Computational Social Science Workshop


On the oppotunity of visit of Prof. Kimmo Kaski (Aalto University, Finland), we organize the following workshop on computational social science.

(Kimmo Kaski 先生を交えた計算社会科学のワークショップを開催します。)


Talk of Prof. Kimmo Kaski

Social Physics: Data-Driven Studies of Social Networks


Aalto University School of Science, Espoo, Finland

Wolfson College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

The Alan Turing Institute, London, UK

Complexity Science Hub, Vienna, Austria

Center for Computational Social Science, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan


Social Physics of today focuses on studying large-scale socially and societally relevant datasets using Network Theory based data analysis and computational modelling, to get unprecedented insight into social network structures and processes therein. This has been demonstrated e.g., by our analysis of a mobile phone dataset, where we find the social network having modular structure of communities with stronger internal but weaker external ties. As the data includes the phone users’ demographics, i.e., gender and age, we have been able to investigate the nature of social interactions from the egocentric viewpoint and get a deeper insight into the gender and age-related social behavior patterns and dynamics of human relationships, across their lifespan. Fusing open data from country statistics and geophysical records with the mobile phone data, we have also got insight into the daily and seasonal activity patterns of individuals and the society.

Keywords: Social Networks, Social Physics, Large-scale Data Analytics, Computational Modelling