African American/ Black and Puerto Rican/ Latino Studies A

African American/Black And Puerto Rican/Latino Studies A (0770) Credit 1.0

The course is an opportunity for students to explore accomplishments, struggles, intersections, perspectives, and collaborations of African American/Black and Puerto Rican/Latino people in the U.S. Students will examine how historical movements, legislation, and wars affected the citizenship rights of these groups and how they, both separately and together, worked to build U.S. cultural and economic wealth and create more just societies in local, national, and international contexts. Coursework will provide students with tools to identify historic and contemporary tensions around race and difference; map economic and racial disparities over time; strengthen their own identity development; and address bias in their communities.

Prerequisite: The course is intended for seniors and juniors who have completed at least 1 year of US history or Modern World History.