Azaria'h's Artist Statement

My everyday experiences, dispositions, and memories compose the scope of my work. My work portrays living subjects and everyday objects that I use to create compositional balance, the supporting structure for forms in space, and depictions of mundane moments. I use the repetition of forms to depict motion, the passage of time, and the emphasis on the unchanging reality of the everyday. Moreover, I constantly rework my pieces to strengthen their compositions, searching for accurate and proportional forms. I want my struggles and failures in the art process to connect with the content and give new insight into the mundane object or situation.


My works are snapshots of my day-to-day life, revealing the fidelity of my mundane realities. Many artists, including Edgar Degas, Édouard Vuillard, Mary Cassatt, and William Kentridge, inspire and inform me. Their artwork asks the viewer to reconsider the mundane as new and exciting; thus, they create artist-viewer conversations that inform how my art speaks to an audience. I primarily use charcoal to create linear works. As I become more experienced with drawing, I have explored other mediums, including digital illustration and painting, and have broadened my approach to include a greater range of tonal possibilities. Painting and digital illustration have allowed me to redefine my art style and reflect on the artist I want to become. I learn to better represent my thoughts and goals through experimentation with new mediums. Ultimately, I want my works to interact with the viewer by sparking connections to individual experiences and self-reflection.