
Orchestra students sometimes have the opportunity to conduct in rehearsals and performances.

Orchestra (0280) Credit 1.0

This course is open to any student who has achieved reasonable proficiency on the violin, viola, cello or bass. Any 10-12th grade woodwind, brass or percussion player will be admitted by audition/teacher approval. This ensemble joins the String Ensemble during evening rehearsals, concerts, school assemblies and festivals. Evening rehearsals and concerts are curricular and required for course credit.

String Ensemble Honors (0288) Credit 1.0

This course is open to string students in grades 10-12 by teacher approval. Students will focus on advanced string ensemble literature as well as advanced string technique. Students will be required to participate in one festival audition as well as perform the required audition piece for the class. String Ensemble members will join the ELHS Orchestra during evening rehearsals, concerts, school assemblies and festivals. Evening rehearsals and concerts are curricular and required for course credit. Prerequisite: Orchestra and/or previous experience.