
All about Classical Athens

This website was developed by the students in CLCV 352: Classical Athens, taught in Spring 2021 at William & Mary by Prof. Jess Paga. Over the course of 15 weeks, students learned about the history and archaeology of ancient Athens, from the Neolithic Period to the 4th century B.C.E., with particular focus on the 6th-5th centuries B.C.E. This website represents the independent research by the students about various sites and topics related to Attika.

The Students

Academy: Johnny Clapham

Acharnai: Sebastian Radecki

Aegina: Calvin Kim

Brauron: Camryn Claude

Ikarion: Emily MacKenzie

Laurion silver mines: Matthew Clark

Long Walls: Grace Ford-Dirks

Marathon: Jennifer Lowe

Mt. Hymettos: Claudia Santa Anna

Mt. Pentele marble quarries: Matt Levinson

Oropos - Amphiareion: Collin Lillie

Pallene: Kersey Neal

Piraeus - harbors and port features: Andrew Chilton

Piraeus - deme site: Jake Johnston

Rhamnous - deme site: Olivia D’Alessio

Rhamnous - sanctuary: Jana Considine

Rural Dionysia & deme theaters: Elizabeth Kuiken

Sacred Way: Katy Shinas

Salamis: Mae Dye

Sounion - Poseidon: Emma Capaldi

Sounion - Athena: Olivia Anderson

Thorikos: Gabriella Coronado

Vari: Al Chiesa