The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig!

About The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig:

Produced by Mrs. Childs, Directed by Mr. Pierre

Big Bad Pig.pdf

Most of us know all about “The Three Little Pigs"-- a fable about three pigs who build three houses of different materials. A Big Bad Wolf blows down the first two pigs' houses, made of straw and sticks respectively, but can’t destroy the third pig's house, made of bricks.

Printed versions of this story date back to the 1840s,but the story itself is thought to be much older. The earliest version takes place in Dartmoor with three pixies and a foxbefore its best-known version appears in English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs in 1890. In 1993, however, a famous Greek children’s author, Dr Trivizas, a sociologist who is one of Greece’s leading writers for children, inverted the classic tale, calling it The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig. This book was a best seller and did well, winning a number of big prizes.

The class and Mr. Pierre thought it might be fun to write this story into a play and decided that it might be easier as a Readers’ Theatre piece. The students quickly got into their roles and even designed the minimal sets themselves. Hopefully you will all enjoy it as much as we initially did!

CAST (in order of appearance)

DUDE (a little wolf) James

ROCKY (a little wolf) Chance

NEWTON (a little wolf) Makel


BIG BAD PIG GabriellaMany, many thanks to...

Ms. Sabrina and Ms. Julia for so quickly getting into the spirit of this play with their students. They not only wrangled students, helping them to stay in character, but even had to learn the lines— just in case.

Thanks for being so patient and good-natured! Mr. Pierre for his very clever--albeit a bit unusual-- Script, his acting advice and sense of humor.

Many thanks to our stars for the time and effort they took to learn their lines

Many thanks go to Chance, who managed to finish his drawings in time to appear in this program on the cast page. They add a cute and interesting touch!

And, as always, a special thanks to Mr. Daskalakis for his dramatic vision, his patience and his generosity.

We love love love our wonderful theatre space! As for, you, our wonderful audience: We are so delighted to have you out there, cheering us on. We appreciate your laughter, and especially your applause.

Click here to download the program