Scanning from home

Simple Scanning

Scanning from home is easy if you have a smartphone. First, download a Scanner app. If you have an iPhone or iPad, we suggest Scannable by Evernote. If you have an Android device, try an app like Adobe Scan.

What you'll need:

A Smartphone and either Scannable (iPhone) or Adobe Scan (Android). Click on a link below to get started.

Scannable Quick Start Guide (for Apple)

Get Started with Adobe Scan (for Android)

Document Camera / Scanner Bed

Some of you may need an impromptu document camera if you're going to mark up a text or if you have a book you want to scan. Watch this simple tutorial to see how to build your own document camera with just a cardboard box and exacto knife in less than 30 minutes.

What you'll need:

Cardboard box, Exacto Knife or other sharp blade, Ruler, Pencil


Make a document scanner with a cardboard box, an exacto knife, and an iPhone