Human Development/ UCONN ECE

Human Development / UCONN ECE (Early College Experience) (0845) Credit 1.0

This course is designed as an introduction to the field of Human Development and Family Science. This

course will provide students with an understanding of individual and family development over the life span. Community based internship experiences will be required and will include many community and school related facilities and organizations. Students will have the opportunity to apply for UConn college credit in the UConn Early College Experience Program. This hands-on, laboratory class is strongly recommended for those students interested in pursuing a career in the fields of Elementary or Secondary Education, Early Childhood Education, Psychology or Allied Health (medical or nursing professions).

Guidelines for acceptance into the course are set by UConn: Students must maintain a C average to receive UConn credit. Application fee required for UConn credit.

Prerequisite: Gr 11&12 - FCS teacher or counselor recommendation (Student transportation required.)de