Behind the Scenes
Data Tracking
Generated from Google Forms, this sheet tracked the number of books students logged. Fancy formulas helped us identify student grades, calculated total number of books read, and served to help us track prize distribution.
This magic solution allowed students see their own totals without adult intervention in a personalized data dashboard. Formally known as Google Data Studio, this visualization tool has powerful implications in education.
21-22 Stickers
We used a license with the Noun Project and Canva tools to develop custom art for each challenge.
22-23 Stamps
For our Space Passport stamps, we bought custom stamps from this company for less than $10 each.
End of Year Certificates
In May, we opened the generated 40 Book Challenge spreadsheet and ran the Autocrat Extension to create individual certificates for each student that entered the Challenge and logged 10 or more books.
Autocrat is a merge tool that takes data from a spreadsheet and puts into placeholders designed in Google Docs. We used it to make personalized certificates of achievement at the end of the year.
40 Book Celebration GameS
21-22 Break-Out Game
The final prize was a 20-30 minute break-out game called "The Problem with Dot." We used a subscription escape-room template to create the game. A mash-up of digital instructions and physical hidden clues guided gameplay.
A desktop computer in the library core guided students through the game along with physical clues.
High School Collaboration
High school students from Media Arts courses assisted us to create this video embedded within the breakout game to solidify the story.