Gingerbread Man

The Gingerbread Man

Featuring Ms. Alison’s Grade 2 class November 17, 2021

Gingerbread Man Play Program.pdf

The Gingerbread Man (also known as The Gingerbread Boy) is a folktale that first appeared in print in May 1875. In the original version, a childless old woman bakes a gingerbread man who leaps from her oven and runs away. The woman and her husband give chase but are unable to catch him. The gingerbread man then outruns several farmworkers and farm animals, taunting them all the while.

In this version, our class decided to have Canadian animals chasing our gingerbread man in addition to the farm animals. This is why you will see a moose, bears, a beaver, a raccoon, and even an owl trying to catch the elusive gingerbread man.