Current projects

Our research aims to understand how infants acquire new motor skills, postures, and forms of locomotion, and how they learn to use their bodies for manipulation and exploration of their environments. We are also interested in the role of caregivers in these processes.

Please email us at if you are interested in participating in one of the studies listed below. 


This study aims to gain more insight into father-infant play, fathers’ beliefs about risk-taking and risky play, and what fathers believe their role is in challenging their infants to stimulate development. Participants must be a first-time father with an infant aged 1-10 months, be currently living in the United States, and be at least 18 years of age. 

This study can be completed entirely online - fathers will first be asked to participate in a scheduled interview over Zoom with a researcher, and afterwards will be invited to participate in an online survey, which can be done on their own time.

The role of locomotor experience in planning and problem solving in an object retrieval task 

This study aims to understand how learning to walk affects planning and problem-solving abilities in a toy retrieval game. Infants are observed over 4 to 6 weekly sessions as they gain walking experience. We aim for infants who participate in this study to begin participation within one week of walking onset. Participants are invited to come to our lab on Elon University's campus for these weekly appointments.