Utopian and Dystopian Literature

Utopian and Dytopian Texts

Background Information:

Your research is only as strong as your sources. Begin your search with some secondary sources to gain an overview of your topic. Then drill down and use primary sources to gain a clearer understanding of your subject, free from the interpretation (and bias) of another. Always challenge yourself to understand who wrote/produced your information? When? For what purpose?

STEP 1: Selecting a Topic:

ProQuest: Elibrary- see research database above- has vetted sources and compiled research for you on topics.

Enter the search terms:

  • Research Topic: Cold War

  • Research Topic: 1950's Popular Culture

  • Research Topic: Red Scare

  • Research Topic: Television

  • Research Topic: Interstate Highway System

Gale: In Context U.S. History


The Dawn of Television Promised Diversity. Here’s Why We Got “Leave It to Beaver” Instead

Who Invented the TV Dinner?

American Bandstand Goes National

Civil Rights

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Brown v. Board of Education National Site

Brown vs. Supreme Court

Cold War/Atomic Bombs

The Cold War

Resource Guide

Cold War Stories

Red Scare

Hollywood Blacklist Collections

Images and Political Cartoons

1950's exhibit

Interstate Highway System

Primary Documents

History of the Interstate Highway System

Eisenhower's role in the highway

Gender Roles in the 1950's


PBS: Women in the 1950's

Postwar Gender Roles and Women in American Politics

Shift to Suburban Life

Shift to Suburban Life

Suburban Growth

The Rise of the Suburbs

MLA Format

Check out EHS Library- Citation page or LibGuide Citation

Note databases ProQuest and Gale give you the citation automatically!