( Eng.) Ms. Ralia's Grade 2B class 

Stop-Motion Animation

Exercises: Before we embarked on a collaborative narrative animation exercise we explored some of the possibilities of animating human subjects, paper, and clay. Cick on the links below to see our movies.


Pixilation ( Animating people)


Replacement Animation 

My Movie 6.MOV


Narrative Projects:

 We came up with the story of Blobby together as a class. Each student was given one page to animate. These animations where then exported as movie files and we copied and pasted the text we wrote together in class. 

Part 2 the adventures of Blobby and Bleabbi

The Adventures of Blobby and Bleabbi, Part 1: Friends forever

1 "Pixilated derives from the noun pixie, denoting the mythical, mischievous creature.2 One who is pixilated is under the sway of a figurative pixie or behaving in a pixielike manner. The word’s exact origins are not known, but it might have been a fanciful coinage influenced by other -ated words such as elated and titillated. The phrasal adjective pixie-led (which is listed in the OED, with the earliest example being from 1659) might also be a source."3 ( www.Grammarist.com, 2021)