Dr. Elizabeth Matthews

Elizabeth Matthews

Elizabeth Matthews, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE is Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering Technology and Associate Director of the MALT Industrial Assessment Center at Louisiana Tech University. She received her PhD in Engineering Science from Louisiana State University in 2015. Her area of expertise is sustainable and resilient construction of structures and infrastructure.

Latest News

Louisiana Tech University’s Trenchless Technology Center (TTC) Styrene Emission Research Receives International Research Awards (Oct 2022) - Read More

Topic 2 Dept. of Energy Industrial Assessment Center Award (Nov 2022) - Commercial Building Assessment Pilot Program Funding Awarded to the MALT Industrial Assessment Center at Louisiana Tech

Topic 1 Dept. of Energy Industrial Assessment Center Award (July 2021) - Industrial Facility Assessment Program Funding Awarded to the MALT Industrial Assessment Center at Louisiana Tech

BoR RCS Project Awarded (June 2021) - Enhanced Investigation of Material Flood Damage to Support Multi- Scale Flood Damage Prediction

NASSCO Phase 3 Awarded (April 2021) -Advanced Styrene Emissions Study of CIPP Pollutant Sources

NASSCO Phase 2 Project Complete (February 2020) - Environmental Impact of Steam Cured CIPP Technology (Final Report NASSCO Phase 2).