Exercise 2

As a team, create a max 5 page report on a particular category of pulse oximeter. Use illustrations, references to patents and scientific peer reviewed articles whenever possible. Citations do not count towards the page limit. Font size is Arial 11 and margins are 0.5 inch all around. In addition to the report please prepare a 5 minute team presentation that outlines the device.

For this report please use the Medical Device Design Analysis Template

In comparison to Exercise 1, more in depth description of the working principle, materials, fabrication techniques and especially clinical need is required.

Here are some examples on pulse oximeter variants:

Head band type oximeter (picture 1)

Team 1,5

Foot type for infants (picture 2)

Team 2,6

Approved medical device for diagnosis (picture 3)

Team 3,7

Fitness wearable device (picture 4)

Team 4,8