
Collecting assignments during a campus closure is fairly straightforward, since many instructors already collect work electronically. The main challenge during a campus disruption is whether students have access to computers, as anyone needing a campus computer lab may be unable to access necessary technologies.

Keep these principles in mind:

Require only common software:

Students may not have access to specialty software located in on-campus computer labs. Be prepared for alternative solutions for those type s of assignments.

State expectations, but be ready to allow extensions:

In the case of a campus closure or other crisis, some students will undoubtedly have difficulties meeting deadlines. Make expectations clear, but be ready to provide more flexibility than you normally would in your class.

Tools for assignments

Blackboard Assignments

The assignment feature in Blackboard allows for quick and easy grading for online submissions. Assignments allow you to create coursework and manage the grades and feedback for each student separately. When an assignment is created in Blackboard it will automatically create a Grade Center column where each student submission is stored and ready for grading.


Panopto Assignments

A Panopto assignment (Lecture Capture tool) allows students to submit video recordings. This can be especially useful for students submitting presentation-type assignments.


Presented by the Studio for Teaching & Learning Innovation in coordination with Information Technology and W&M Libraries.
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