For parents

Why should I participate in research?

We are a non-profit, university-affiliated organization seeking to improve our collective understanding of infant development. Advancements in knowledge of child development is made possible through the support of parents like you. Our findings could be used to improve early learning opportunities for infants, which can lead to better outcomes later in childhood. Similarly, some of our findings could inform interventions for at-risk children.  

Our team is comprised of Elon University undergraduate students. Your participation directly supports their ability to meet degree requirements, improve their skill sets, and build their professional identities. Many of our students go on to become clinicians, teachers, school psychologists, occupational therapists, to name a few examples. 

We hope that participation in research is a new and exciting opportunity for you and your baby. Parents often love bringing their babies to the lab simply to give their babies an opportunity to experience new things and meet new people. Most of our studies involve watching your baby play and interact with toys, which means they can have fun AND contribute to scientific knowledge all at once! 

How do I get involved?

If you are interested in potentially participating in a research study, you can simply sign up to be entered into our database of potential participants. The database is password-protected and is stored on a secure computer in our lab, which only trained lab members have access to. Signing up to be included in the database in no way obliges you to participate in research. We simply use your contact information from the database to call or email you to invite you to participate in a study your baby may be eligible for based on their skill level or age. At that time, you will be told the specifics of the study and asked whether you would like to participate in that particular study. 

You can sign up to be included in the database of potential participants by:

What will my baby do in the lab?

In most of our studies, your baby will be prompted to play with toys and furniture in our lab. They may also interact with you or a trained, child-friendly member of the lab. When we invite you to participate in study, we will provide you with all of the specific information about it and answer any questions. 

Learn more about our current studies here

How long will my baby and I be in the lab?

Appointment lengths vary, but typically, sessions last between 30 to 60 minutes. 

Where will I park?

We have free parking available near the building where you will be participating. We will meet you outside before your appointment to give you a parking pass. 

Click here to view a map

Will I be able to stay with my baby during the appointment?

Yes, parents always stay with their infants. During the study, your baby will either be on your lap or you will be seated such that your baby is within arm’s reach. 

Is it okay if I bring my other children along?

Yes, that’s absolutely fine! We have a waiting room connected to our testing room so your infant’s sibling will have plenty of room. Please let us know in advance so we can arrange to have a babysitter attend the session and help keep an eye on your infants’ sibling. 

Do I need to bring anything with me?

Please feel free to bring any small items you think will help your baby feel more comfortable in the lab (for example, a favorite toy, or a snack). Our lab is accessible by stroller and there is a changing table in the women’s restroom across the hall from the lab. Additionally, we may ask you to provide dates when your infant learned certain motor milestones (for example, sitting, crawling, standing, etc.). It may be helpful to consult baby calendars/diaries before the session, or scroll through timestamped videos or pictures on your electronic devices. It could be helpful to bring those dates/records with you to the visit. 

Will I be paid for participating?

Your baby will usually receive a photo from the visit and a certificate of completion for their participation, even if they stop participating before the study is completed. In a few studies, we may provide you with a small monetary compensation for your time but if this is the case, it will be explained prior to participation. 

Can I help my child during the appointment?

 We usually ask parents not to help their children during their participation, because we want to obtain accurate assessments of what children at that specific age range can do.

Will you be able to tell me how my child did? Do you evaluate motor skills?

We look at trends across large groups of children at specific ages, so we do not evaluate or ‘score’ your child’s performance. If you are concerned about your child’s development, please contact a pediatric physician.


Please feel free to call us at (336) 278-6262 or contact us via e-mail at!