Executive Functioning

Executive Functioning Overview

Students who struggle with executive functioning struggle with planning, problem-solving, organization, and time management. AT supports for EF can be low or high tech and allow students more independence both in the classroom and at home.

Executive Functioning Supports

Chrome allows you to manage the extension that are "pinned" to your extension bar by clicking on the gray puzzle piece all the way to the right on the extension bar. Extensions that are "pinned" will show at all time, while other may be accessed only when needed by clicking on the puzzle piece.

Browser Notifications

Many applications or browsers allow for notifications that can alter the student to remind them of appointments, new emails, reminders to update software etc.


Visual timers allow students to see how long they have to complete tasks.

Web Based Document Management

Allows students to organize work electronically, where papers and homework cannot be lost.

To Do Lists

Allow students to create lists for individual assignments, school days, semesters etc.

Calendar Applications

Allows students to schedule appointments, map out schedules, include assignment due dates etc.

Visual Schedules

Allows students access to visuals, auditory feedback, video modeling, and timers to complete tasks for both academic and functional routines.

Note Taking applications

Using technology for note taking can allow students to save handwritten notes, typed notes, audio files, drawings etc.

**For a full list of D205 SOPPA approved resources, please visit the Approved Technology page.

Low Tech Executive Functioning Supports

  • Use of Sticky notes to give written directions

  • ReVibe Watch- wearable watch that allows text notifications

  • Use of reminders in Google Calendar to plan out longer assignments

  • Use of timer or alarm to help structure work time or remember tasks

  • Visual Schedule

  • Visual reminders to required/repeated tasks