Parent questionnaire: Thoughts about the upbringing and motor skills of babies

Thank you for your interest in our research in the Infant Development Lab at Elon University!

We are conducting an online research survey study to understand relationships between parental beliefs about motor development in infancy and infant motor behaviors.

Participants are asked to complete an online survey, which can be filled out in about 30 minutes, in one session.

You are eligible to participate in this survey if:

  • You are an adult at least 18 years of age

  • You are an English-speaking resident of the USA

  • You are the parent of a 1- to 7-month-old infant

  • Your infant is your first-born child

Parents who participate may enjoy reflecting on their baby’s development, which could inspire them to learn more about their child’s behaviors. In addition, findings from this study will help clinicians understand parents’ beliefs about infant motor development, and the impact those beliefs may have on the effectiveness of interventions and subsequently infants’ motor habits.

Our team is currently collecting data from parents living in the USA, as part of a larger cross-cultural research project. Our collaborators are based out of Utrecht University and the University of Haifa.

To sign up to take the survey, please provide your contact information using the sign up button to the right, or email us at

Please watch the video to the left to hear more about our research study!

[For optimal viewing, please view in Google Chrome and ensure your speakers are turned on.]

Frequently asked questions:

Can my partner also take the survey?

    • Yes! If you parent your baby with a partner, they are more than welcome to participate in the study as well.

What if my baby is not yet 1 month old?

    • Please go ahead and reach out to us if you're interested in participating! We will follow up with you when your baby is old enough for you to participate in the survey.