Art History  Colloquium

Now in its fifth year, the Art History Senior Research Colloquium was under the guidance of Professor Catherine Levesque. This is the required capstone seminar for Art History concentrators, with a focus on expanding and refining a research paper already written for an earlier art history course, and on the delivery of a related public presentation. 

The student presenters included:

Donovan Watters / Maeve Marsh / Isabel Schreur / Tara Vasanth

This year's Keynote speaker was Dr. Melissa Kerin of Washington & Lee University. Her lecture, Social Networks of Shrines: Some Notes on Tibetan Buddhist Shrines in Diaspora

Art History Colloquium  2023 presenters (right to left): Tara Vasanth, Isabel Schreur, Daniel Watters, Maeve Marsh, and
Dr. Melissa Kerin