Pre-K Themes

Tons of Pre-K activities and printables are sorted by theme unit here. Just click each button. Access my Theme Sequence using the button below to see what month I teach each theme.

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"The Most Magnificent Thing"

written by Ashley Spires

"The Most Magnificent Thing" - Self-Management (ages 3-7)

Self-management is the ability to effectively regulate your actions and emotions. This includes skills like managing stressful situations, setting and achieving goals, and persevering through challenges.

This book conveys to children that it’s okay to make mistakes. It also explores how children can acknowledge and respond to emotions like anger and frustration when things go unexpectedly.

"The Way I Feel"

written and illustrated by

Janan Cain

"The Way I Feel" - Self-Awareness (ages 2-8)

Self-awareness is the ability to understand your own inner world. This involves your feelings, thoughts, and values, and how they impact behavior and choices.

This book helps children name their feelings by connecting words to relatable emotions and inviting the reader to talk about those experiences. A key message of this book is that it’s okay to feel what you feel; emotions come and go, and they are neither good nor bad.

"All Are Welcome"

written by Alexandra Penfold

and Suzanne Kaufman

"All Are Welcome" - Social Awareness (ages 4-8)

Social awareness is the ability to understand other perspectives, offer compassion, and empathize with individuals from different backgrounds or cultures. It also entails an understanding of social norms, social systems, and appropriate behaviors.

In this book, a diverse group of children walk through a day at school, where each student is welcomed, supported, and celebrated for the unique aspects of who they are.

"The Day You Begin"

written by Jacqueline Woodson

illustrated by Rafael Lopez

"The Day You Begin" - Relationship Skills (ages 5-8)

Relationship skills allow children to create and sustain healthy, rewarding relationships with individuals of all backgrounds. Specific skills include the ability to listen and communicate effectively, cooperate and share with others, resolve conflict, stand up for others, and give or ask for help when needed.

This book teaches children about interacting and forming friendships with others by embracing an open, accepting, kind, and inclusive mindset. It also helps children build a healthier narrative around feelings such as not fitting in, as well as reframe negative perceptions of peers who seem "different."