
Information, media and the availability of devices today are wonderful for learning, access to information, allowing kids to have a voice, and even reaching out to anyone in the world in seconds. 

As parents, although we see all the potential, there might also be worry for our children's safety. The same way we once learned to cross the street, there are many things to keep in mind when being online, help our children's develop the necessary reflexes similar to the ones stopping them from crossing when a bicycle or a car is coming towards them. 

Safety in the digital era should be looked at from two angles. People safety and device security. 

Keeping People Safe

Securing Your Devices

An essential step to keeping your stuff safe online is of course to have a good password for each of the sites and apps you use. But how can you help your children create passwords strong enough to be safe, and yet also something that they can remember?

Can you come up with a password that would take a computer 100 years to break? 1000 years?  Here is a fun tool to test the strength of possible passwords.



If you would like to learn more about safety and cybersecurity, you may want to look at the tips below that addresses both how to protect people and devices.