Blake Disc Golf

Our Goal

Standard 5 of the 'National Physical Education Standards' states “The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.” As part of our alignment with the National Standards, a goal of our department has been to foster students’ interest in pursuing recreational activities outdoors. Disc golf leads to opportunities for socialization and fun physical activity which can be enjoyed by members of the community of all abilities. Like Blake’s mission statement, the sport of disc golf focuses on community. It is a sport which embraces sportsmanship, exploration and physical activity while providing an opportunity for all to participate.

In the fall of 2016 the Blake Wellness Department was able to purchase 9 disc golf baskets thanks to a generous grant from the Medfield Coalition for Public Education (MCPE). We broke ground in 2017 and created our very own sprawling course just beyond the baseball and softball fields lining the Blake Middle School campus.

Disc golf is the perfect outdoor recreational activity. It can be done individually or in groups, with minimal equipment and is fun for all participants, no matter their experience or skill level.

Disc golf has been a wonderful activity this fall to allow us to keep physically distant, yet physically active and social. Before and after gameplay all participants are shown how to wipe down/ disinfect their individual disc.

Curious about other Disc Golf Courses?? Check out this link: Disc Golf Courses in Massachusetts

Must- Knows before you use the course!

Ticks - When in New England, and when in the woods, you must always be mindful of your surroundings. Familiarize yourself with the tick identification card shared by the Massachusetts Department of Health and conduct routine tick checks after completing the course. Adult ticks are most active during the fall and spring but may also be out searching for a host any time that winter temperatures are above freezing.

Poison Ivy- Another element of New England wooded areas to be mindful of is poison ivy. Be sure to keep both eyes open for this pesky plant to avoid any itchy consequences. Follow the general rule of "Leaves of three, let it be" and stick to the marked/ walked paths to avoid any chances of irritation.

(Picture of Poison Ivy in the Fall season)

Caring for the Course- Medfield thrives off it's community involvement and engagement. Participants of disc golf understand they too are a member of a small community. In order to keep our course clean and cared for it is important for EVERYONE to chip in. Bring out what you bring in!- Please do not leave any wrappers or trash behind, and if you spot some that isn't yours, pick it up and place it in one of the barrels near the baseball/ softball fields when done. If you see any downed branches or obstructions that you can safely move out of the way- don't hesitate! If you care for the course, it will be contagious!