Finding Balance in the Digital Era

Having a well-balanced life is about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We aim to exercise, eat healthy, be kind, balance work and family time. How does the ever-evolving access to digital media affect that balance? We use digital means to count steps, meditate, connect with others, get informed, shop, play, and much more. How can we make sure we balance our use of the devices & media that surround us, with all the other activities going on? It’s much more than merely the number of minutes or hours spent on or off screens. Here are a few quick tips that may help you and your family stay connected with one another in various ways and maintain your desired balance.

Watch and play together with the younger ones. This is always true, but especially when your family’s outside activities are limited. Watching videos together and having conversations about what you are watching is a great way to strengthen the bond between family members, as is playing games, both online and offline.

Talk about what you do with your teens while using your devices and share what comes up. Have a contest about who will have the silliest thing showing up in their feed, no matter which app is used.

Co-Viewing With Your Kids - Tip Sheet

2. Model the Behaviour You Want to See

Kids, no matter their age, will very often mirror our own behaviours. The way our kids use their devices is often influenced by how their parents and other adults around them use theirs. Ask yourself if you are modelling the types of behaviours you would like to see your kids have. 

3. Establish Clear Family Rules

Create a family plan. When possible, decide together when devices can be used and when they have to be put away. Also, discuss what types of media can be used and what is off limits (ex. age-appropriate). For example, you could have device-free dinners. 

Why not make a limited device use family challenge that will spark conversation about desired behaviour.

4. Identify Digital Well-Being

There is device use and there is how we feel when using those devices. Check in with your kids and teens about how playing a game or looking through different types of media is something that should be pleasant. Ask them how they feel when they are on their devices. Here are questions you could ask.




Encourage kids to keep the constructive activities and let go of the rest. Also remind them that no matter what happens, you will be there to help. As you know, making mistakes is a big part of learning.

5. Family Routine

There is no one right way of dealing with the digital world. You need to do what is best and what works for your family.

Additional Resource

Common Sense Media offers review of apps, games books and movies for age level and content.

Inspired in part by Common Sense Education and Media Smarts