ECE American Studies: Progressivism

Unit II Progressivism, World War I, and the Roaring 20's- Debate and Diplomacy

Videos: Introduction

Topic Overview: Selecting a Topic/Preview (click down arrow)

Britannica- see database page above- select High School

Use this resource to learn background information on your topic

Wikipedia- online encyclopedia, this can be compared with Britannica

The Process: Your research is only as strong as your sources. Begin your search with some secondary sources to gain an overview of your topic. Then drill down and use primary sources to gain a clearer understanding of your subject, free from the interpretation (and bias) of another. Always challenge yourself to understand who wrote/produced your information? When? For what purpose?

Gale In Context: U.S. History- see databases above- secondary and primary sources

ProQuest- Elibrary (click on the lighthouse picture)- search term: Research Topic: (enter your topic here)

UCONN- see database above- New York Times Historical

ProQuest- see databases above- NY Times Historical Newspapers

Primary Sources: Digging Deeper

Chronicling America

Historical Newspaper Archive

Digital Public Library of America

Highlights of collections from libraries, archives and museums .

National Archives

Guides to topics from the United States National Archives.

Full text of documents relating to the fields of history, law, politics, diplomacy, government and economics from the colonial era to the present


See EHS citation guide

Try Easybib works cited generator