Stone Soup


Starring Grade 1 students and Logan Kovak from Grade 5
Produced by Mrs. Childs, Directed by Mr. Pierre

Stone Soup is a European folk story in which hungry strangers convince the people of a town to each share a small amount of their food in order to make a meal that everyone enjoys. The story exists as a moral regarding the value of sharing. In other variations of the story, the stone is replaced with other common inedible objects, and therefore the fable is also known as axe soup, button soup, nail soup, and wood soup. In the French, Hungarian and Russian versions of the tale, the travelers are soldiers returning home. In the Hungarian version, a single starving soldier encounters several hardships on his journey back to his homeland. At the end of the story, he sells the rock to the villagers after eating the soup. In Russian tradition, a soldier prepares something called "axe*( kasha) . But then, the tale ends with the soldier taking the axe when leaving, claiming he will eat it on the road.