Scarcity Project

Step 1: Select a Topic from the list:

Use ProQuest elibrary to begin research. Pro tip: If you select a topic that is a "research topic" from elibrary, their researchers have pre-vetted sources for you. This will save you considerable time! Use the term, "Research Topic: ____________". If you just search for the term without the words research topic you will get one article at a time.

Step 2: Choose a side either Abundance is our future (solutions) or scarcity will have to be dealt with (limits)

Deep Research

Gale: In Context Science or Opposing Viewpoints- articles, images, primary sources

ProQuest elibrary- articles, images, primary sources

JSTOR: scholarly articles

Search Terms: Remember that the more search terms you try (or different ways of looking up your topic), the more relatable articles you will find! Here are some suggestions:

You can use the topics: Drilling for Oil, Fracking, Global Warming, Natural Disasters and limit with another term scarcity

Example: offshore drilling and scarcity or fracking and scarcity


See EHS Library citation guide

Try Easybib works cited generator