WISE Junior/Senior Independent Study

WISE Junior/Senior Independent Study (0843)/Honors option (0841) Credit .5

WISE is a junior/senior independent study based on student interest and choice. Projects must demonstrate a learning stretch. Components of the course include in depth research guided by essential questions, daily journals, time log (90 credit hours), development of a mentoring relationship with a faculty member, experiential community opportunities (job shadows/interviews), individual portfolio development, and a final presentation of projects. Soft skills such as time management, effective communication, problem solving, and independent work ethic are emphasized.

Honors Option –During initial project development, those seeking honors credit will present a written proposal/justification to the WISE teacher. Honors credit will be awarded based on successful completion of all course expectations as well as a community internship (minimum of 20 verified semester hours), the addition of a community mentor, an internship log, and research expectations that exceeds the course minimum of 12 scholarly sources.