I Have Lost My Cat

I've lost My Cat 2021.pdf

I've Lost my Cat

A musical play featuring Ms. Romano’s Grade 1/2 class,
Directed and written by Mr. Pierre, Produced by Ms. Childs

St. Gabriel School’s Oasis Theatre

The play "I've Lost My Cat" is based on the book by the same name written by Philipe Beha. Over the past couple of years, we have performed this play several times with different classes and have always enjoyed ourselves immensely. This year, it seemed like the perfect play to start off the season—and for our Grade 1/2 class to have some fun onstage. Even better, we discovered that our student teacher, Ms. Emma, had a marvelous singing voice! (Watch for her as Greyling the cat.) We hope you have as much pleasure watching this as we all have had putting it together for you. (Dramamania: Mrs. Childs & Mr. Pierre Our motto: “We make stuff up!”)