
Step 1: Choose your site

Look over the list of sites in our shared Google folder and pick one. Make sure to add your name in the shared document next to your chosen site. First come, first served, but make sure to sign up by Fri., Feb. 5.

After you've chosen your site, visit Prof. Paga's office hours to talk over your choice.

Step 2: Research

Start delving into your site! Take a look in our textbooks first for general discussion and bibliographic suggestions; there are also some useful books listed at the end of the syllabus. Then, take advantage of the resources of Swem - online books, ILL, databases, and more. You can even schedule a virtual meet-up with Paul Showalter, the research librarian for Classical Studies. There are also useful websites linked on our Bb page.

Make sure to focus on primary sources: archaeological remains and any ancient texts. Use secondary sources as supplements. Your site page should include at least 1 plan and 1 image of the site or region (or a map, if appropriate), individual sections for history and archaeological remains, and a bibliography of at least 5 sources.

Step 3: Create your page

Start creating your page! Experiment with different layouts, think about the sizing of your images, and use the <embed> function for links to other online sources. If your topic overlaps with another student's topic, make sure to share resources and coordinate your pages to be complimentary. For more details about how to use Google Sites, check out the YouTube instructional video posted to our Bb site.

Share and present

Get ready to "Publish!" Finalize all details and test all your links. Then walk us through your page during class and share your research.