Will's Artist Statement

In approaching my work, I always feel that the medium is subservient to the story. We all deserve to explore the endless possibilities of the imagined, and there should be no boundaries in place to prevent this. My artwork serves as a refuge between reality and what we can only dream of, a place of imaginative play where all are welcomed. Sometimes my artwork speaks to many; other times, it speaks to just one person. Whatever the case may be, we all deserve a good story that suspends all belief.. And that is the intention behind every image I produce.

Drawing, like for many artists, is the medium I am the most familiar with and, of course, the safest for me to fully bring my ideas to life. It serves as the foundation for all I wish to do going forward. Printmaking is a progression to this- it takes skills that I have actively sought to hone and makes me question them on each and every block. Just the act of carving during the relief cut process is one of immense decision-making for me and reinforces what I have built my art career upon. I appreciate both mediums for their rich histories and how they make the idea of profiting as an artist seem more obtainable. 

Through my art, I strive to engage, challenge, and inspire my viewers, inviting them on a journey of self-discovery and exploration. Ultimately, my goal is to create a meaningful and lasting impact through my work, touching the hearts and minds of those who experience it.