they were working on included FishSense, a camera that can measure fish using lasers to determine ocean health, and Smartfin, a smart surfboard fin that collects data while surfing. After their introduction, we chatted with them some more about their interests and work, and they gave us some college advice. Our post-lunch lab time flew by as our cluster was hard at work tinkering with our mobile robots. When we walked back from class, some of us went on trips to Price Center and the bookstore. Our nightly programming activities included calisthenics, photography, karaoke, bracelet making, and an evening run with Jay.  

Yuvika and Sophia with their temporary tattoos.

Guest talk by Engineers for Exploration (E4E) interns

Sunset after RA Jay's afternoon run

Day 18 (7/27/23):  We started off the morning with a lecture about Women in STEM in which many successful women shared their experiences and stuggles to become what they are today which was very inspiring. After we showed our final project presentations to Professor Curt and Nick while others were adding final touches to their walking robots.  After lunch, we took a cluster group photo in front of the Bear statue near the CSE building. In the afternoon, we had some more presentations and a little bit of lab time before the big competition began. Most of the robots were able to successfully complete. In the end, Group 3 consisting of Shin and Audrey had the best time of 36 seconds, followed by Andrew L and Vinay with a time of 42 seconds. We ended the day by cleaning up and singing Shin happy birthday.

Cluster 10 group photo #1 in front of the CSE building Bear.

Cluster 10 group photo #2 in front of the CSE building Bear.

Grace Xu adjusting her and Ishaan's robot.

Nathan, Grace Sun, and Yuvika testing their robot.


Angela's and Sophia's moonwalking cat robot!


Vinay's and Andrew L's Turbotax (tax-evading) robot :)

Our whiteboard at the end of the week. Our "'s smoking" count went up by 10 this week. 🚭

Cluster 10 Newsletter Staff Reveal!

Writers: Andrew Dong, Audrey Doratan, Jessica Keodara, Yuvika Shiv

Photographers: Dayanara Hernandez, Angela Huang, Natalie Yang